Having a toddler on your hands is no easy task. They have their needs and lots of extra energy. At the same time, the everyday pace most of the parents deal with these days makes the parenting so much more difficult. It leaves parents with very little time to spend with their children. Not to mention the power of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and TV screens, which are all like a very powerful drugs that most kinds could stare at for hours.
As such it is, probably more than ever before, extremely important to find the best possible motivation to get your toddlers outdoors as often as possible. What better than to get your little one to play in the fresh air and at the same time be physically active? Luckily, there are quite many different options and things to do outside. To give you an idea or two for your next quality outdoors session, we did a little research to present you 5 amazing outdoor activities probably most suitable for your toddler.
As a responsible parent, it is up to you to determine the level of motoric skills development and phisical ability of your toddler and decide if they are up for a certain challenge. Yet, let us kindly ask you not to be overprotective of your children; most toddlers are tough enough to take on each of the following suggestions. They might not be very good at some of them at first, which should be just another small hurdle to overcome in their careless period of life. Those experiences will be priceless in a year or so.
Before we go any further, we must mention the amazing side effect of playing outdoors – your kid will sleep like a baby after being active out in the fresh air. You are welcome.
Riding a Tricycle
This one is great because it is equally easy to perform for both, those living in a house and those living in an apartment. It is also one of the activities that kids normally fall in love with quickly. However, the right choice of tricycle plays a very important role. For help check out our guide.
Make sure to protect your toddler accordingly – aside from the helmet, knee and elbow pads might not be a bad idea. For the best tricycle for toddlers visit summerpoolfun.com.
Ball Games
Motoric skills needed to catch and throw the ball are something every toddler should work on, Luckily most of them actually enjoy this sort of activities. Simple “throw and catch” is a great exercise. If your kid is at the beginner’s stage, he/she can start off by rolling the ball on the ground,
Certain aspects of soccer, if we can call it that way, also has some very simple moves, such as kicking the ball, that will without a doubt put a smile on your toddler’s cute face.
Whatever ball game you might choose, the thing you must pay attention to is the choice of the ball. Make sure the ball is soft and light enough so that it can’t hurt your child even if it hits him/her in the face.
Obstacle Games
Toddlers have a lot of imagination, as such this game has what it takes to be extremely exciting and a lot of fun. The grass can turn into lava or Nil river full of crocodiles in a blink of an eye. To give the imagination an extra hand, you can use some objects such as pool noodles, hula hoops, pillows, you name it. Set the rules and enjoy.
Again, make sure you chose objects that are rather soft and won’t cut your little one’s skin when s/he jumps on it or runs into it with the full speed.
Good Old Sandbox
If the weather is nice, this is definitely the one that your toddler will adore. Add some sandbox tools and you soon won’t be able to get him/her inside.
Make sure, the sandbox is covered when not in use or that the cats do not have access to it or it can be extremely unsanitary and potentially dangerous for your kid’s health.
A Walk in the Forest
Not everyone has a chance to do this on a daily basis, but even so, make sure to take your toddler into the nearest forest as often as possible. The air is ok in the parks, but the levels of oxygen and the power of nature are a lot more beneficial in the woods. You can learn about tree kinds and discover other plants. In addition, this is also one of the best opportunities to teach your child about the importance of trees and the appropriate way of treating mother nature.
Make sure to use some sort of agent to protect your toddler and yourself against the insects.
We hope we give you at least one or two fresh ideas or just reminded you of the importance to step out of the comfort zone yet again to spend some extra quality time outdoors with your toddler. This sort of habits will stay with him/her for life and will contribute greatly towards a healthier life of your kid in the future.