CAT exam is conducted by Indian Institute of Management. The exam is used to measure the logical and cognitive thinking ability of an applicant. The score from this exam is not only used for admission in IIM but also used for admissions into various other colleges throughout India. CAT exam is one of the most competitive exams in India which applicants take for getting admissions for a postgraduate management degree. The best management facilities are available in various branches of Indian Institute of Management. Indian institute of Management accept applicants on the basis of their scores of CAT exam.
These are a few tips to help you in your preparation for CAT exam and to outperform the competition:
- Quality Study – The key to score more in CAT exams is not by studying more but rather by studying in depth about the most important topics. If you are not focusing on anything else then it is advised to study about 6 to 8 hours a day. An applicant can study for 2 hours in a stretch and take a break of 15-30 minutes after that for effective studying.
- Focus – Your primary focus must be on studying during the study period. You must make sure that during the two hour study slot you do not deviate your focus on anything else and only focus solely on studying. Having studied for 2 hours with deviated focus will benefit you in no way.
- Weaker Areas – You can realise which areas and topics are more difficult for you compared to rest and focus on these areas. Having a good knowledge of which topics you are not great with and need to work on is an essential thing while you are trying to work on improving yourself. We usually have a temptation of reading the topic that we are comfortable with but rather we must focus on the weaker areas and improve those.
- Time management – Managing your time efficiently is the key to success in CAT exam. Solving the previous year papers with the same time limit will be essential in helping you understand your speed. Once you are familiar with your speed level then you must make changes to it according to what’s necessary. Keep a running watch next to you in order to stimulate the exam pressure and environment.
- Concepts – It is essential for you to have a good understanding of all the concepts and formulas. You must realise that CAT exam is not looking at your ability to memorize, it’s looking at your ability to apply the conceptual knowledge in application.
- Study Strategy – No new topic must be started 2 weeks before CAT exam. You must focus only on strong areas in the last two weeks before the exam. Last three to four days before the exam must be in a more relaxed manner. You must learn to feel confident in yourself and not take pressure or stress in the last 3 to 4 days.
Author: Sai Raja M
Sai Raja M is a college student who aspires to be an entrepreneur. His primary goal is to help other students choose a more meaningful and relevant career in their life.