Let dementia patients listen to songs, urge experts

Dementia sufferers can have their memory kick-started by listening to their favourite songs from the past, experts claim.

Playing familiar music can bring patients, who have been robbed of their memories by the devastating disease, ‘back to life’.

The British researchers want people to learn how to play instruments as they believe doing so could prevent the onslaught of dementia.

They presented their evidence in the House of Lords yesterday, in front of clinicians, charity leaders, academics, policymakers and MPs. 

Playing familiar music can bring patients, who have been robbed of their memories by the devastating disease, ‘back to life’

Baroness Sally Greengross, chief executive of the International Longevity Centre, which has set up a Commission on Dementia and Music, is behind the move.

She told them that regions of the brain associated with music memory may overlap with regions that are left relatively unscathed by dementia.

‘People with dementia have largely been denied the power of meaningful music,’ she said. ‘They often live in a silent world yet music can bring a person back to life.’

Baroness Greengross added ‘not enough’ was being done to give dementia patients access to music – despite the growing body of evidence it can help. 

The commission presented their findings, which included written evidence from more than 50 experts, The Daily Express reports.

It revealed that dementia patients can still understand and enjoy music, even if their brain has been badly damaged by the disease.


Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a range of progressive neurological disorders, that is, conditions affecting the brain.

There are many different types of dementia, of which Alzheimer’s disease is the most common.

Some people may have a combination of types of dementia.

Regardless of which type is diagnosed, each person will experience their dementia in their own unique way.

Dementia is a global concern but it is most often seen in wealthier countries, where people are likely to live into very old age. 

As a person’s age increases, so does the risk of them developing dementia.

Rates of diagnosis are improving but many people with dementia are thought to still be undiagnosed. 

Currently there is no cure for dementia but new drugs can slow down its progression and the earlier it is spotted the more effective treatments are.

Source: Dementia UK 

Listening to their favourite songs can also minimise symptoms, such as changes in mood or behaviour, language problems and memory loss, they claimed.

However, just five per cent of care homes offer music-based interventions, such as live music or listening to the radio, meaning 320,000 go without it in the UK.

Charities welcomed the task force’s evidence – which shows patients regain the clearest memories from listening to songs between when they were 10 to 30. 

Dr Karen Harrison-Dening, of Dementia UK, said: ‘Music is increasingly being used to help people with dementia relive past experiences and tap into powerful emotions. 

‘It can provide comfort and pleasure and provide a way to help people connect.’

Dr Laura Phipps, of Alzheimer’s Research UK, added: ‘Listening to or playing music can be a stimulating and social experience.’ 

It comes just days after MailOnline reported on the touching moment a woman with severe Alzheimer’s recognised her husband – after listening to their favourite song.

Huguette, whose surname is unknown, moved into a care home in 2014 when her dementia worsened to the point where she was unable to recognise visitors.

But when the Belgium-raised woman was played music from her youth, by Jacques Brel, she began to laugh and smile, the emotional footage showed. 

The Alzheimer’s Society reports there are more than 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK today.

It is estimated that the number of people living with dementia in the UK by 2025 will rise to more than one million.

In the US, it’s estimated there are 5.5 million sufferers. A similar percentage rise is expected in the coming years.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk