Bodybuilder who drunkenly assaulted neighbour is jailed

Fitness champion Nathan Szuchnik, pictured, assaulted his neighbours Mark Burnham and Katherine Stokes after having been out drinking in Barry in July last year

A bodybuilder crowned Wales’ strongest man has been jailed after a violent alcohol-fuelled attack on his neighbours.

Fitness champion Nathan Szuchnik assaulted his neighbours Mark Burnham and Katherine Stokes after having been out drinking in Barry in July last year.

Szuchnik, 32, of Poplar Court, Barry, had previously pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assault by beating on the day a trial was scheduled to begin.

At Newport Crown Court, he was given a 10-month jail sentence.

The court heard the two victims had gone back to the defendant’s home on the night of the incident after drinking at Rhoose Social Club.

They then returned to their address, where Szuchnik, 32, assaulted them.

Sentencing, Judge Jonathan Furness QC, said: ‘These were an innocent couple who had met up with you and gone back for a pleasant drink at your house and ended up getting assaulted.

‘I have to sentence you for two offences in one incident where you assaulted Mark Burnham causing him injury and also assaulted his partner Katherine Stokes.

‘That incident was fuelled by alcohol. Having read the pre-sentence report, it’s apparent another factor is that day was the anniversary of the death of a friend of yours.

‘Nevertheless, that is not an excuse for your behaviour.’

Peter Donnison, prosecuting, said the two victims had been drinking at Rhoose Social Club when they had a chance meeting with Szuchnik and his girlfriend Natalie Roberts, who herself is the current Wales’ Strongest Woman title holder.

They then went back to the defendant’s home.

He said: ‘Ms Roberts invited Mr Burnham and their daughter for drinks. They went inside and a short time later, the defendant’s attitude had changed, he went upstairs to bed, and the guests left the address.

Peter Donnison, prosecuting, said the two victims had been drinking at Rhoose Social Club when they had a chance meeting with Szuchnik (pictured right) and his girlfriend Natalie Roberts (pictured left)

Peter Donnison, prosecuting, said the two victims had been drinking at Rhoose Social Club when they had a chance meeting with Szuchnik (pictured right) and his girlfriend Natalie Roberts (pictured left)

‘As they got home they heard a lot of noise from next door and described it as shouting, crashing, banging.

‘Katherine went to see if everything was alright, and she went over and saw the defendant shouting.’

He described how the defendant then shouted at Ms Stokes: ‘What gives you the f****** right to come to my house?’

The court heard how he then pushed her to the side before throwing punches at Mr Burnham, who had come out of his house after hearing the shouting.

Mr Donnison described how the defendant then followed Mr Burnham to his home before entering and assaulting him.

He said: ‘He entered his house, dragged him by his hair, got on top of him, and punched, stamped on his head and kicked him in the head.

‘Mr Burnham believed he was going to be seriously hurt or killed.’

Szuchnik was sentenced to 10 months for occasioning actual bodily harm and two months for assault by beating to be served concurrently. He is pictured with his girlfriend outside court at an earlier hearing

Szuchnik was sentenced to 10 months for occasioning actual bodily harm and two months for assault by beating to be served concurrently. He is pictured with his girlfriend outside court at an earlier hearing

Then, with Ms Stokes trying to get the defendant off Mr Burnham, she was assaulted and thrown into the driveway, ‘causing her T-shirt to rip’.

The incident came three months after Szuchnik had been named Wales’ Strongest Man, and he surrendered himself to police custody on July 5, claiming he had acted in ‘self defence’.

Mr Burnham’s injuries including bruising to his arm, hip and ribs and grazing on his leg, the court heard.

Defence lawyer Kevin Seal said Szuchnik, who works for a housing association and has three previous convictions on seven matters, said he had ‘recently turned his life around’.

He said: ‘Letters on behalf of the defendant speak highly of him. He turned his life around from his earlier years of convictions.

‘He entered a late guilty plea, but guilty none the less, which meant no witnesses had to relive the ordeal in court.’

The incident came three months after Szuchnik had been named Wales' Strongest Man, and he surrendered himself to police custody on July 5, claiming he had acted in 'self defence'

The incident came three months after Szuchnik had been named Wales’ Strongest Man, and he surrendered himself to police custody on July 5, claiming he had acted in ‘self defence’

Speaking about the defendant’s life in recent, times, he said: ‘He is holding down a responsible career, earning good money and is well respected by those he works for.’

The court heard he has now moved away from the victims, and risks losing his job as a result of the sentencing.

‘He has been told by his employer his employment would be terminated, but he’d be free to reapply.

‘There wouldn’t be an active search for someone to take his employment. But he would have to reapply. It’s possible these convictions will show up on a check. In those circumstances, they may not wish to continue with his employment.’

Mr Seal added: ‘He accepts he brought this upon himself and there will be consequences for his partner and children.

Sentencing Szuchnik (pictured), Judge Furness said: 'You are fortunate the injuries sustained were not more serious'

Sentencing Szuchnik (pictured), Judge Furness said: ‘You are fortunate the injuries sustained were not more serious’

‘This was a terrible situation for them as well and not something he would wish to repeat. There will be no comebacks as a result of this matter as far as they’re concerned.

‘He expects an immediate custodial sentence, but I ask for as short a custodial sentence as possible in the hope he can receive his liberty again sooner rather than later, and put his life back on track.’

Szuchnik was sentenced to 10 months for occasioning actual bodily harm and two months for assault by beating to be served concurrently.

He will pay a victim surcharge of £140, and five months of his sentence will be served in custody before being released on police license.

Sentencing, Judge Furness said: ‘You are fortunate the injuries sustained were not more serious.’