Van ploughs into 16th century cottage in Bedfordshire

A couple had a lucky escape when a van ploughed into the front of their thatched cottage.

Val and Steve Fossey were about go to bed when they found the white van embedded in the front of their 16th century listed cottage in Bedfordshire.

The vehicle had careered round a bend before crossing a grass verge, going through a hedge and ploughing into their home. 

A 34-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of being unable to drive through drink or drugs and is in police custody.

Val and Steve Fossey were about go to bed when they found the white van embedded in the front of their 16th century listed cottage in Bedfordshire

The white van careered round a bend before crossing a grass verge, going through a hedge and ploughing into the cottage

The white van careered round a bend before crossing a grass verge, going through a hedge and ploughing into the cottage

Mrs Fossey, 67, said: ‘We were in the living room at about a quarter to eleven. I was about to go up to bed, but my husband said to watch the end of the news.

‘There was a dreadful noise – like an earthquake. This van came flying over a hedge and crashed into our hall and kitchen. 

‘If I had left the room I don’t know what would have happened.’

Witnesses claim the  driver got out of the van unhurt and was held by neighbours until the police arrived.

Mrs Fossey and her 66-year-old husband, who have lived in the quaint cottage for 14 years, were forced to stay with neighbours overnight.

Structural engineers were at the scene today assessing the damage.

Mrs Fossey added: ‘The driver got out of the van without a scratch. He tried to get away, but our neighbours held him until the police arrived.

‘We are not right on the bend and we are about 20 yards from the road. He must have been going fast to go over the verge. One of the neighbours said he ‘flew’ over the hedge.

A 34-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of being unable drive through drink or drugs and is in police custody

A 34-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of being unable drive through drink or drugs and is in police custody


One neighbour said the cottage now ‘looked like a piece of art’ while another said the van ‘flew’ through the air 

‘Now we will have to find out what the engineers say about the damage. There are cracks going up the wall into the bedroom. I don’t know when we will be allowed back in.’

One resident who saw the van stuck in the side of the old cottage. said: ‘It looks like a piece of modern art.’ 

A spokesman for Bedfordshire police said: ‘Emergency services were called to the scene of a collision at around 10.35pm last night after a van crashed into the front of a property in Maulden.

‘A 34-year-old man from Maulden was arrested at the scene on suspicion of being unable drive through drink or drugs and is currently in police custody.’

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