A GP reveals the best foods to eat to tackle ailments 

From colds to acne and even period pain, a GP has suggested the best foods to eat, and avoid, to tackle 12 common ailments.

In her new book, Eat Well Stay Well, Dr Sarah Brewer reveals people can avoid the flu epidemic sweeping the UK by cooking with onions and garlic.

While stress can be reduced by upping fruit and vegetables intakes, as well as avoiding caffeine and alcohol.

Insomnia can be overcome by eating bananas, oats and honey, she adds.

And even painful periods can be managed by consuming magnesium-rich foods and cooking with ginger.  

In a piece for Healthista, Dr Brewer outlines how to add health-boosting foods to your diet and which to enjoy in moderation. 

From colds to acne and even period pain, a GP has suggested the best foods to eat (stock)


Everyone has a different stress threshold depending on their fitness levels, relationships and whether they are well rested. 

The automatic response of fight or flight is rarely needing in modern life, however, stress can accumulate when energy preparing someone for this is not consumed. 

It can leave people drained of energy, exhausted, suffering from burnout or even having a nervous breakdown.

Foods that can help:

  • Opt for foods with a low to moderate glycemic index (GI) to maintain an even blood glucose level as stresses raises this
  • These include most fruit and vegetables, such as sweet potato, carrots, peas, oranges, apples and berries

Foods to avoid:

  • Eat foods with a medium-GI in moderation. These include dried fruit, porridge oats, brown rice and bananas
  • Avoid foods with a high-GI or combine them with lower GI-foods to balance out blood glucose levels
  • Ditch caffeine as this can act on the adrenal glands, leading to increased levels of circulating stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Try and have one cup of coffee a day, and maximum three cups of tea, ideally herbal
  • Women should drink no more than two-to-three units of alcohol a day and men three-to-four. Have at least two alcohol-free days a week

Extra tips: 

  • Try stress-relieving activities to avoid emotionally over eating
  • Regular exercise, including yoga, can neutralise stress hormones
  • Keeping a diary can help identify how you cope with stress triggers


There is no conclusive evidence that acne is caused by a poor diet, however, it can worsen symptoms. 

Nutrition influences the effect of hormones, the ‘stickiness’ of skin cells and the degree of inflammation that occurs, all of which can lead to pimples.

Foods that can help:

  • Opt for low-GI foods that do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels
  • Fruits and vegetables, oily fish and dark chocolate (with at least 72 per cent cocoa) all contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants that may help 

Food to avoid:

  • Cut back on sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods. These promote the release of insulin, which leads to an increase in skin cell generation
  • Switch to goat’s milk. Cow’s milk contains more sugar, growth factors and hormones
  • Avoid processed foods, such as vegetable oils, as well as promote inflammation
  • Reduce your red-meat intake as it contains hormone-like substances that can cause acne 

Extra tips: 

  • Look for water-based cosmetics and skin-care products labelled as ‘noncomedogenic’ 
  • Do not pick spots 
  • Persevere with treatments as they can take up to eight weeks or more to take effect

Seasonal Affective Disorder 

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) impacts around five per cent of the population, with four times as many women suffering as men. 

SAD is a form of depression that occurs when natural sunlight is reduced (normally from November to March).

Food that can help:

  • Follow a low-GI diet with whole grain cereals, root vegetables, legumes and cruciferous plants, such as broccoli
  • Choose sweet potato over white 
  • Eat oily fish and cheese as these contain the substance tryptophan, which makes the ‘happy-hormone serotonin in the brain
  • During winter, obtain vitamin D via oily fish, eggs and supplements. Vitamin D is important for mood and occur naturally in sunlight
  • Get plenty of vitamin B6, which is found in whole grains, walnuts, oily fish, avocado and bananas, as well as vitamin D, which is found in all fruit and vegetables. These nutrients help with serotonin’s production 

Foods to avoid:

  • Reduce your intake of alcohol, salt and caffeine 

Extra tips: 

  • Use a light box that emits bright, cool white fluorescent light, similar to natural daylight. Light therapy is best started around a month before symptoms develop


Eczema affects an estimated one in 10 adults. There are a number of dietary allergens linked with eczema, therefore paying attention to your diet is essential.

Foods that can help:

  • Include healthy, whole grain foods with at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
  • Ensure a good calcium intake via dairy, nuts, seeds and green, leafy vegetables
  • Take supplements to boost immunity and reduce flare-ups. These can include omega-3 fish oils, probiotics and antioxidants, such as pine bark, grapeseed and vitamins C or E 

Foods to avoid:

  • Try a non-dairy ‘mylk’
  • Experiment with eliminating gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, and rye; for two weeks to see if symptoms improve.
  • Be aware that the top 12 dietary allergens linked with eczema are: milk, eggs, wheat, corn, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, chocolate, finfish/shellfish, tomatoes, citrus fruits and berries
  • Avoid food additives, particularly E104, E214, E215, E216, E218, and E282 

Extra tips: 

  • Avoid contact with soap, detergents, cleansers, bubble bath, cosmetics, perfumes, solvents and household cleaning materials. 
  • Always wear gloves for housework, gardening and when preparing food.

Bad breath 

There are many causes of bad breath, including dissolved tooth enamel, lack of saliva and infected gums.

Foods that can help:

  • Avoid acidic foods and drinks to prevent enamel dissolving. If you do consume them, do it quickly and use a straw positioned towards the back of the mouth to reduce contact between acidic liquids and teeth
  • Sip water regularly to rehydrate the mouth
  • Eat foods containing calcium to protect against acid erosion
  • Some dental experts recommend people hold a piece of cheese in their mouths for a few minutes after eating fruit to balance out the effects
  • Mask odours from onions and garlic by eat peppermints or parsley, or chewing sugar-free gum 

Foods to avoid:

High-protein diets contribute to mouth odour 

Extra tips: 

  • Use dental floss, mouthwash and an electric toothbrush
  • Consider Co-enzyme Q10 tablets and topical hyaluronic acid gel, which can reverse gum inflammation and promote healing of gum disease


Psoriasis develops when new skin cells are produced around 10 times faster than normal.

Foods that can help:

  • Eat oily fish two-to-three times a week as omega-3 oils can lessen skin inflammation
  • Top up turmeric levels as this contains curcumin, which also reduces inflammation. Studies suggest it targets pathways involved in skin cell regeneration and healing 

Foods to avoid:

  • Cut back on processed foods, as well as sunflower, safflower and corn oils. These contain omega-6 fats, which promote inflammation
  • Some people benefiting from dodging red meat, dairy, eggs, gluten, alcohol, coffee and refined sugar 

Extra tips: 

  • Do not smoke
  • Add dead sea mud or minerals to bath water. These contain magnesium, calcium, bromide and zinc that can slow the rate of skin-cell reduction
  • Try aloe vera gel. In one study, gel applied three times a day healed over 80 per cent of plaques within four weeks
Painful periods can be overcome by avoiding excessive salt, caffeine and sugar (stock)

Painful periods can be overcome by avoiding excessive salt, caffeine and sugar (stock)

Painful periods 

Causes of period pain are related to over-production of hormone-like chemicals, known as prostaglandins, in the lining of the womb. 

These trigger uterine spasms which, normally help to close blood vessels and reduce menstrual losses. 

The pain of dysmenorrhoea (the medial name) is thought to be linked to a lack of oxygen reaching womb tissues during these contractions. 

The bowel is also sensitive to prostaglandins, therefore painful periods may be accompanied by diarrhoea and nausea.

Foods that can help:

  • Follow a whole food diet that avoids excessive salt, caffeine, sugar, fried and processed foods
  • Eat more oily fish as omega-3 has been shown to reduce muscle spasms
  • Take magnesium as it has muscle-relaxant effects. Sources include beans, nuts and whole grains
  • Eat ginger to reduce nausea 

Foods to avoid:

  • Reduce your intake of red meat and dairy but compensate with iron and calcium supplements
  • Cut back on saturated fats 

Extra tips: 

  • Consider omega-3 fish oil and pine bark supplements
  • Try magnetic therapy

Cold and flu 

If you follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, you are far less likely to succumb to a virus. 

The common cold is the most common disease in humans, with adults suffering on average two-to-three times a year.

Foods that can help:

  • Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
  • Increase your omega-3 intake
  • Have an apple a day – they contain soluble fibre and antioxidant flavonoids that activate immune cells and reduce inflammation 
  • Enjoy more elderberries as they supply natural antiviral substances shown to reduce the severity, and duration, of cold and flu injections
  • Cook with onions and garlic, as these have antiviral properties 
  • Step up your selenium, which is needed to make antibodies and to stimulate immune cells. The richest dietary source is Brazil nuts
  • Ensure adequate levels of vitamin D and zinc. The latter is found in most meats, shellfish and nuts
  • Take a probiotic 

Extra tips: 

  • Avoid stress and get enough sleep
  • Exercise regularly, but do not over do it 

linked to thrush, Candida (a yeast that affects the stomach and vagina) thrives best in warm, moist places, usually around the vagina. When conditions are right, Candida yeasts proliferate and put out long, thread-like tubes that burrow between cells. This invasion of tissue causes redness, soreness, itching, swelling, and white clumps (thrush).

Foods that can help candida:

Foods to avoid:


Linked to thrush, Candida (a yeast that affects the stomach and vagina) thrives best in warm, moist places. 

When conditions are right, Candida yeasts proliferate and put out long, thread-like tubes that burrow between cells. 

This invasion of tissue causes redness, soreness, itching, swelling and white clumps (thrush).

Foods that can help:

  • Follow a low GI-diet while avoiding processed foods
  • Eat anti-fungal foods, such as garlic, herbs and spices
  • Have iron-rich foods with a vitamin C source to aid absorption 

Foods to avoid: 

A basic anti-Candida diet is best followed under professional supervision and involves avoiding products that contain brewer’s or baker’s yeast, as well as those that stimulate yeast growth. 

These include: 

  • Sugary foods and drinks
  • Processed carbohydrates
  • Products containing yeast, such as certain breads, alcoholic drinks and soy sauce
  • Some sugar substitutes, like sorbitol,  which are metabolised to produce substances that promote Candida growth
  • Alcohol, tea, coffee, cocoa, fizzy drinks and fruit squashes 

If symptoms significantly improve, reintroduce foods one at a time to see what upsets you. If you intend to avoid them long term, always seek medical advice to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Extra tips: 

  • If you need antibiotics, taking a probiotic supplement helps maintain intestinal levels of ‘friendly’ bacteria and may reduce the chance of Candida as a side effect
Manage chronic fatigue syndrome with a healthy, organic diet  (stock)

Manage chronic fatigue syndrome with a healthy, organic diet  (stock)

Chronic fatigue syndrome 

Chronic fatigue syndrome 9CFS) affects an estimated one in 250 people, with women being three times more likely to suffer than men. 

A CFS diet will vary in benefits from one person to another. 

Foods that can help: 

  • Follow a healthy, whole food diet that is as organic as possible to avoid argricultural chemicals, colourings, preservatives and other food additives.  
  • Eat little and often. Six meals a day are better than three larger ones, as digestion and absorption appear to be impaired in people with CFS. 
  • Increase your intake of B vitamins, as suffers are often deficient status is often low. food sources include whole grains, oats, beans, green leafy vegetables, oily fish, meat (especially pork and duck), walnuts, pomegranate, bio yoghurt and fortified cereals.  
  • Some find a low-animal-fat, high-fibre vegetarian diet is helpful

Foods to avoid: 

  • Avoid excessive caffeine, as this worsens symptoms for some people. 
  • Follow an elimination/challenge diet if you recognise that you have certain food or chemical intolerances

Extra tips: 

  • Consider cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), graded exercise, gentle yoga or meditation


Rosacea starts with temporary facial flushing after eating spicy food, drinking alcohol or hot drinks, or when overly hot. Gradually, redness can become persistent.

Foods that can help:

  • Some people find it helpful to follow an alkaline diet that avoids acid-forming foods. Although some fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes, and tomatoes, are acidic to taste – the way they are processed in your body actually uses up acid 
  • Fruit, vegetables, and salads are therefore the main alkaline-forming foods in the diet. For sweetness, use honey or maple syrup and make sure you drink plenty of water

Foods to avoid:

  • Following an alkaline diet means cutting out certain grains (barley, oats, quinoa, rice, wheat), dairy products (cheese, milk, yoghurt) animal proteins (eggs, poultry, meats, seafood), beer and wine. These foods are important sources of protein, vitamins and minerals. Therefore it is best to follow a strict alkaline diet under the supervision of a medical nutritionist.
  • Try to avoid spicy foods, coffee, tea, sodas, and foods with preservatives, colourings, artificial sweeteners and other additives


Most people experience insomnia at some point in their life, whether for a few days or long term due to anxiety, depression, illness or alcohol abuse.

Foods that can help:

  • Eat foods containing tryptophan, which is needed for the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. These include turkey, bananas, oats, honey, whole grains, dairy products, oily fish, and nuts and seeds.
  • A light bedtime snack that includes complex carbohydrates (whole grains) and low-fat dairy products such as semi-skimmed milk or live yoghurt, provides calming substances.
  • Drink Montmorency cherry juice as it contains melatonin. 
  • There are many supplements you can try, including Valerian, Rhodiola, 5-HTP, Magnesium, Camomile, and Lavender

How to get a good night’s sleep:  

  • Avoid substances that interfere with sleep such as caffeine, nicotine and excessive alcohol
  • Get into a routine of going to bed at a regular time each night
  • Make sure your room is an ideal temperature: 18-24 degrees Celsius

This article was originally published by Healthista and reproduced with their permission. 

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