Are You a Victim of a Road Accident? Here’s What to Do

For most road accident victims, the priority is physical and emotional health. However, certain steps must be taken quickly.

These actions will, first of all, preserve the victim’s rights. In the event of a road accident resulting in bodily injury, the police or gendarmerie authorities come to the accident scene and draw up an investigation report.

This report describes the circumstances of the accident through the findings, statements, witness statements, sketches, and photographs. Then, and as soon as the victim can, the deposition takes place.

In the event of an accident of consideration, accident victims should engage a road accident victims’ lawyer. Redkey Gordon is the best law firm for individuals involved in a car accident attorney in Stockton. Here is what you should do after a road accident.

File a Police Report

The investigation report makes it possible to determine the responsibilities:

  • criminal liability, which will then lead to the sanctioning of the perpetrator of the offense.
  • civil liability, which will oblige the victim to be compensated.

The police report makes it possible to determine what the circumstances were, and it can give indications of which driver is at fault. This document is requested by most insurance companies to begin a claim, and it can help a lawyer build a stronger case.

If the accident happens in CA, you can search for the California crash report online. All you need is some of the collision’s basic information, such as the car’s VIN, location, and date.

File an Insurance Claim

When you have bodily injury following a traffic accident, you must send various documents to the insurance: the medical certificate or hospitalization certificate, the work stoppage notice accompanied by a letter explanation of the damage suffered, and a copy of the completed accident report.

In the event of bodily injury, you must report the accident to the health insurance provider regardless of its severity.

Whether or not there is an amicable accident report, there is, to date, an obligation to report the traffic accident to the insurance company. This will help you kickstart the process of securing your claim.

Collect Testimonies of The Road Traffic Accidents

After the accident, you or your relatives should collect the testimonies of people who witnessed the accident. In some cases, it will indeed be necessary to prove that the victim driver, for example, has not committed a fault. Thus the witness can be a merchant or a passerby.

Ultimately, the main thing is that you describe precisely the events you witnessed. You must also respect the form provided and attach a copy of your identity document.

Choose An Independent And Competent Lawyer

Generally, justice compensates victims much better than insurance companies.

Victims of traffic accidents often suffer from serious sequelae lasting for years and sometimes their entire lives. But the insurance company is not required to make any other payments than those appearing in the transactional agreement.

You should, therefore, look for a lawyer’s assistance to defend your rights. Only a legal professional is authorized to assist a traffic accident victim during the amicable phase. You should also ensure that the lawyer is independent of the insurance companies.

That is to say, he must only intervene to defend the victims. It is a condition for obtaining fair compensation.

The lawyer you choose must also have knowledge and real practice in personal injury matters. This highly technical field requires specific knowledge and skills. Following these tips will ensure you get fair compensation after a road crash.


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