Bill Maher asks why Putin invaded Ukraine under Joe Biden but not Donald Trump

HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher delivered a monologue Friday night that criticized both parties for what he felt was making the Russian invasion of Ukraine about themselves, except notably for those who blamed President Joe Biden.

The comedian presented his ‘New Rules’ at the end of the show as he does every week and delved into the war, which he says is solely about Vladimir Putin.

‘Don’t take this personally but don’t take everything personally. Ukraine is not mostly about your pet grievances, it’s about Vladimir Putin’s,’ he said.

He cited several examples of people turning the situation into what he called ‘World War Me.’ 

Maher pointed out that Republicans blamed the war on Biden, while Democrats blamed it on ex-President Donald Trump but then seemed to suggest it was worth considering if Putin took advantage of Biden. 

‘If Putin thought Trump was really that supportive of him, why didn’t he invade while Trump was in office? It’s at least worth asking that question if you’re not locked into one intransigent thought.’ 

HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher delivered a monologue Friday night that criticized both parties for what he felt was making the Russian invasion of Ukraine about themselves

President Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump

Maher pointed out that Republicans blamed the war on Biden, while Democrats blamed it on ex-President Donald Trump but then seemed to suggest it was worth considering if Putin took advantage of Biden

Maher then went after Trump, whom he referred to as the ‘worst president ever.’  

‘Now, one guy we know is locked into one thought is Donald Trump, who would ask what went wrong with Ukraine said, ‘Well, what went wrong was a rigged election.’ Kanye thinks less about Pete Davidson than Trump thinks about the rigged election,’ Maher joked.

The monologue continued on, pointing out people on both sides of various culture war issues were making the war about their pet cause.  

He then went after the ex-president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., for his own fascination with making the war about the current president’s son, Hunter Biden. 

‘For whatever reason, Don Jr. seems obsessed with Hunter, so when Ukraine happened, Don tweeted: ‘Will it ultimately be Hunter’s lucrative and shady as f— business dealings in Ukraine that gets us into a war with Russia?’ Uh, let me field that one for you mini-Mook: No.’ 

Maher took Donald Trump Jr. to task for making the war about his obsession with Joe Biden's son Hunter

Maher took Donald Trump Jr. to task for making the war about his obsession with Joe Biden’s son Hunter

Nikole-Hannah Jones, author of the controversial 1619 Project, was also criticized for bringing race into the discussion

Nikole-Hannah Jones, author of the controversial 1619 Project, was also criticized for bringing race into the discussion

Maher also took ‘1619 Project’ author Nikole-Hannah Jones for bringing up race as an issue in the invasion. 

‘Maybe it should be a reminder that pain does not have a monopoly on race. Racism is bad but other things are bad, too. It’s not an avocado, you don’t have to put it on everything.’ 

Conservatives like Nikki Haley, Pat Robertson and Monica Crowley were then made fun of for suggesting that American self-loathing and the impending apocalypse, respectively, were to blame. 

Maher ultimately came down on the side of keeping the war down to the man who started it.

‘Putin is bad, very, very, very, very bad but he’s still better than the guy who brings every conversation around to Bitcoin,’ he said. ‘My pet cause is PETA, but I don’t think Ukraine got invaded because we haven’t neutered enough cats.’  

A pile of destruction left after a bombing of a market, just opposite of the city's large military academy in Zhytomyr, Ukraine

A pile of destruction left after a bombing of a market, just opposite of the city’s large military academy in Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Destroyed buildings left after a bombing and the destruction of a school

Destroyed buildings left after a bombing and the destruction of a school

Three Russian generals out of 20 have been killed so far in Putin’s botched invasion, which has also seen the loss of 173 tanks, 12 aircraft and 345 troop carriers.  

In an address to the nation today, Volodymyr said Ukraine has inflicted Russia’s heaviest losses in decades, claiming 31 battalion tactical groups have been rendered incapable of combat.

The president also demanded the release of the kidnapped mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, who was seized after he ‘refused to cooperate with the enemy’, sparking protests in the southern city.

Putin also held a 75-minute call with Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz today, who pleaded with him for a ceasefire which he resisted, before the Kremlin accused Ukraine of ‘flagrant violations’ of international law, despite Russian shelling of schools, hospitals and residential buildings. 

It comes as Russian attacks are continuing throughout the county today despite a supposed ceasefire to allow trapped citizens to escape in evacuation routes.
