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All posts in: Health

Covid UK: Cases fall by nearly 40% in a week to 109,133 as Omicron wave continues to collapse

Britain’s Omicron wave continued to collapse today as Covid cases fell once again and NHS hospital admissions remained flat. Another 109,133 positive test... read more

Symptom-tracking app finds 12% drop in number of people getting ill with virus every day…

Britain’s Omicron outbreak has peaked, another surveillance study confirmed today in an extra boost to hopes that the worst of the current wave is over.Â... read more

Trained dogs can identify the coronavirus in the air with over 97% accuracy, study shows

In Bristol County, Massachusetts, local police are using trained dogs to ‘sniff out’ COVID-19 in local schools, police stations, and other popular l... read more

Taking chips and snacks from a shared plate makes them seem less fattening, researchers suggest 

People are underestimating how fattening food is when they share a meal or snack with others, research has found.   For diners, food appears less fattening to... read more

More than HALF of NHS Covid ‘patients’ in London are now NOT being treated for virus

Construction workers put the finishing touches on one of the NHS’ new Nightingale surge hubs today, despite data suggesting they won’t even be neede... read more

Has omicron peaked? COVID cases flatten in New York, New Jersey, Maryland and LA

New data from the first US states hit by Omicron suggest their latest COVID surge has peaked and that cases could soon fall sharply. Data from Johns Hopkins Uni... read more

One in NINE people in England now on NHS waiting list amid Omicron wave

One in nine people in England were on the NHS waiting list for routine operations by the end of November and record numbers of cancer and A&E patients are w... read more

This on-sale Lumie SAD desk lamp boosts mood, reduces eye strain AND helps combat tiredness

Do you have the winter blues? This Lumie SAD desk lamp boosts mood, reduces eye strain AND helps combat tiredness – and it’s on sale for under £60 ... read more

Essentials Hospice Care Services To Consider For Loved Ones

Hospice care is a service that provides safe and gentle, but very thorough medical and personal care to those who are suffering from deteriorating health that t... read more

How to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

Plan and protect your health and the best way to do this is by choosing a suitable and affordable health insurance plan. We can help you with our 10 easy-to-fol... read more

Improve Your Teeth and Oral Health With an Orthodontist 

If you’re thinking about getting braces and like to improve your smile, you might want to consider seeing an orthodontist. Or if you’ve already had ... read more

Omicron variant is half as likely to cause hospitalization and 91% LESS likely to cause death

The Omicron variant is significantly less severe than other strains of COVID-19, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms. Th... read more

Nearly one in four hospitals are suffering shortages of doctors due to so many being sick with Covid

The surge of Omicron cases striking much of America has left many hospitals nationwide without the staff necessary to treat patients. According to a report by t... read more

PROF KAROL SIKORA warns thousands of lives will be lost to cancer without urgent action

We’ve fought Covid… now we need a national effort to beat cancer: PROF KAROL SIKORA warns ‘time is running out’ to stop thousands unnece... read more

CDC chief Delta variant, NOT Omicron, is responsible for the 1,700 daily Covid deaths in the US 

‘The deaths that we’re seeing now are still from Delta’: CDC chief says the Omicron variant is NOT responsible for the 1,700 daily Covid death... read more

NJ, VA, go into emergency mode and Kentucky activates the Guard in an effort to combat Covid

Covid is continuing to cause surges across America, and while deaths still remain low, some state governments are taking drastic action to stop the spread. Staf... read more

90% of celebrities’ social media posts about food and drinks are for unhealthy items

Some of the treats being advertised to children by popular celebrities on Instagram are so unhealthy that they break some foreign health standards. University o... read more

NHS chief warned Sajid Javid that deal for private hospitals could waste of taxpayers’ money

NHS England’s boss told Sajid Javid the £90million a month deal to rope in private hospitals if Covid spiralled out of control could waste taxpayer money... read more

Omi-gone? Cases are now falling in 30% of England’s boroughs

Daily Covid cases in the UK have fallen for a week straight and hospital admissions are plateauing, official data revealed today as an NHS leader admitted the h... read more

Majority of celebrities’ social media posts about food and drinks are for UNHEALTHY items

The food and drink content posted by many of the most popular celebrities on Instagram is so unhealthy it would fail UK advertising standards, a study has claim... read more

Face masks can slash distance infectious Covid droplets travel by up to EIGHT-FOLD, study suggests 

Face masks can slash distance infectious Covid droplets travel by up to EIGHT-FOLD, study suggests University of Central Florida scientists say Covid masks slas... read more

Top SAGE adviser admitted lab leak theory was ‘most likely’ origin of Covid in February 2020

Leading Western experts believed a lab leak was the ‘likely’ origin of Covid but were silenced because it could cause harm to Chinese scientists, bo... read more

All signs are pointing to the Omicron variant surge in the US soon reaching its peak

While daily case counts are continuing to rise in the United States, just as they have for much of the past month and a half, all signs are pointing to this rec... read more

Will I live until I’m 100? Online calculator works out your average life expectancy

Will YOU live until you’re 100? Online calculator works out your average life expectancy and your chances of becoming a centenarian One in five girls and ... read more