Corbyn: Spend £1bn on sprinklers for all council blocks

The government must spend £1billion retro-fitting sprinklers to all council and housing association high-rise blocks in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, Jeremy Corbyn said today.

The Labour leader demanded Chancellor Philip Hammond allocate the cash in his Budget later this month, saying the protection is ‘vital’.

Mr Corbyn also laid into cuts to fire services and the ‘dangerously neglected’ state of social housing.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is calling for £1billion to be spent retro-fitting sprinklers to all council high-rise blocks

Launching a campaign to increase the pressure on the government over the tragedy, Mr Corbyn accused Theresa May of failing to ‘learn the lessons’. 

‘Five months on from the Grenfell Tower fire, still only 2 per cent of tower blocks have sprinklers and councils claim they have been denied funding for these vital measures,’ he said.

‘The Government is failing to learn the lessons from this tragedy. I urge the Chancellor to use the Budget to urgently provide the funds needed to retrofit sprinklers, ensuring people in thousands of tower blocks across our country are living in safety and with peace of mind.

‘The Grenfell Tower fire was an entirely avoidable human disaster that must not be repeated.’

Labour is calling on the Chancellor to use the Budget on November 22 to fund the retrofitting of sprinklers in all council and housing association tower blocks, starting with buildings that are 30 metres – 10 storeys – or higher.

Mr Corbyn will use his speech in London to hit out at the ‘staggering’ cuts to fire services.

He will say: ‘Firefighters across the country have faced the harsh reality of politically driven austerity. Along with the other emergency services across the country they have been forced to deal with repeated budget cuts since 2010.

Launching a campaign to increase the pressure on the government over the tragedy at Grenfell (pictured), Mr Corbyn accused Theresa May of failing to 'learn the lessons'

Launching a campaign to increase the pressure on the government over the tragedy at Grenfell (pictured), Mr Corbyn accused Theresa May of failing to ‘learn the lessons’

Chancellor Philip Hammond is due to deliver his crucial Budget package later this month 

Chancellor Philip Hammond is due to deliver his crucial Budget package later this month 

‘In the last seven years, 10,000 frontline firefighter jobs have gone – equivalent to one in six positions.’

He will add: ‘Because of the continual loss of firefighters’ jobs, if the fire at Grenfell had occurred outside of London, there would not have been enough firefighters in the vicinity to tackle a blaze of that size.’

Following the Paradise Papers revelations, Mr Corbyn will also step up his calls for action to tackle tax avoidance.

‘While people are living in potential death-trap homes without essential safety protections such as sprinklers, it is an obscenity that we have super-rich elites and major corporations who are allowed to avoid paying their taxes,’ he will say.