Despicable act teen killer committed after stabbing mum-of-two Emma Lovell in the heart during a horrifying home invasion

The teenage killer who stabbed a mother-of-two during a home invasion laughed when police found him hiding nearby, a judge has revealed.

Emma Lovell, 41, was fatally stabbed in the heart after two boys, then 17, broke into her Brisbane home at about 11.30pm on Boxing Day in 2022.

Justice Tom Sullivan sentenced one of the offenders to 14 years behind bars with a non-parole period of almost 10 years in Brisbane Supreme Court on Monday.

The 19-year-old pleaded guilty to murder, burglary by break-in while armed and in company, malicious act with intent, and assault occasioning bodily harm.

Justice Sullivan revealed that shortly after the offending the teenagers were found by police in a bedroom of a nearby house hiding underneath a blanket.

‘At one stage whilst detained outside that residence you began laughing,’ he said.

‘There had been no conversation with anybody immediately preceding the laughter.’

Emma Lovell was fatally stabbed in her home north of Brisbane in 2022

Mr Lovell and his two daughters Kassie (left) and Scarlett (right) appeared sombre outside court after the sentence was handed down

Mr Lovell and his two daughters Kassie (left) and Scarlett (right) appeared sombre outside court after the sentence was handed down 

‘This offending was atrocious and would create outrage in the community,’ Justice Sullivan said on Monday. 

Crown prosecutor David Nardone previously said the teen had stabbed Mrs Lovell with such force the knife blade snapped.

Security footage previously played to Justice Sullivan showed the teen testing the front door and finding it unlocked before entering ahead of his accomplice.

The teen then engaged in a physical altercation with Mr and Mrs Lovell while holding a knife and made two attempts to stab the couple. 

The couple’s two teenage children, Kassie and Scarlett, were also sleeping in the house when the co-offenders broke in.

The teen stabbed Mrs Lovell in the heart and Mr Lovell in the back, before kicking him several times in the head.

Justice Sullivan said the Lovells’ daughters were standing over their mother’s body sobbing when police and paramedics arrived and open heart surgery was performed on the front lawn in an attempt to save her life.

Emma Lovell (pictured with husband Lee) was stabbed to death early on Boxing Day 2022

Emma Lovell (pictured with husband Lee) was stabbed to death early on Boxing Day 2022

Police are seen at the scene of the crime at a suburb outside Brisbane on December 27, 2022

Police are seen at the scene of the crime at a suburb outside Brisbane on December 27, 2022

Defence barrister Scott Lynch previously said the killer grew up in a chaotic environment, was exposed to domestic violence, and had discovered his only close friend dead after he took his own life.

Justice Sullivan said the teen had an extensive but previously non-violent criminal history that included 16 break-ins.

‘You were not placed in custody for any of those offences,’ Justice Sullivan said.

Justice Sullivan said the victim impact statements had revealed a ‘devastating’ impact.

‘The Lovells were ordinary citizens enjoying family life in their home where they are entitled to feel safe. What occurred violated that completely,’ Justice Sullivan said.

The teen will be required to serve at least 70 per cent of the detention order with credit for 500 days in custody on remand.

Lee Lovell says he believes justice hasn't been served following Monday's sentencing

Lee Lovell says he believes justice hasn’t been served following Monday’s sentencing

The aftermath of the crime scene, where medics performed open heart surgery on the Lovell's lawn in an attempt to save the mother's life

The aftermath of the crime scene, where medics performed open heart surgery on the Lovell’s lawn in an attempt to save the mother’s life

Speaking outside court afterwards, Lee Lovell said no sentence would bring back his wife and the mother of their two teenage girls Kassie and Scarlett.

Outside court Ms Lovell’s widower Lee said he welcomed the sentence but said that it wouldn’t be enough to bring his wife back.

‘I’d like to think going forward this could help other people, set a new precedent,’ he told reporters outside court.

Mr Lovell revealed he had been anxious about proceedings, spending Mother’s Day keeping his mind off the pending sentence.

‘It would have been a very different day if Emma was here,’ he said.

Asked if he felt like justice had been served, Mr Lovell said: ‘No, I don’t feel like justice is served one bit.’  

‘[We] were thinking he’d get a life sentence,’ he said.

‘It’s good to get 14 years but it is never going to be enough… I don’t feel justice is served one bit.’
