Now THAT’S a donkey ride! Mule is hoisted up and sent speeding through the air after car crashes into its cart in India
- Footage captures pedestrians scattering after a pile-up in northern India
- Man’s cart is seen being dragged through the street as donkey is hoisted aloft
- Donkey and man escaped unscathed but an onlooker’s car bonnet was crunched
This is the bizarre moment a car crashes into a donkey cart, sending the animal flying off its feet.
The collision in northern India caused chaos in the street as the donkey and cart were dragged along the ground and pedestrians fled to safety.
The impact was so powerful that the car bonnet was wrecked – although the driver escaped unharmed.
The collision in northern India caused chaos in the street as the donkey and cart were dragged along the ground and pedestrians fled to safety
The video was captured on CCTV on June 20.
At the start, the donkey is seen making slow progress as it emerges from a side road, pulling a cart on which a man is sitting.
Suddenly a faster-moving car appears behind it and appears to accelerate, slamming into the back of the cart.
The cart is tipped upright by the crash, but it carries on moving on its two wheels with the driver knocked on to his back.
Meanwhile, the donkey has also been knocked upright, and is pushed forward by the momentum of the cart, dragging its hind legs along the ground.
Pedestrians hurry out of the cart’s way, before it eventually rights itself on the other side of the round, allowing the donkey to plant all four hooves back on the ground.
The donkey and driver were unharmed, turning back into the street to examine what had happened.
As locals inspect the damage, it becomes clear that the car’s bonnet has been badly damaged by the impact.
The motorist was also unhurt.