Formula One staff MUST be jabbed as FIA lays out new rules

Formula One staff MUST be jabbed with FIA laying out new rules ahead of the upcoming season, as governing body insist there will be NO exemptions… and every driver is understood to be fully vaccinated

  • Formula One stars must be jabbed ahead of the new season, the FIA announced 
  • The new policy will be brought in for the upcoming season, starting in March 
  • The FIA say there will be no medical exemptions granted for stars or staff 

All Formula One staff must be fully vaccinated against Covid under new FIA rules.

The policy drawn up will come in for the new season and will apply to all drivers, teams, media and hospitality guests, with no exemptions expected.

The FIA hope the rule will avoid a repeat of the Novak Djokovic fiasco which overshadowed the build-up to this month’s Australian Open. All of the grid’s current drivers are understood to be vaccinated.

An F1 spokesperson said: ‘Formula One management will require all travelling personnel to be fully vaccinated and will not request exemptions.’

While the majority of personnel within the teams, F1 and the FIA are double-jabbed, the mandate will pose a dilemma for those opposed to compulsory vaccination. FIA medical car driver Alan van der Merwe, who rose to prominence for his role in saving Romain Grosjean when his car burst into flames in Bahrain in 2020, has elected not to have the vaccine.

Formula One stars must be jabbed in order to compete next season, the FIA has announced

‘We have a challenge, unlike most other sports, where we go to lots of different countries,’ said McLaren CEO Zak Brown.

‘What works in England might not work in France, and might not work in Singapore, for example. We have to continue to be flexible and adaptable and open up responsibly as the world opens up.’

The first of this year’s 23 races is in Bahrain on March 20 and the last in Abu Dhabi in December.
