Gateway Casinos is one of the leading casino and entertainment industries operating for the last 30 years since its founding in British Columbia. Being one of the biggest casino houses in the world, they have an excellent online casino presence in Canada too.
The success of Gateway Casinos results from how the casino world has changed in the last decade. Influential brands now have online casino options to reach more customers and provide many features.
The same applies to the casino scenario in Canada. After the rise of working from home, people are also opting for online gaming in Canada. Thus, online casinos are gaining more popularity than physical ones.
The resources available to find Canadian casinos online have also increased along with their popularity. There are now more than a hundred online casino sites in Canada. Interested players can browse these sites to find the best online casino games that suit their tastes.
Recently, there have been a lot of news and rumors about Gateway changing plans to invest in a new casino.
Below is how and why Gateway has altered its programs and whether it holds any reality.
What Has Gateway Casinos Planned with Their $75M Investment?
Initially, Gateway Casinos and Entertainment made plans to invest about $75M into a new casino that was going to be built on Wonderland Road in London, Ontario.
However, with an unfortunate incident of Covid 19, all the businesses by Gateway were affected in Canada and other sites.
This incident has made Gateway change its plans to invest in the Wonderland project. The pandemic led Gateway to reconsider its investment plans to avoid losses.
Rumors have it that $75M is not canceled altogether.
Gateway will be investing but slightly changing where and how they will use the money. These changes were last minute, and now as per recent reports, it is believed that Gateway Casinos will invest in the casino’s sites in Western Fair.
The company Gateway Casinos has planned to divert all its resources into expanding in the Western Fair. They want to ensure that the gaming strategy that they are following is sturdy enough to withstand all unforeseen risks.
Will Gateway Set up a New Casino in Ontario?
Although the world is talking about Gateway making big news when they announced their project in London, Ontario, things have changed due to the pandemic. There have been several facts come up since the news came out.
On the one hand, Walt Spivak, the property owner supposedly leased for the project in Wonderland Land in London, mentioned that he is unaware of such a development.
On the other hand, The Ontario Lottery and Gaming board commented that they are unaware of Gateway’s plan for the London Site.
Also, the Mayor of London City, Ed Holder, mentioned that he is unsure of any such developments about Gateway’s plans to start their business in London.
The most crucial part is that Rob Mitchell, Gateway Casinos and Entertainment spokesperson, has yet to comment on either aspect of the story. It has given rise to a lot of commotion as to whether the rumors are true.
Since Gateway is yet to make any official comment on the situation, it is still under speculation. Time will only tell whether Gateway casino will move forward with its plans or focus on expanding its business in Western Fair and working on its current operations.
Since there has been no confirmation on either of the decisions, it all comes down to what Gateway will eventually decide.
Since Gateway Casinos is investing a considerable amount into a new project, it might want more time to consider the pros and cons of going forward with the proposed plans.
It is too soon to confirm the details. It can only be clarified when Gateway Casinos issues a final and official statement.