Gerry Adams launches bid to overturn jail convictions

Gerry Adams (pictured) has launched a legal bid to overturn two historical convictions for attempting to escape from prison

Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has launched a legal bid to overturn two historical convictions for attempting to escape from prison. 

Appeal proceedings began before three senior judges at Belfast’s Royal Courts of Justice on Tuesday.

Mr Adams is seeking to quash convictions received in 1975 while he was interned without trial at Northern Ireland’s Maze Prison during the early 1970s.

One escape bid, in 1974, included the kidnap of a man, who bore a ‘striking resemblance’ to Mr Adams, from a bus stop in west Belfast.

The man was taken to a house where his hair was dyed and he was given a false beard, the court heard.

He was then taken to the Maze Prison where he was to be substituted for Mr Adams in a visiting hut.

However, prison staff were alerted to the plan and Mr Adams was arrested in the car park of the jail, the court heard.

The second failed jail break occurred on Christmas Eve 1973, when Mr Adams was among four detainees caught cutting a hole into the jail’s perimeter fence. 

Barrister Sean Dorian QC, who is representing the veteran politician, said: ‘Each conviction is for attempting to escape from lawful custody.’

The case centres on a technicality that Mr Adams’ internment was not lawful because the order to detain him had not been considered by the Secretary of State.

Mr Adams is seeking to quash convictions received in 1975 while he was interned without trial at Northern Ireland 's Maze Prison (pictured) during the early 1970s

Mr Adams is seeking to quash convictions received in 1975 while he was interned without trial at Northern Ireland ‘s Maze Prison (pictured) during the early 1970s

Mr Doran said documents presented to the Appeal Court judges appeared to ‘copper fasten submissions that there was not personal consideration of the case’.

The court heard how an interim custody order had been signed by a junior minister at the Northern Ireland Office and not the Secretary of State.

‘There is a very clear distinction in the power to make an order and the power to sign an order,’ added Mr Doran.

Earlier the court was told how Mr Adams, who was not in court for the hearing, was twice convicted of attempting to escape from the Maze. 

Mr Adams was among hundreds of republicans to be held without trial during the height of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Internment was introduced in 1971 by the former Northern Ireland Prime Minister Brian Faulkner for those suspected of involvement in violence.

The entrance to H-Block 4 at the former Maze Prison in Northern Ireland (pictured in 2006)

The entrance to H-Block 4 at the former Maze Prison in Northern Ireland (pictured in 2006)

Mr Adams was interned in March 1972, but was released in June that year to take part in secret talks in London.

He was rearrested in July 1973 at a Belfast house and interned at the Maze Prison, also known as Long Kesh internment camp.

Both of his convictions were handed down by two separate Diplock Court trials – cases tried by a single judge sitting without a jury.

In the first wave of raids across Northern Ireland, 342 people were arrested.

The policy of internment lasted until December 1975. During that time, 1,981 people were interned – 1,874 were nationalist and 107 were loyalist.

The introduction of internment, the way the arrests were carried out and the abuse of those arrested led to mass protests and a sharp increase in violence.