An influencer has experienced backlash online after she posted a post-pregnancy bikini picture celebrating her body after giving birth to two children.
Arielle Charnas is a fashion influencer, with more than 1.2 million followers to her platform, and designer of the brand Something Navy. On Tuesday, she experienced the downside of social media fame when sharing a mirror picture of herself in a bikini.
‘Proud of my body after two kids,’ the 32-year-old New Yorker and mother of two daughters, who are three and one, shared while modeling an emerald green bikini.
Proud: Arielle Charnas is a fashion influencer and creator of Something Navy clothing. The 32-year-old shared on Instagram Tuesday a picture of herself in a bikini

Sharing with all: In her post, Arielle expressed her pride in her toned physique

Fashionista: Arielle has built her 1.2 million following online by sharing her fashion sense as well as sometimes including pictures with her two daughters

Not happy: The bikini picture created backlash for the mom-of-two, as commenters attacked the woman for promoting her post-pregnancy body to others

Changes: Arielle, pictured while pregnant with her second child, gave birth to daughter Esme Rae in June 2018
But her post triggered upset responses from followers who thought the image was ‘tone deaf’ to other women who have had children but could not achieve the same body as Arielle.
Actress Amanda Seyfried even weighed in on the issue, revealing in a post on her own Instagram page that the influencer had blocked both her and her close friend Sophie Flack, who is married to The Good Wife star Josh Charles, after they made negative comments about her post.
‘Thank you @ariellecharnas for acknowledging your privilege/multiple caregivers who made your excessive workouts possible oh wait,’ Sophie first wrote on the post, prompting Arielle to fire back: ‘Is there a problem?’
Sophie then replied in a lengthy comment, calling the influencer out for ‘perpetuating the patriarchal (totally unrealistic) notion that mothers should “bounce back” after childbirth’.

Updates: The blogger regularly shares information about her workouts on Instagram, and happily posts pictures of her body regularly, including this photo which was shared two months after she gave birth
‘I hate to dump on you but since you asked,’ Sophie began the comment, which both she and Amanda shared on their own accounts after Arielle blocked her.
‘Totally fine that you’re privileged and thin, good for you (I am too-ish!),’ the comment continued, before Sophie called her out for her lack of awareness when it comes to other mothers’ situations.
‘[Bouncing back] is an impossibility for anyone who can’t afford ample childcare (which is almost everyone in this country),’ she wrote. ‘Honeychild, you are glorifying an unhealthy body image.’
Her comment continued to slam Arielle for helping to ‘fetishize the adolescent female form’ instead of ‘encouraging more women to be ambitious businesswomen or run for office’.
Soon after posting her opinions, Sophie revealed on her Instagram Stories that she had been blocked by the influencer – prompting Amanda to stick up for her friend in her own post.
‘My very smart friend wrote this on a semi-influencer’s feed and she blocked both of us,’ Amanda started, while sharing Sophie’s comment in full. ‘If we’re ready to get paid for flaunting our lifestyle (and inspiring some in the meantime), we have to be open to the discussions surrounding what we are promoting.

Upset: Actress Amanda Seyfried’s close friend Sophie Flack revealed that Arielle had blocked them both after they made negative comments about the post

Outrage: Sophie left a lengthy comment on Arielle’s controversial photo, which was then shared by Amanda, who praised her pal for speaking out against the ‘semi-influencer’

Speaking out: Both Amanda (left) and Sophie (right) called out Arielle for promoting an impossible standard of beauty
‘We have to back ourselves up – not run away from the issues it presents. There are gray areas everywhere. Each of us has a chance to back ourselves – especially on this platform.’
Although perhaps the most high-profile people to comment on the situation, Amanda and Sophie certainly were not the only Instagram users who shared their negative feelings about Arielle’s image.
‘I’m sorry @ariellecharnas. This is just terribly tone deaf and I thought you were better than this nonsense,’ one commenter wrote. ‘ I’m also a size zero after two kids, but come on babe, this is genetics. Pls be proud but own your privilege.’
Another commenter expressed how Arielle’s body looked ‘amazing’, but it still struck the wrong tone for them.
‘This is a super super unrealistic (and frankly unachievable) goal for 99% of women post or pre baby,’ the person expressed. ‘I have struggled to understand whether your brand strives to fall on the “relatable” side or the “I’m uber wealthy admire me” side…so maybe this is just the “body version” of the second.’
People also called the post ‘unnecessary’ from the influencer.
Arielle did experience support from a number of her followers, though, who encouraged the mom-of-two to continue expressing her pride in her toned physique after children.
‘Every body is different, yes, so stop comparing and be proud of what you have,’ one fan implored other followers.
‘When people post photos of their bodies PP and are talking about their curves you all say “you go girl” “you are beautiful” “losing baby weight can be hard but you got this” etc why can’t she be proud of her body, her results and her abs after baby?’

Backlash: People said the post was ‘tone deaf’ and ‘unrealistic’ for most women

Standing up for herself: Arielle clapped back at followers online saying she was allowed to be proud of her body, no matter what other women look like

Standing strong: It is not the first time that Arielle has been attacked for sharing bikini photos, including these, which were posted six months after her daughter’s birth

Staying fit: The mom-of-two will often post her workouts on Instagram for followers, which have helped her achieve her toned frame after giving birth
The backlash did not go unnoticed by Arielle, and she later decided to address the criticism on Instagram Stories.
‘Why am I being bullied for posting myself in a bathing suit?’ Arielle asked followers, adding: ‘I should be punished because I’m thin and worked hard to be fit after giving birth to two kids? I’m not responsible for making people feel good about themselves.’
She continued: ‘I am healthy and proud of who I am and the body I have. If you are going to attack me for me being me on my own page then you will be blocked, I don’t have time for that.’
Arielle also informed followers she ‘definitely will not stop posting myself in my body.’
Her Instagram Stories further detailed how specific commenters attacked her for hiring a nanny to help with her two children. These commenters claimed Arielle was only able to achieve her body because of the time she had to go to the gym thanks to her nannies.
‘It also has nothing to do with my body and for random women to tell me I should be crediting [the nannies] for my figure and my “excessive workouts” is actually disgusting,’ Arielle wrote.
‘So sad that women who are so unhappy just feel the need to continuously put other women down when all they do is preach about female support. It’s BS and I’m sick of it.’
The post remains on Arielle’s page despite the backlash, and she informed all followers they would be blocked for posting any hateful comments against her.