Jackie ‘O’ Henderson denies she ‘got lost’ on her way to the studio because she’d slept at a stranger’s house – and her bizarre reason for ‘cutting it fine’ to work

Jackie O Henderson has revealed the reason she was almost late to work on Wednesday morning.

The radio host was questioned by long-time staffer Pedro Vitola about why she ‘cut it fine’ after she arrived just minutes before she was due to go on air at 6am.

He also questioned whether Jackie, 49, had slept at a stranger’s house after she claimed she had got lost on the way to the studio.

‘Lucky you’re even here. I got some weird text from you this morning [telling me you got lost],’ Pedro said.

‘We have a theory, you stayed at a bloke’s house. There is no way you get lost going on the same road every day.’

Jackie then explained she had entered a one way road after visiting a service station and wasn’t familiar with the area.

‘I had to go to a service station and as you come out there is a tram and you can’t cross over to the side I need,’ she said.

‘So I had to go in the wrong direction away from work and then found a side street and got lost.’

Jackie O Henderson has revealed the bizarre reason why she was almost late to work on Wednesday morning

It comes after Jackie revealed the one sure-fire move guaranteed to get into her romantic good graces.

She was discussing the finer points of kissing with her radio co-star Kyle Sandilands on Monday when the subject of ‘face cupping’ was brought up.

‘That’s when a man puts his hand on her cheek as if he’s so into kissing,’ Kyle said.

‘No, both hands around the face,’ Jackie responded.

Kyle untactfully responded with: ‘No, one hand on the face, one hand on the [groin].’

Clearly shocked at Kyle’s romance skills, Jackie told Kyle his approach was a ‘major red flag’.

‘Kyle, you don’t do that when you’re doing your first kiss,’ to which the 53-year-old replied: ‘I do.’

The radio host was questioned by long-time staffer Pedro Vitola about why she 'cut it fine' to work. He also questioned whether Jackie had slept at a stranger's house after she claimed she had got lost on the way to the studio

The radio host was questioned by long-time staffer Pedro Vitola about why she ‘cut it fine’ to work. He also questioned whether Jackie had slept at a stranger’s house after she claimed she had got lost on the way to the studio

‘Well you’d be a major red flag then,” Jackie said.

Jackie added that having a man gently cup and caress a love interest’s face is almost guaranteed to make women swoon.

‘When girls get that, they run back to their friends and they go: “And then he cupped my face”, and everyone goes: “Ooooooh he cupped the face”,’ she said.

Not willing to keep it above the belt, Kyle continued: ‘What do you think my girls who I’ve cupped their face and cupped their [groin say]?,’ the radio star asked.

‘What do you think they’ve gone back and told their friends?’

‘It’s not like a date,’ Jackie responded.  ‘It’ll be just like that hook-up style thing. That’s different.’

'I had to go to a service station and as you come out there is a tram and you can't cross over to the side I need. So I had to go in the wrong direction away from work and then found a side street and got lost,' she said

‘I had to go to a service station and as you come out there is a tram and you can’t cross over to the side I need. So I had to go in the wrong direction away from work and then found a side street and got lost,’ she said

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