Jordan’S Attractiveness In the Filming Industry: Why Is Jordan Becoming A Top Filming Location?

Imagine yourself scouting for the perfect filming location, a place that could take your project to new heights and leave audiences spellbound.

You’re looking for a destination that offers diverse landscapes, strong government support, well-developed infrastructure, and a talented local workforce – but where on earth could you find such a utopia?

Look no further than the magnificent Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. As an emerging hotspot in the filmmaking industry, Jordan is quickly becoming the go-to choice for filmmakers seeking both creative freedom and unparalleled production value.

Why Jordan, you may wonder? Well, let’s dive into what sets this Middle Eastern gem apart from other filming locations around the world.

From its stunning desert vistas in Wadi Rum to the ancient city of Petra carved into rose-colored sandstone cliffs, Jordan provides a breathtaking backdrop that can transport viewers across time and space.

With government incentives supporting film projects and state-of-the-art infrastructure ready to accommodate your every need, it’s no surprise that this vibrant nation has captured the hearts of filmmakers worldwide.

Diverse and Stunning Landscapes

Jordan offers an incredible range of landscape versatility that can transport audiences across time and space with just a change of scenery.

Its diverse topography gives filmmakers endless possibilities for creating unique and stunning visuals, making it a sought-after location for productions around the world.

One key aspect contributing to Jordan’s attractiveness in the filming industry is its location accessibility. Not only does this small Middle Eastern country boast an array of picturesque settings within close proximity, but it also provides seamless logistics for film crews.

From modern infrastructure and ease of obtaining permits to experienced local professionals who understand the ins and outs of production, Jordan has everything needed to make shooting a smooth experience.

This enables you to focus on telling your story without worrying about logistical challenges.

Government Incentives and Support

It’s no surprise that government incentives and support play a significant role in this growth, with the Royal Film Commission offering up to 25% cash rebates on productions filmed in the country.

These tax incentives are a major draw for filmmakers looking to save on costs while still achieving high production quality.

In addition to financial benefits, policy support from the Jordanian government has streamlined the process of obtaining filming permits and location access, making it easier for international productions to navigate the logistics of shooting in Jordan.

The Royal Film Commission also offers logistical assistance and technical guidance, ensuring a smooth experience for film crews working in unfamiliar territory.

They provide information about local service providers such as equipment rental companies, catering services, and skilled crew members who can help bring a production to life. This level of cooperation between the government and the film industry helps create an environment where filmmakers feel supported and encouraged to explore Jordan’s cinematic potential.

Well-Developed Infrastructure

The well-developed infrastructure plays a crucial role in drawing filmmakers to this Middle Eastern gem.

Jordan’s government has made significant infrastructure investments, which have ultimately contributed to increased location accessibility for both local and international productions.

The country’s modern transportation system, reliable communication networks, and state-of-the-art facilities have created an environment that caters to the diverse needs of film crews working on projects of all sizes.

  • Transportation: Jordan boasts an extensive road network, connecting urban centers with rural areas and major tourist attractions.
  • Communication Networks: High-speed internet access is widely available throughout the country, ensuring seamless communication between production teams.
  • Film Studios: The Royal Film Commission (RFC) offers world-class sound stages and post-production facilities.
  • Skilled Workforce: A plethora of experienced professionals are available to support various aspects of film production in Jordan.
  • Diverse Locations: From ancient ruins and desert landscapes to bustling city streets, Jordan provides a wide variety of settings for filmmakers to choose from.

The availability of these resources ensures that your production team can focus on bringing your creative vision to life instead of worrying about logistical challenges.

Moreover, filming in Jordan allows you to tap into a unique cultural experience while enjoying top-notch amenities – giving you the freedom to explore stories rooted in history or contemporary issues without compromising on quality or efficiency.

Talented Local Workforce

The country has been investing in workforce growth and skill development, ensuring that its people are well-equipped to meet the demands of international film productions. Jordanian professionals have honed their skills both locally and abroad, making them invaluable assets for any production team.

In the words of Samer Muasher, former executive commissioner and co-founder of the Royal Film Commission of Jordan: “Film brings understanding, and understanding brings tolerance, and tolerance brings many, many, many beautiful things – including peace.”

In recent years, Jordan has made significant strides in promoting education and training within the creative industries. Numerous educational institutions now offer courses and degree programs related to filmmaking – from directing and cinematography to editing and sound design.

These programs are preparing young professionals for rewarding careers in the industry while also developing a talent pool that can support future film projects.

Moreover, many Jordanians have sought opportunities outside of their home country, gaining valuable experience working on international sets before returning home with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

Warm Hospitality and Collaboration

Jordan’s people are known for their genuine warmth and welcoming nature, which will make you feel right at home as you navigate the ins and outs of filming in a new location.

This warm hospitality extends not only to visiting filmmakers but also to the local talent that you’ll be working with on set. By fostering an environment of cultural immersion, you’ll have the opportunity to experience unique traditions that can only be found in Jordan.

Four key elements contribute to Jordan’s warm hospitality and collaborative atmosphere:

  • Community involvement: Local communities often become involved in film productions, providing valuable support and resources while also benefiting economically from the influx of business.
  • Cultural pride: The people of Jordan take great pride in their rich history and culture, which translates into a willingness to share their stories and traditions with outsiders.
  • Government support: The Royal Film Commission – Jordan (RFC) actively supports filmmakers by offering assistance with permits, location scouting, production services, training programs, and more.
  • Language accessibility: English is widely spoken throughout Jordan, making it easier for international crews to communicate effectively with local cast members and crew.

As your project unfolds amidst ancient ruins or sweeping desert landscapes, it’s impossible not to feel inspired by the beauty that surrounds you – both natural and human-made.

But what truly sets Jordan apart is its open-heartedness towards visitors who come seeking creative inspiration within its borders.

When it comes time for shooting day after day in unfamiliar territory under strenuous conditions, having friendly faces around who are eager to lend a helping hand can make all the difference between success or failure on set.

Filming in Jordan is not just about capturing breathtaking visuals; it’s about immersing oneself in a rich cultural experience while enjoying the amenities of a well-developed industry.

The combination of natural beauty, warm hospitality, and a supportive infrastructure creates a unique and compelling environment for filmmakers seeking to tell their stories with creativity and authenticity.

As Jordan continues to establish itself as a top filming destination, it is clear that the country’s allure goes beyond its stunning landscapes.

It is a place where filmmakers can find the perfect blend of creative freedom, production value, and cultural immersion, allowing them to bring their visions to life in a truly captivating manner.

With its unwavering commitment to the film industry and the continued support it offers, Jordan is poised to remain a top choice for filmmakers seeking a remarkable and unforgettable filming experience.