A South Korean reality show is rising in popularity on UK Netflix, based on a similar premise to Love Island, but with bucket loads of awkwardness.
Change Days, produced by KakaoTV, now in its second season, sees four couples meet at a romantic getaway on the Jeju Island resort – a popular holiday destination in South Korea.
These real-life couples are on the brink of breaking up and have to choose between mending their current relationships or pursuing new relationships with the other contestants’ partners.
The show is a first of its kind for usually conservative South Korea and viewers have taken to social media to blast it for ‘encouraging cheating’, and saying some partners ‘deserve better’ while another criticised female contestant Hye-Yeong for ‘gaslighting’ her partner Tae-Wan and said they ‘hope she remains single’.
YunSeul and Tae-Wan are shy on their date and despite finding each other attractive, don’t go for a second date. She admits ‘my mind is on my boyfriend’

A look of fury: HuiHyeon says of love rival Hyeyeon ‘She’s not his type, I’m better than her’ as she watches her boyfriend DoHyeong leave with her to go dolphin spotting on the sea

People can’t stop watching it, even if they think it’s ‘cheating’ or ‘stupid’
While the show is not as steamy as Love Island, it’s even more awkward viewing as long-term partners liaise with new flames right under their lovers’ noses at the dinner table,
In the first episode, the couples were filmed sitting in their cars discussing how they feel about each other going on a date with someone else. While some partners were clearly jealous and protective, others did not seem bothered.
Hye-yeon,29 was open-minded, stating that her younger partner Tae-Wan,25 was ‘too immature’ and said she wanted to find someone she can ‘lean on’ emotionally.
As she freshened her lipstick in the car before her date, Tae-wan chastised her for wearing a thigh-skimming skirt, and asked her to cover up – to no avail.

Hye-Yeon tells of her boyfriend’s immaturity, as she is 29 and he is 25, and wants someone she can ‘lean on’
Hye-yeon and her date hit it off before heading to a museum and taking photos of each other.
Afterwards she confessed: ‘I didn’t think about my boyfriend all day,’ before smiling to the cameras.
Another couple,HyoGi and YunSeul said they have ‘broken up 30 times in 500 days’ and ‘fight over everything’.
It became clear very quickly that HypGi had chemistry with his new date HuiHyoen, as they discovered they both come from Jeju Island and share a love for the local delicacy, beef intestines.
He says ‘I feel so comfortable with you, I’ve never had so much in common with someone before.’
He even asked her blood type – which for some might not be the ideal date question.

People have picked out their favorites but are shocked as the show takes awkward twists and turns and jealousy seems to preside over all
The couples then arrived at a luxury villa boasting a large living room, a beautiful terrace area and large dining table for the couples to sit at.
The first to arrive were a Ji-yu and Tae-Wan that didn’t get on well on the date, with Ji-yu saying to the cameras: ‘I’m thinking about my boyfriend the whole time’.
They sat awkwardly waiting for the others to arrive and said: ‘Let’s just pretend we had a great time.’
As the couples sheepishly filed in everyone was sizing each other up at the dinner table, but trying to be friendly.
Opening up about why they were on the trip, HuiHyeon who has been with her partner JeongHun on and off for five years, said: ‘He’s leaving to go in the army soon, we broke up before because it was clear I wasn’t his priority.
‘I’m 27 and want to get married at 29 or 30, I’m financially stable enough to get married now, but he isn’t.’
JeongHun a former idol singer, clearly heartbroken at the prospect of breaking up, said: ‘It would be selfish of me to ask her to wait for me, but I would like her to.’
In South Korea it is mandatory for all males to serve in the army for two years – due to ongoing tensions with the North, and many choose to remain single during their stint.
Another couple, Maths teacher DoHyeong and Jiyu said: ‘We broke up three years ago, and we can’t solve issues, we never talk it out. We just go silent on each other.’

DoHyeong was ghosted by his long term love JiYu and says he now has ‘trust issues’ because of it

THAT awkward dinner, where an intercom announces the couples that will date again, and the partners can barely hide their discontent as they drink wine and eat luxury food
DoHyeong said ‘I wish she would just yell or even swear at me – but she doesn’t, we avoid conflict.
‘On the outside we are a very fun couple, but on the inside it’s not like that – she ghosted me when we broke up and I have trust issues.’
JiYu said: ‘I know I shouldn’t have ghosted him but he just didn’t have time for me, I would ask to see him and he would be busy with his friends and after two miserable weeks of him not texting me, I decided to walk away.’
The couples were asked via text if they would like to ask their date out again. And during the dinner an overhead announcer, not unlike the UK’s Big Brother voice announced which couples would see each other again.
HyoGi and HuiHyeon the pair from Jeju Island, who kept grinning and staring at each other throughout the meal, while their irritated long-term partners could barely contain their jealousy, were announced as the first couple to meet again.
HuiHeyon’s boyfriend JeongHung confessed: ‘I felt so angry in that moment and that they hit it off. Why else would they want to see each other again and not try and date someone else?’
HyoGi and his girlfriend YunSeul who have ‘broken up 30 times’ had an argument in their room, culminating in the girlfriend sobbing on the floor as her boyfriend reeled off comparisons to his new date.
He said: ‘We got on. We have a lot in common, she likes beef intestines and that is what we are going to eat tomorrow. Yes I did compare you both, and it reminded me of what disappoints me about you. You scowl at me all the time and I liked her smile, I told her she was cute.’

YunSeul was seen sobbing on the bathroom floor as her boyfriend De-Heyoung casually brushed his teeth and told her how he liked his date from that day, and called her ‘cute’ something she says she ‘can’t forgive him for’

The couples eat and drink on the first night together, airing their relationship woes. Plenty of awkward silences and sizing up was seen before the lovers went to their separate bedrooms.
Tae-Wan didn’t want Hye-yeon to come near him as she was announced as part the second couple to go on another date the next day, on a boat trip with to see dolphins.
She tried to comfort him but he stared at his phone in anger.
The next day, four were left in the villa as their partners went out to enjoy a romantic date, and vented to each other about their anger and jealousy.
JiYu said: ‘I’m surprised, if she was his type I would understand, but she isn’t, I think I’m better than her.’
Tae-Wan confessed: ‘I just feel he’s giving things I can’t, because I’m younger than her so I can’t offer that. In all honesty I wanted to be in the fire service, but I know she wants to get married so I took a job in personal training to make money.’
On arriving home from his date, HyoGi who hit it off with HuiHyeon who shared his love of beef intestines and blood type B spotted his partner YunSeul smoking outside with Tae-Wan, her initial first date.

‘He never made time for me’ DoHeyong and JiYu explain why their relationships is in crisis on a therapy style couch

The judges gush as JeongHun and JiYu clasp their mouths at exactly the same time – but they decided not to date again.
HyoGi seemingly forgot about his perfect date with HuiHyeon the ‘woman he has so much in common with’ and stormed outside.
He said: ‘So you’re smiling and happy with him, but you don’t want me to be happy and talk to females.’
YunSeul replied: ‘What were we meant to do, sit here and be miserable all day?’
The couples have two weeks to make a decision with clips showing people saying ‘You aren’t exactly the person I want to marry’ and ‘Did your heart flutter on our first date?’.
They can choose to go home and work on their relationship, start a new relationship or go solo at the end of the trial.
The first season aired with three couples and one week on the Island but producers have ramped it up for the second season with four couples and two weeks.
Read more at DailyMail.co.uk