London couple have spent over £250k on cosmetic surgery to make them look like their idols

A couple have spent more than £250,000 for cosmetic procedures to transform themselves into their idols – a K-pop star and a ‘living doll’. 

Oli London, 30, and Angelique ‘Frenchy’ Morgan, 44, have gone under the knife 24 times between them in a bid to alter their appearances so that Mr London can look like a Korean boy band musician and Ms Morgan can look like a ‘life-size anime doll’. 

The couple, who live in the UK capital and have more than 200,000 Instagram followers between them, have spent quarter of a million pounds on surgeries ranging from chin chiselling to skin whitening and even one procedure that alters the shape of the eye region.

Mr London is so obsessed with his K-pop idol Park Ji-min, from boy band BTS, that he even married a cardboard cutout of him in Las Vegas – a move that initially made Ms Morgan jealous, but the pair say they now ‘share’ the effigy. 


Oli London, 30, and Frenchy Morgan, 44, have gone under the knife 24 times between them

Frenchy Morgan before her operations

Oli London before the operations

The couple, pictured before their surgical sprees, have spent quarter of a million pounds on surgeries ranging from chin chiselling to skin whitening

'Some people might be put off by our surgery but we receive tremendous amounts of both interest and criticism online,' Ms Morgan said

‘Some people might be put off by our surgery but we receive tremendous amounts of both interest and criticism online,’ Ms Morgan said

Oli London and Angelique "Frenchy" Morgan outside the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel, in Las Vegas, Nevada, after his wedding to a carboard cutout of BTS star Jimin

Oli London and Angelique ‘Frenchy’ Morgan outside the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel, in Las Vegas, Nevada, after his wedding to a carboard cutout of BTS star Jimin 

Mr London said he has been having surgery since 2013, when he decided he wanted to look like Park Ji-min from the Korean boyband BTS (pictured)

Mr London said he has been having surgery since 2013, when he decided he wanted to look like Park Ji-min from the Korean boyband BTS (pictured)

Mr London said he has been having surgery since 2013, when he decided he wanted to look like Park Ji-min from the Korean boyband BTS (pictured)

K-pop mega fan Mr London brought his full-size cutout of  Park Ji-min to Nevada in January for a ceremony in front of an Elvis Presley impersonator at Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel. 

‘It was such an emotional ceremony. I felt very emotional,’ he told in an exclusive video of the wedding. ‘Jimin is my idol. I’ve spent a lot of money on surgery to look like him, and now I’ve actually married him.’  

Mr London is undergoing what he calls a ‘complete make-over’ – which so far includes five nose jobs costing more than £40,000 and even a £5,000 blepharoplasty, which alters the eye region. 

He has had chin bone contouring and reduction in an attempt to make his face shape smaller and similar to that of his idol’s.

Ms Morgan said: 'I'm on my third breast enlargement surgery, currently at 800CC and I've had multiple nose jobs, permanent lip enlargement and botox and fillers too'

Ms Morgan said: ‘I’m on my third breast enlargement surgery, currently at 800CC and I’ve had multiple nose jobs, permanent lip enlargement and botox and fillers too’

Mr London has had what he calls a 'complete make-over' - including five nose jobs costing more than £40,000 alone (pictured: Mr London after one of his surgeries)

Mr London has had what he calls a ‘complete make-over’ – including five nose jobs costing more than £40,000 alone (pictured: Mr London after one of his surgeries)

Mr London and Ms Morgan – who is originally from Paris – confess they have an unusual relationship, in the main driven by their extreme obsession to change their appearance continuously.

They top up with botox every three weeks as well as having regular ‘vampire facials’ and skin whitening. 

In an Instagram post last month, Mr London revealed he had undergone ‘skin whitening injections’ to ‘help my skin look more Korean’. 

Mr London said: ‘I’ve been having surgery since 2013, when I decided I wanted to look like Park Ji-min from the Korean boyband BTS, travelling all over the world to Korea, to Poland, to China to get it done.

Mr London, 30, who lives in the UK capital, is pictured early on into his K-pop obsession

Mr London, 30, who lives in the UK capital, is pictured early on into his K-pop obsession

Mr London, pictured after surgeries, said: 'I love the plastic look, and that's why I clicked so well with Frenchy - she's had loads of boob jobs and botox'

Mr London, pictured after surgeries, said: 'I love the plastic look, and that's why I clicked so well with Frenchy - she's had loads of boob jobs and botox'

Mr London, pictured after his surgeries, said: ‘I love the plastic look, and that’s why I clicked so well with Frenchy – she’s had loads of boob jobs and botox’

'But the obsession with plastic surgery hasn't made the relationship harder - it's made it stronger,' Ms Morgan said

‘But the obsession with plastic surgery hasn’t made the relationship harder – it’s made it stronger,’ Ms Morgan said

Look of love: Mr London said getting married to the cutout was the 'happiest day' of his life

Look of love: Mr London said getting married to the cutout was the ‘happiest day’ of his life 

‘I love the plastic look, and that’s why I clicked so well with Frenchy – she’s had loads of boob jobs and botox.

‘She understood my love for changing my appearance, to make myself look like a K-pop star, and she is always talking about her boobs and how she wants to look more like an anime doll.

‘I truly love her looking plastic, it turns me on and I have no regrets about the amount of money we’ve spent on it.

‘In addition to the nose jobs, I’ve had liposuction, Mandible Angle Reduction, to change the shape of my lower face, breast reduction to make me completely flat, Areola Correction, Blepharoplasty where I modified my eyelids and an eyebrow lift.’

Ms Morgan when she was younger

A younger Mr London

Ms Morgan and Mr London are pictured above in their younger days before multiple surgeries

Mr London has had chin bone contouring and reduction in an attempt to make his face shape smaller and similar to that of his idols

Mr London has had chin bone contouring and reduction in an attempt to make his face shape smaller and similar to that of his idols

Ms Morgan said: ‘I don’t think we will ever have enough of plastic surgery – some surgeons have turned him down from having more but he loves getting it done.

‘But the obsession with plastic surgery hasn’t made the relationship harder – it’s made it stronger.

‘I love getting it done too, and I bonded with Oli in 2018 over posting some pictures of Jimin, who I am in love with, and then suddenly Oli started bombarding me with messages saying he was also in love with Jimin.

‘Instantly we hit it off and exchanged numbers and started talking for hours on the phone – we have a magical connection.

‘I’m on my third breast enlargement surgery, currently at 800CC and I’ve had multiple nose jobs, permanent lip enlargement and botox and fillers too.

Mr London is so obsessed with his Korean pop star idol, that he even married a cardboard cutout of Jimin in Las Vegas (both pictured after the ceremony)

Mr London is so obsessed with his Korean pop star idol, that he even married a cardboard cutout of Jimin in Las Vegas (both pictured after the ceremony)

Mr London has undergone 5 Rhinoplasties - in Korea (2013), China (2015), Poland (2016), Armenia (2018) and again in Korea with 5 Tip and Alar Plasties (2019) - costing £40,000

Mr London has undergone 5 Rhinoplasties - in Korea (2013), China (2015), Poland (2016), Armenia (2018) and again in Korea with 5 Tip and Alar Plasties (2019) - costing £40,000

Mr London has undergone five Rhinoplasties – in Korea (2013), China (2015), Poland (2016), Armenia (2018) and again in Korea with 5 Tip and Alar Plasties (2019) – costing £40,000

Mr London and Ms Morgan - who is originally from Paris - confess they have an unusual relationship, in the main driven by their extreme obsession to change their appearance continuously

Mr London and Ms Morgan – who is originally from Paris – confess they have an unusual relationship, in the main driven by their extreme obsession to change their appearance continuously

‘I was jealous when Oli married the cutout last year, but we share it now, and I’m even heading to Korea, to further my own dream of looking like a living doll.

‘Some people might be put off by our surgery but we receive tremendous amounts of both interest and criticism online.

‘We’re both very open-minded, loving and understanding of each other and our relationship is an open one.

‘We’re soul mates and made for each other, but Oli does gets jealous of other guys looking at me and when I meet up with guys regularly for fun.

‘We’ll continue having surgery, and hopefully one day we’ll look identical to our idols!’


Oli London: 

  • 5 Rhinoplasties in Korea (2013), China (2015), Poland (2016), Armenia (2018) and again in Korea with 5 Tip and Alar Plasties (2019) – £40,000
  • Genioplasty with T-Osteotomy (Chin Bone Contouring) £8,000 (2019, Korea)
  • Mandible Angle Reduction £10,000 (2019. Korea)
  • Zygoma Reduction (Cheek Bone Reduction) £9,500 (2019, Korea)
  • Gynecomastia £7,000 (2018, Armenia)
  • Liposuction £9,000 (2018, Armenia)
  • Areola Correction £3,500 (2018, Armenia)
  • Blepharoplasty £5,000 (2013)
  • Eyebrow Lift £6,500 (2019) 
  • Filler and botox (Done every 3 weeks) £40,000
  • Vampire Facials £10,000
  • Skin Whitening Injections £5,000 since 2019

Total: £149,000

Frenchy Morgan: 

  • 3 Breast Surgeries- £35,000 (2004, 2012, 2019)
  • 2 Rhinoplasties- £15,000 (1994, 2004)
  • Permanent Lip Enlargement- £6,000 (2004) 
  • Botox, Filler & Facials £45,000

Total: £101,000