Mum divides with her $1.50 ‘laziest meal prep ever’ – but it saves her a staggering $92 a week

Mum divides with her $1.50 ‘laziest meal prep ever’ – but it saves her a staggering $92 a week

  • A Brisbane mum’s night-shift meal has been branded the ‘laziest ever’
  • She simply microwaves an egg, frozen vegetables, and instant noodles together

An Australian mum divided hundreds by showing them a photo of her ‘laziest meal prep ever’ as a night shift worker.

Toni, from Brisbane, does not have enough time to prepare elaborate meals before heading into work all night long.

Instead, she simply puts an egg, some frozen vegetables, and a packet of instant noodles into a container to be microwaved on her ‘lunch’ break.

‘The laziest meal prep award goes to the night shift worker,’ she wrote in a popular Facebook group for mums on a budget.

She declared proudly: ‘$1.50 a pop compared to spending $20 a meal at all the food places near work.’

Toni, from Brisbane, does not have enough time to prepare elaborate meals before heading into work all night long

Instead, the mum simply puts an egg, some frozen vegetables, and a packet of instant noodles into a container to be microwaved on her 'lunch' break

Instead, the mum simply puts an egg, some frozen vegetables, and a packet of instant noodles into a container to be microwaved on her ‘lunch’ break

Her process is simple: the mum simply uses a microwave-safe container to cook the meal.

She places the cracked egg in with the noodles and frozen vegetables, fills the container with water, and then microwaves the dish for a couple of minutes.

Toni then drains the water from the dish and adds in the instant noodle flavour sachets.

‘The noodles and vegetables are cooked and the egg is perfectly poached by the end,’ she revealed.

Many mums sided with Toni’s ‘lazy’ meal over forking out hundreds of dollars over the month on lunch-time take-out.

‘I love this,’ one woman wrote. ‘I hate seeing people at work go and blow $20-$30 on lunch – it’s such a waste of money! We are here to make money and not spend it.’

‘You have vegetables, protein, and complex carbohydrates. It’s a very balanced meal.’ 

Toni also responded that the options available to people during night shifts were especially dire.

‘The only places open are Maccas and the servo – my bank account and health would never forgive me!’

Toni places the cracked egg in with the noodles and frozen vegetables, fills the container with water, and then microwaves the dish for a couple of minutes

The mum then drains the water from the dish and adds in the instant noodle flavour sachets - and her meal is ready to enjoy

Toni places the cracked egg in with the noodles and frozen vegetables, fills the container with water, and then microwaves the dish for a couple of minutes

Many mums sided with Toni's 'lazy' meal over wasting hard-earned money by forking out hundreds of dollars over the month on lunch-time take-out

Many mums sided with Toni’s ‘lazy’ meal over wasting hard-earned money by forking out hundreds of dollars over the month on lunch-time take-out

Another mum added, ‘Your meal is smart – lazy would be buying takeaway!’

‘A delicious and cost-effective idea!’ 

But others disagreed.

‘Buying takeaway is not lazy,’ a mum wrote angrily. ‘When I’ve done a 12 hour day – I’m not cooking, I’m getting takeout. It’s late and I’m tired.’

Many others also provided simple ways to make instant noodles healthier and more delicious by just adding some pantry staples – such as spices or leftover pieces of bacon.

‘You could boost the protein by adding pre-cooked tofu,’ one woman said.

‘I add prawns, onion powder, garlic powder, and shallots!’ 

‘As a shift worker, noodles and tuna are always on standby.’ 

‘I add some sriracha to my egg noodles and it has changed my life.’

A mum adds pieces of bacon to her instant noodles

Pre-cooked tofu is an easy way to increase protein

Many mums also provided simple ways to make instant noodles healthier and more delicious by just adding some pantry staples – such as spices or leftover pieces of bacon

Here’s how to easily dress up your instant noodles

  1. Boil or fry an egg and enjoy with the noodles
  2. Add pre-cooked tofu to the mix
  3. Sprinkle onion powder, garlic powder, and shallots 
  4. Drizzle some sriracha sauce onto the noodles
  5. Add frozen vegetables to the noodles and cook them in the microwave 
  6. Cook some prawns and add to the dish 
