Jayden Penno-Tompsett, 22, from Newcastle is still missing – two weeks after an ill-fated road trip to Cairns with a friend
The devastated mother of missing Newcastle man Jayden Penno-Tompsett has broken her silence two weeks after her 22-year-old son disappeared in far north Queensland.
Rachel Penno, who is currently in Charters Towers looking for her son, told Daily Mail Australia she has ‘barely slept and hasn’t been able to eat’ since he went missing – she is exhausted, devastated and ‘running on adrenaline’.
‘I am struggling to go on but I just don’t have time to stop,’ she said.
Mr Penno-Tompsett hasn’t been seen since the early hours of December 31 – when he had an argument with friend Lucas Tattersall as the pair made their way from Newcastle to Cairns to celebrate the New Year.
Police and Mr Penno-Tompsett’s family fear the worst for the 22-year-old, who stormed off after the altercation and hasn’t used his bank card since.
His distraught mother said physically searching the area where her son was last seen two weeks ago has nearly made her lose hope.

His mother Rachel has kept this picture, her favourite photo of her son as a toddler, with her for good luck since he went missing but is starting to lose hope

The last time the 22-year old was seen was at a Roadhouse near Charters Towers – south-west of Townsville

The man has not been in contact with his family or friends and hasn’t used his bank account
‘It was 48C here yesterday when we were searching – I am trying to stay positive but no one could survive that.
‘We were down looking at rivers and creeks and I walked into the hills and nothing.
‘There are just too many bush tracks – the police are doing their best to search but there is so much space out here.’
Mrs Penno has kept in contact with her son’s good mates and is very concerned that he hasn’t touched base with them.
‘He has a lot of good mates and people that love him and want him home – he hasn’t even contacted his best friend and he would have.
‘I still have no answers – I just want him safe and found and home.’

‘It was 48C here yesterday when we were searching – I am trying to stay positive but no one could survive that,’ his mother said

SES, police and volunteer firefighters have combed through 85 kilometres of bush but still haven’t found trace of the man

His distraught mother said physically searching the area where her son was last seen two weeks ago has nearly made her lose hope

‘We have taken in so much information but we still haven’t uncovered anything,’ she said
The desperate mother has even contacted psychics, put money in her son’s account hoping he would use it to get in contact and has been carrying around her favourite picture of him as a toddler for good luck.
‘We have taken in so much information but we still haven’t uncovered anything,’ she said.
‘Everytime I wake up it is like a smack in the head – not that I have slept much because I just keep thinking and crying.’

‘Everytime I wake up it is like a smack in the head – not that I have slept much because I just keep thinking and crying.’

The last person to see the young man alive was his friend Luke Tattersalls, pictured
The mother doesn’t want to head back to Newcastle but realises others in her search party have to go home soon to tend to their own lives.
‘I am going to go to an empty house full of Jayden’s stuff and I don’t know how I will handle that,’ she said.
Mrs Panno has spoken out as police reveal their latest efforts in looking for the lost young man.
‘Around 20 police with the assistance of 32 State Emergency Service and 12 Rural Fire Service volunteers have continued to search in Breddan since first light on Saturday morning,’ police said.
‘Aerial searching is also being conducted to locate the man but has so far been unsuccessful.’

Police are appealing for anyone who has seen Mr Penno-Tompsett and in particular the red Nissan Pulsar Sedan with NSW registration CN3 2ZB, within the Charters Towers area from 3am on Sunday, December 31 and throughout the day
Police have searched dry creek beds and heavy vegetation in an 85 kilometre radius of Charters Towers.
They are yet to find anything leading them to the 22-year-old who was last seen wearing a black singlet, navy blue board shorts, and black and red thongs.
Mr Penno-Tompsett’s father, Brendan Thompsett, who lives in Western Australia has also made a renewed plea for his son.
‘Knowing your child is missing is the worst thing in the world.
‘He is a good kid with a good heart and we just want to find him – we want to take his name off that missing person’s list.’
Police are appealing for anyone who has seen Mr Penno-Tompsett and in particular the red Nissan Pulsar Sedan with NSW registration CN3 2ZB, within the Charters Towers area from 3am on Sunday, December 31 and throughout the day.

Mr Penno-Tompsett’s father, Brendan Thompsett, who lives in Western Australia has also made a renewed plea for his son