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Mexican Routes

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WA psychiatrist avoids jail time for child porn

A Perth child psychiatrist who has an ‘pre-occupation’ with urination and was caught filming a 10-year-old boy in a public toilet in Canada has been... read more

Suicide rate drops to lowest since 2011

The suicide rate in Britain has fallen by nearly 5 per cent to its lowest level since 2011 in an apparent success for the Government’s prevention campaign... read more

Larry the Lobster fails to sell at auction in Adelaide

A 17-metre high Lobster has failed to reel in a single bidder at auction. Larry the Lobster was up for auction in Kingston, South Australia on Friday, with hope... read more

Nurse on what the emergency ward is really like

An Australian nurse has shared an emotional account of the time she spent working on the emergency ward. Nadine Muller – who worked for a year at Gold Coa... read more

Almost half of over-55s are looking to downsize their home

Some 47 per cent of homeowners aged over 55 plan to downsize their homes in the future, releasing an average of £112,000 in equity from the move, a survey rev... read more

TV reporter reveals moment her son suffered a seizure 

A weather presenter from Melbourne has spoken about the harrowing moment her 11-month-old son suffered from a seizure. Sonia Marinelli, who works for local Nine... read more

Man pleads guilty to manslaughter over one-punch attack

A man has pleaded guilty to manslaughter over the one-punch death of a teenager in a Melbourne pub brawl. Andrew William Lee, 34, changed his plea on Friday dur... read more

Harvey baby has photos taken in boat that saved her

A baby who was rescued from Hurricane Harvey had her photos taken in the Cajun Navy boat that rescued her. Baby Hope, from Beaumont, Texas, was just 10 days old... read more

British sisters found ‘alive’ in Barbuda after Irma

A pregnant British mother and her sister who were feared dead after Hurricane Irma ravaged Barbuda are alive and well and helping to aid their fellow islanders.... read more

Australian man gets new 3D PRINTED leg bone in world first

A Queensland man is the first person in the world to get a new shin bone created with a 3D printer.  Reuben Lichter, 27, faced losing his leg after an infectio... read more

Sophia Gall meet Kardashian make-up artist Patrick Starrr

A terminally ill teenager who made a heartbreaking decision to end all cancer treatment has ticked another item off her bucket list after meeting her YouTube id... read more

Mother who bashed her baby brags about not being jailed

A mother who bashed her toddler so badly she had to be hospitalised has boasted about not being jailed and ‘surviving’ a storm of social media outra... read more

John Ibrahim’s girlfriend goes makeup free in Sydney

She’s usually spotted wearing sparkling jewels and high fashion garments in exclusive modelling campaigns. But John Ibrahim’s girlfriend Sarah Budge... read more

How to find the best online estate agent

For many years high street estate agents held the keys to buying and selling a home, with sellers often paying them thousands of pounds in fees. But now a new b... read more

17 kilos of meth found hidden in door hinges in Sydney

Police have discovered 17 kilograms of methamphetamine hidden in door hinges after being imported into Sydney. The drugs were found by Australian Border Force o... read more

The moment a bodybuilder face plants onstage at a contest

A bodybuilder face planted during one of his onstage performances The hunk was preparing to do a back tuck before the horror happened When he landed, he smashed... read more

Flight attendant reveals beauty secrets on long haul

A glamorous flight attendant has lifted the lid on just how she stays looking so fresh when travelling sky-high at 30,000ft. Dubai-based Mirelle Diniz flies reg... read more

Mother slams racist ad Aboriginal boys ‘troublemakers’

The mother of a boy featured in a Teach Queensland ad has slammed the feature Dr Chelsea Bond, 11 realised her son was in the ad when she saw it on Facebook She... read more

Deported father claims due to AFL star son’s high profile

Father of AFL star Dustin Martin has blamed by his son over his deportation, leaving him unable to return to Australia. Shane Martin told Neil Mitchell on 3AW t... read more

Larissa Bartolo targeted over boyfriend’s catfish claims

A glamour model claims she was targeted with vile death threats after she revealed her boyfriend didn’t believe she was real – because of her stunning l... read more

All five living presidents launch ‘One America’ appeal

All former living presidents have come together to ask Americans to do what they can to help those who have been devastated by this year’s hurricanes.  P... read more

Massive 8.0 magnitude earthquake recorded in Mexico

By Daniel Roth For Published: 06:14 BST, 8 September 2017 | Updated: 06:14 BST, 8 September 2017 A massive 8.0 earthquake was reported to have str... read more

Tamron Hall subpoenaed by Jesse Jackson Jr.’s wife

Ex-NBC news anchor Tamron Hall received a subpoena on behalf of her ‘social acquaintance’ Jesse Jackson Jr.’s estranged wife, Sandi. Hall was... read more

Babysitter, 64, charged for sexually assaulting toddler

A 64-year-old man has been charged for sexually assaulting a three-year-old girl The man had allegedly assaulted the toddler while babysitting her in Parramatta... read more