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The new BMW 2 series… hot off the forecourt

When Kevin Doyle drove his new BMW from a garage forecourt, he was happy with his hot deal. But pleasure turned to terror when it burst into flames on a slip ro... read more

‘Floppy Labour are turning a blind eye to sex grooming’

Sarah Champion was dismissed from the shadow front bench last month for saying that Britain has a ‘problem’ with British Pakistani men exploiting white girl... read more

Bin lorries carrying seven spy cameras to catch you out

Binmen are filing reports on millions of families for rubbish and recycling ‘offences’. Town hall chiefs have ordered them to rifle through domestic... read more

Mel B battled cocaine, alcohol addiction: bombshell texts

Mel B battled a cocaine and alcohol addiction which impacted her marriage and her ability to care for her three children, a bombshell legal declaration by her e... read more

Mowed six times a week: No wonder it’s Britain’s best lawn

Mr Grindle – whose lawn has appeared on Gardeners’ World on BBC 2 – has spent 30 hours a week for the past 40 years tending his garden in Tickhill, Do... read more

Woman shares why she feels GRATEFUL after a miscarriage

A woman from Minnesota is sharing her unique perspective on miscarriage after losing her unborn baby just two weeks after learning she was pregnant. Shelly Mett... read more

Muslim actor Osamah Sami slams Pauline Hanson

He’s the Iraqi-born comedian and actor who is set to star in the new romantic comedy Ali’s Wedding. And Osamah Sami, who wrote the film in which he ... read more

Mayweather defeated by Peter Dutton, can’t visit Australia

Floyd Mayweather may be undefeated in the ring but the champion boxer is set for successive losses against an unlikely opponent – Immigration Minister Pet... read more

Houston weatherman floored when fans give him a vacation

A Houston weatherman was floored when a fan started a GoFundMe to raise funds to send him on a vacation after Harvey’s waters destroyed their city. Donat... read more

Two girls prove how divided Britain really is

The initial silence between the two teens might be awkward, but it is nothing compared to the exchange that fills it. ‘Are you getting ‘owt for Chri... read more

Mother got hair braided as toddler was trapped in hot car

Dijanelle Fowler, 25 (pictured), turned herself into Dekalb County, Georgia police on July 17 and was charged with murder, child cruelty and concealing a death ... read more

Apple seeking space in Hollywood hub Culver Studios

Apple has set its sights on the renowned Culver Studios to serve as the launching point into Hollywood production, according to a new report. The firm is report... read more

Freshman fake cries as her mom drops her off on first day 

A mom driving her daughter to her first day of high school had to deal with her teen’s hysterical anxiety ridden freak out, but she caught it all on tape.... read more

Breastfeeding could help children eat all their veg

Breastfeeding is said to give babies the best possible start in life. Studies show it can protect against infections, improve school performance and even bolste... read more

Raging fire at Texas chemical plant after

Another fire has broken out at a Houston-area chemical plant on Friday evening Flames and smoke could be seen coming from the Arkema plant in Crosby, Texas The... read more

A very modern happy ever after

Gemma Mahon, had daughter Beatrice by sperm donor, two years ago As her two-year-old toddler clambers into her lap for a cuddle, Gemma Mahon carefully wiggles h... read more

Office worker, 29, prosecco and vodka with Wayne Rooney

This is the 29-year-old brunette who let Wayne Rooney drive her home in her car after a ten hour drinking session. Former England captain Rooney, 31, was today ... read more

US ban on North Korea travel comes into force

Washington’s ban on US citizens traveling to North Korea came into force on Friday, with the two countries at loggerheads over Pyongyang’s weapons a... read more

Yellowstone hit by record breaking 2,300 quakes since June

An ongoing earthquake swarm at Yellowstone National Park is now one of the biggest ever recorded, with over 2,300 tremors having been recorded since it began in... read more

UNC sororities postpone rush amid norovirus scare

A North Carolina university has had to postpone their sorority rush week at the last minute after an apparent outbreak of norovirus. Health officials at the Uni... read more

My (nerve wracking) date with Britain’s pickiest singleton

Anna Heaton, a picky serial dater and former Take Me Out contestant, went on her 78th date with Daily Mail journalist, Henry Deedes We are sitting in the oak-pa... read more

WWII pigeon project led to modern touch screens 

Pigeons trained to drop artillery from the sky paved the way for the  modern touch screen. During World War II, the US Navy and National Institute of Standard... read more

Why people who work night shifts struggle to shift weight

Working night shifts derails your metabolism and can make it difficult to shift weight, new research shows.  Humans have one specific protein which harvests en... read more

More than 700 people sickened by mold in a Florida school 

Teachers in one of America’s largest public school systems are being sickened by mold growing in their classrooms – and their complaints to administ... read more