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German police raid homes over ‘politician murder plot’

German police on Monday raided the homes and workplaces of a policeman and another person suspected of planning to capture and kill left-wing politicians becaus... read more

Devastating before and after pictures show Harvey’s impact

As Hurricane Harvey ravaged Houston on Monday, the extent of the devastation it has caused started to become clear.  Huge swathes of the city now sit underwate... read more

Thousands flock to Nevada for Burning Man Festival

Tens of thousands have braved massive traffic jams to get to a remote stretch of Nevada desert for the annual Burning Man festival. The highly-anticipated art a... read more

NY man dies after lying on road and getting hit by a car

A 30-year-old man died in upstate New York after lying down on a busy road and getting hit by a car, police said. In the seconds before being hit in Syracuse, N... read more

Pregnant mother chooses her child’s life over chemotherapy

A young mother-to-be was forced to make a heartbreaking choice between saving her child or treating life threatening bone cancer. At sixteen weeks along Tasha T... read more

Bill Shorten supports changing Captain Cook statue plaque

Bill Shorten has called for Hyde Park’s Captain Cook statue to be reformed after it was the target of a vandal who scrawled ‘change the date’ ... read more

Port worker is crushed to death at Portsmouth dock

Mieczyslaw ‘Mitch’ Siwak, has been named as the man who died in a dockyard incident A port worker was crushed to death between two containers at the... read more

Britain’s raft of Brexit policy papers are DISMISSED

Michel Barnier dismissed Britain’s raft of Brexit policy papers today as he demanded serious talks on the divorce with the EU. In a clear sign of the impa... read more

Parents of drowned toddler Braxton Slager break down

The biological parents of a toddler who drowned in a backyard swimming pool just three weeks after being placed into temporary care broke down outside court. Br... read more

NYC statue of doctor defaced with the word ‘racist’

A controversial statue in New York of a doctor who operated on enslaved women was defaced by a vandal who spray-painted the word ‘racist’ on it. Th... read more

Lalor Park shooting: Girl, 3, remembered after shot dead

A three-year-old child who was found dead with a gunshot wound to her neck at a Sydney home has been remembered as a ‘beautiful little girl’. Parame... read more

Labor MP Katy Gallagher embroiled in citizenship saga

Australia’s citizenship scandal has rolled on with Senator Katy Gallagher becoming the latest politician embroiled in the ongoing saga. Despite the former... read more

Halifax mother-of-two is found ‘murdered’ at her home

Today the dead young woman was named locally as Jessica King by neighbours who described her as a ‘nice, normal mum’ A 23-year-old mother-of-two fou... read more

New Zealand couple devastated with $1,500 mystery holiday

A New Zealand couple have been left distraught after they were promised a five-star luxury holiday but ended up with a hotel room looking out onto a car park. B... read more

PC Graham throwing some moves at Notting Hill 

PC Daniel Graham wowed crowds at the London festival with his amazing moves An MC even said ‘you must be an undercover raver’ during the officer... read more

The last fortified house in Scotland is on the market

If you’ve ever wanted to live like a noble – but didn’t have the credentials required – purchasing this Scottish ‘fairy tale castl... read more

NJ mom ‘got high in her car while her daughter, 2, died’

A New Jersey mom has been arrested after she allegedly got high in her parked car, leaving her two-year-old daughter to die in the rear seat. Deanna J Joseph, 3... read more

Dying man placed next to corpse at Northern Hospital

Dying man ‘moved to room containing corpse’ at Melbourne’s Northern Hospital The partner of the man said she heard hospital staff discuss ... read more

Jacqui Lambie slams Dan Sultan over Australia Day change

A fired-up Jacqui Lambie has slammed indigenous singer Dan Sultan over his calls for the date of Australia Day to be changed. The Tasmanian senator’s pass... read more

Texas dog carries a bag of food after Hurricane Harvey

A clever German Shepherd cross managed to take matters into his own paws when he was spotted strolling the streets of Texas carrying a huge bag of food in the a... read more

Texas teen dances in rain during Hurricane Harvey

One Texas teenager is bringing a bit of levity to the internet in the midst of Hurricane Harvey’s destruction. Deandre Wilson of Austin was clearly not in... read more

Kevin Hart challenges celebs to help hurricane victims

In the wake of the devastation left by Hurricane Harvey, comedian Kevin Hart has issued a challenge to some of his fellow celebrities to donate relief money.  ... read more

Homeless man paid to pour coffee on himself died in crash

Sad end: Ronald Leggatt, 67, the New JErsey homeless man who drew national attention last year when a stranger asked him to pour hot coffee on himself in excha... read more

Yale: estrogen patches boost menopausal woman’s sex drive

Estrogen replacement patches do wonders to preserve a woman’s sex drive through menopause – but pills are as useless as a placebo, a new study claim... read more