Patricia Hodge tells why… It’s a Tricki Christmas for Mrs Pumphrey! 

The perennially elegant Patricia Hodge has had a huge number of co-stars during her long career, but she now has a new favourite – although he happens to have four legs, not two. His name is Derek and he plays pampered Pekingese Tricki Woo, canine companion to the wealthy Mrs Pumphrey in Channel 5’s adaption of All Creatures Great And Small. 

‘One of the things I look forward to most about filming is seeing Derek,’ reveals Patricia, who was cast as Mrs Pumphrey in the recent second series. ‘He’s an angel of a dog. He has such a placid nature, so working with him has been a total pleasure.’

She feels the same way about Mrs Pumphrey, a wonderful eccentric in the great British tradition, and the sort of role Patricia enjoys above all others. ‘They’re such fun!’ she says, echoing the catchphrase of her character Penny in the hit sitcom Miranda. 

‘Mrs Pumphrey’s world is one that nobody else quite inhabits but that’s how she sees life and the clash of her reality versus everybody else’s is the comedic property of it.’

Patricia Hodge is starring as Mrs Pumphrey in All Creatures Great And Small following the passing of Dame Diana Rigg. Pictured: Patricia with Derek

The original BBC adaptation of Yorkshire vet Alf Wight’s semi-autobiographical novels about the misadventures of vet James Herriot was first broadcast in the 70s, when Mrs Pumphrey was portrayed by the late Margaretta Scott – an actress Patricia knew reasonably well. 

In the first series of Channel 5’s remake, Dame Diana Rigg played the part. When she died of cancer last September, Patricia was asked to step in, a request she admits gave her pause. ‘There’s always a degree of hesitancy when somebody else has inhabited a role, particularly somebody I admired very much,’ she says.

Happily, the show’s fans have been thrilled by her take on the role. ‘I stay blissfully ignorant of people’s reactions to my performances but it’s very nice to hear that,’ she says. 

‘It means a lot to me because it’s one of those shows that people feel so connected to. It’s a very precious thing.’

A huge ratings success for Channel 5, Patricia was already a fan, little thinking she would soon be a part of it. ‘I loved watching it,’ she says. ‘You’re in a particular landscape. 

‘Time is slower, things move at a more leisurely pace and there’s an element of reminding ourselves that this is how we were. And humans and animals inhabit an environment in which they’re equally and mutually important, and that strikes a chord.’

Mrs Pumphrey is at the centre of the forthcoming Christmas special, when Tricki Woo becomes unwell and she must potentially face the festive season without her adored companion. While Patricia is far too diplomatic to give the game away, one assumes that, given it’s Christmas, there will be a happy ending. 

‘There are many different little tales going on side by side but there’s a strong thread to the Mrs Pumphrey story and what happens becomes an important part of the conclusion,’ she says. Those little tales include a dilemma for Helen and James. 

Patricia, who was born in Cleethorpes and raised in Grimsby, reveled the festive special was filmed in July. Pictured: Patricia as Mrs Pumphrey and Samuel West as vet Siegfried Farnon

Patricia, who was born in Cleethorpes and raised in Grimsby, reveled the festive special was filmed in July. Pictured: Patricia as Mrs Pumphrey and Samuel West as vet Siegfried Farnon

While the season two finale ended on an uplifting note after he proposed, the special sees the couple struggle to decide whether to have lunch with Helen’s father and sister at Heston Grange or at Skeldale with the vets. 

Meanwhile, a card from his father gives James cause to worry, an emergency leaves Helen feeling like a spare part at the Skeldale Christmas Party and Tristan reveals some important news and learns that it might be time to take himself more seriously.

Patricia laughs as she recalls filming the festive special in July. ‘There was a Christmas tree sparkling away in the surgery, I forgot the fact it was blazing hot outside and I was in a wool coat and hat and gloves. 

‘But the set designers are amazing – you step through the door and it’s like going back in time, it’s another world and you lose yourself in it.’


Patricia played Miranda’s mother Penny in the radio series but was committed to the stage show Calendar Girls when she was asked to reprise it for TV, and had to turn it down.

‘I thought that was that, but Miranda came to my show and said she couldn’t believe I couldn’t do the telly version,’ Patricia recalls. 

‘I said if she was recording on Sunday I’d be able to do it as that was my free night. Three days later she came back and said, “Right, we’ve changed the recordings to Sunday.”’ 

Patricia said Miranda (pictured) changed the dates for filming the TV series, so that they would be able to work together

Patricia said Miranda (pictured) changed the dates for filming the TV series, so that they would be able to work together 

Born in Cleethorpes and raised in Grimsby by her hotelier parents, Patricia made her West End debut in 1972. Her screen roles include QC Phyllida Erskine-Brown in Rumpole Of The Bailey, mistress Mary Fisher in The Life And Loves Of A She-Devil and aristocratic Mrs Pelham in Downton Abbey. 

In 2017 she received an OBE for services to drama. Not bad for someone who reckons she never had anything mapped out. ‘I’ve sort of gone along with it,’ she says. ‘This profession is so uncertain, you never know where you’re headed.’

Take her role as Penny, the gloriously aspirational mother of Miranda Hart in her award-winning show. 

‘I had no idea how popular it would be until the first episode was filmed. The audience reaction was amazing. One woman laughed so loudly they had to take her out – she was literally helpless with laughter.’ 

Patricia still gets stopped by people asking her to do Penny’s ‘Such fun!’ catchphrase and she remains close to Miranda. ‘She calls me Mum Two and I call her Daughter. That will stay forever.’

In real life, Patricia is mum to two sons, Alexander, 32, and Edward, 29, having come to motherhood in her 40s after years of trying. Their father, her husband of 40 years, music publisher Peter Owen, passed away five years ago, aged 85, having suffered with dementia for years. 

Afterwards, she moved out of the family home in Barnes, south-west London. ‘We were there for 23 years and leaving it was terrible but I couldn’t live there any longer,’ she says. 

‘I miss the life I had in it but if I say to myself, “Do I wish I was still there?” the answer is no. That life had gone and it was too much to handle on my own. Where I am is more comfortable but I’ll never lose the pain.’

Work is one antidote, particularly theatre. ‘It’s you and the audience, and you absolutely know from them whether something’s working. The audience is half of the show, and that’s really important,’ she says.

She’s currently touring in a twice-delayed-by-Covid production of Noel Coward’s Private Lives with Nigel Havers, and she’s clearly buoyed by it. ‘We deliberately wanted to go on the road with this play and the best thing that’s come out of it is seeing the evidence that people are getting back into life,’ she says.

Patricia said many programmes are now short as if people have no lasting attention span, however something like All Creatures (pictured) opens moment by moment

Patricia said many programmes are now short as if people have no lasting attention span, however something like All Creatures (pictured) opens moment by moment 

The play was written for two people in their 30s but, as Patricia points out, the story, about a couple who can’t live with each other yet can’t live without each other, is universal.

‘Nigel and I are both far too old for it on paper but you want to say, “You know what, we still love and we still argue and we have all those things you have when you’re in your 30s.”’

While she has ‘absolutely no desire’ to share her life with anyone on a permanent basis, she likes the idea of playing a romantic role. But, she says, ‘what happens is women get to the age of 55 and men are cast with women 20 years younger than them, while we’re just out.’ 

Mrs Pumphrey’s world is one that no one else quite inhabits 

She points out that she’s currently working with Roger Allam on a murder-mystery series for BritBox called Murder In Provence. Yet while they played opposite each other as contemporaries in the National Theatre’s 1999 production of Money (they both won Olivier awards), she’s now playing his partner’s mother.

‘It is acknowledged that his partner is much younger,’ she says, ‘but nevertheless I’m playing his mother-in-law. And you think, “Right, well, that’s the way you see it.”’

Patricia is too much of a trooper to grumble, and besides she’s full of bonhomie as she reflects on her time spent amid the glorious Yorkshire scenery. 

‘So much now is punchy and short, as if people have no lasting attention span,’ she says. ‘Something like All Creatures, it’s like a flower that opens moment by moment and that’s wonderful.’  

All Creatures Great And Small’s Christmas Special airs later this month on Channel 5.