Neighbours declare paw! Woman in exclusive suburb sparks war of words with dog owner after leaving an ‘unreasonable’ note about her pet’s ‘barking issues’
- A woman living in Mosman, Sydney, received an angry note from her neighbour
- The anonymous neighbour claimed the woman’s dog was a ‘nuisance’
- They said the 14-year-old canine barked excessively when it was outside
- Belinda Roberts said there are only 2-3 minutes a day when the dog would bark
A woman living in one of Sydney’s most exclusive suburbs is furious after receiving a note from her neighbour that her 14-year-old dog is a ‘nuisance’.
The letter, sent to Mosman resident Belinda Roberts, claimed the dog barked ‘constantly’ and was disturbing the neighbour.
‘Your dog is becoming a bit of a nuisance,’ the letter read.
‘We live next door and often work from home. Constant barking when he/she is outside doesn’t help.’
The anonymous neighbour went on to say Ms Roberts should train her dog, or research the canine’s ‘barking issues’, and be ‘a more responsible dog owner’.
Taking to Facebook to share the letter, Ms Roberts revealed her dog was 14 years old with a myriad of health issues.
She said her dog mostly lived inside and only barked prior to be walked for about ‘2-3 minutes’.
A Mosman woman was left an angry letter over her dog’s barking – but she claims the elderly canine only makes noise ‘two to three minutes a day’
‘He is an inside dog who gets taken out for two walks a day and taken out to our front garden for two pees a day,’ she wrote.
‘He gets really excited to go outside and barks for approx 30 seconds per event. In total it would be an average of about 2-3 minutes a day all up.
‘Yes, its loud barking, no, it’s not at times that are inconsiderate, never early or late.’
Ms Roberts said she and her husband had tried muzzling the dog, but it left the pet stressed and unable to pee.
She asked neighbours for their opinions on the letter.
‘We understand not everyone likes dogs – especially barking (we don’t either!) but I guess living in suburbia there are bound to be dogs, kids, cars – normal everyday noise,’ she wrote.
‘Of course not *excessive* barking, that is a totally different kettle of fish, but two to three minutes a day total?? Is this what you would call excessive and warrant a letter like this?’
Neighbours told Ms Roberts she should ignore the letter and slammed its author for their ‘rude approach’.
‘That’s ridiculous, dogs bark! They need to suck it up if it isn’t excessive,’ one local wrote.
‘Enjoy your beautiful dog and don’t stress him out during his old age. It’s stressful to get letters like that but people need to chill.’
‘Less than 5 minutes a day and they are complaining?!They need to get a life,’ another woman said.
‘Alternatively, I haven’t played trumpet in about 25 years, but I’m willing to come over and give it a good, solid try for a few hours. Perhaps that would readjust their expectations on urban living?’
On Tuesday morning the note had received nearly 300 comments.

Belinda Roberts said her 14-year-old dog suffers a myriad of health issues and is only outside their house for short periods four times a day, leaving only minutes where his barking could be a disturbance to neighbours (stock image)