Protect Wood Table Tops From Scratch

Custom wooden furniture made of quality materials is quite solid, which doesn’t mean people cannot damage it. No one likes damaged items as this may spoil the general room interior design. Today let’s learn a number of tips helping protect wood tabletops from scratches.

Tips to protect wood table tops from scratch

Dust often: Dusting is an essential process helping keep one’s home clean. People underestimate dusting in terms of preventing furniture from physical damages. But this method works. It’s recommended to use soft clothes to exclude the risk of making scratches while dusting the tabletop.

Keep furniture clean: Busy people’s wood tops of tables are in the mass, making furniture dirty. Dusting can’t cope with that problem. Choose mild wash detergents and clean items using a soft cloth. It’s recommended to wipe surfaces using dry pieces of cloth after finishing cleaning.

Re-oil/re-wax tabletops: Scratches may occur on tabletops when furniture items become dry. In such common cases, experts recommend re-oiling or re-waxing tabletops. Re-oiling methods not only protect surfaces from physical damages but provide a smoother feeling, making tops softer.

Use custom table pads: Tables cannot be cleaned every single day. People may not have time for such procedures. Busy people need to work on tables every day so there’s a necessity for them in keeping computers or laptops right on tabletops. Consider covering a surface. It’s a beneficial option to protect a piece of furniture from scratches.

Buy custom table pads. They’re not only effective in terms of excluding damages, but might be attractive as well. Custom table pads enhance the general interior design. Choose good options fitting your tabletop, stationery, and computer equipment.

Avoid scratches – choose the best wood materials

Learning protection tips is a good idea but avoiding scratches by choosing good materials is better. Hardwood must catch your eye. Hardwood materials are durable and solid, they are often called “scratch-resistant”. Hardwood materials don’t tend to show visible scratches and require less care.

Hardwood furniture is supposed to stay beautiful longer than soft one. Environmental factors like heat and sunlight can create massive effects on the wooden table. Ensure that you don’t place your wooden furniture in front of any fireplace, vents for uncovered windows. External elements can also cause scratches on your custom painted tabletop.

Therefore it is wise to avoid placing your wooden tables in such places. Everyone feels lethargic to dust. But it is one of the best ways to avoid scratches on your tabletop. Of course, you can use soft clothes like cotton or microfiber to avoid any damage. Sometimes to take proper care of your tabletop dusting is not enough.

If you find any scratch areas or spots, you can use mild wash detergent to cleanse the area. Once you clean it, make sure that you use a soft dry cloth to wipe it out immediately.  Even considering that fact, don’t neglect proper treatment – quality dusting and cleaning are helpful for any material.

Consider the following solid types of woods when choosing a material for your tabletop:

  • Walnut
  • Maple
  • Mahogany
  • Birch
  • Oak
  • Cherry
  • Pine