Rebecca Gibney updates fans on her mother’s ongoing health battle

Rebecca Gibney updates fans on her mother’s ongoing health battle after she was hospitalised for heart surgery

Rebecca Gibney has shared an update on her beloved mother’s ongoing health battle. 

The Packed to The Rafters star, 58, took to Instagram over the weekend after fans asked about mum Shirley’s wellbeing after being admitted to hospital.

Last week, Mrs Gibney underwent a small operation at the Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane to fix a valve in her heart.

Rebecca Gibney (pictured) has updated fans on her mother Shirley’s ongoing health battle after she was hospitalised for heart surgery

‘So far, it’s all going super well but she is very tired and it may be a bit of a slow recovery,’ Rebecca said.  

Rebecca uploaded a photo of her mother in the hospital bed after the operation.

She thanked Dr Haris Haggani and other medical professionals for their level of care. 

‘He is officially Mum’s other son who has gone above and beyond,’ she said. 

The Packed to The Rafters star, 58, took to Instagram over the weekend after fans asked about mum Shirley's wellbeing after being admitted to hospital

The Packed to The Rafters star, 58, took to Instagram over the weekend after fans asked about mum Shirley’s wellbeing after being admitted to hospital 

‘She is incredibly precious to us all and we are beyond grateful.’

Rebecca reached out to fans to show her appreciation for their loving thoughts for her mother. 

‘She gets quite overwhelmed by it all but really appreciates the kindness and sends all her love back to you,’ she said. 

Rebecca (pictured) reached out to fans over the weekend to show her appreciation for their loving thoughts for her mother

Rebecca (pictured) reached out to fans over the weekend to show her appreciation for their loving thoughts for her mother

It comes after Rebecca penned a powerful post about ageing and ’embracing the real’. 

The Gold Logie winner shared her message alongside a makeup free selfie on Instagram, showing off her clear complexion after getting a facial done.

In her post, Rebecca reminded her followers that a lot of images they see online are Photoshopped or edited in some way.

She shared one version of a selfie edited with a filter and another completely untouched to make her point.

'She gets quite overwhelmed by it all but really appreciates the kindness and sends all her love back to you,' her daughter Rebecca said

‘She gets quite overwhelmed by it all but really appreciates the kindness and sends all her love back to you,’ her daughter Rebecca said

She did admit that she had just had her lashes and brows tinted.

‘I think we should all remember that most of the stuff posted on here is filtered and Photoshopped,’ Rebecca began in her lengthy post.

‘Let’s keep embracing the real. (PS this is not a post to stop people doing whatever they like to their faces and bodies – whether you want to lose weight, gain it have your eyes done, Botox, facelift, whatever. It’s your choice),’ she said.

‘But remember we are ALL going to get old and eventually leave this earthly place so shouldn’t we be spending our time doing things that bring joy and happiness?’

‘Manifest your dreams and live every moment for those among us who aren’t afforded that freedom. You get one life.’

It comes after the actress penned a powerful post about ageing and 'embracing the real'

She shared an unedited makeup-free selfie and the Photoshopped version (pictured)

It comes after the actress penned a powerful post about ageing and ’embracing the real’.  She shared an unedited makeup-free selfie (left) and the Photoshopped version (right)
