Resident slams neighbours for letting kids play in street 

An angry resident has written a letter to his neighbours slamming them for letting their kids play in the street because it’s ‘not the Australian way.’

The unnamed author claimed the residents of the street in the Sydney suburb of Kingsford had had their ‘peace, independence and quietness’ taken away from them in the past year, according to 7News.

‘We are kindly requesting you in a nice way to help all of us to live in peace and quiet in our street,’ the typo-ridden letter begins.

It urges parents to take their children to play in nearby parks rather than in the street.

An angry resident has written a letter (above) to his neighbours slamming them for letting their kids play in the street because it’s ‘not the Australian way’

‘We all bought [sic] up kids not in the way you doing it, it is not the Australian way, it was always wrong in the past, it is wrong, illegal and dangerous now, and if you like your kinds [sic] and their friends to play and enjoy their car and all other different toys take them to a park, there are plenty around us.’

The resident continues to rant about the inconvenience of children playing as well as the apparent excessive noise from neighbours’ cars.

‘You blocking a parking space, you blocking the street, you obstructing traffic, you parking a trailer on public land and you behaving like the owner of the street,’ the letter says.

The letter urges parents to take their kids to play in parks rather than in the street. File photo

The letter urges parents to take their kids to play in parks rather than in the street. File photo

‘We can’t live [sic] our front door open because of the noise from the small car, screaming and yelling any time of the day in front of our houses.’

The letter ends on a somewhat positive note – with the author hopeful that it will ‘bring back the silence we used to and entitled to.’

However, one person who lives in the street was shocked and said that none of the problems raised in the complaint were valid concerns.

‘I can’t think of anything more Australian than kids enjoying open spaces close to their homes,’ the neighbour told 7News.

The neighbour added that the street is full of ‘lovely’ families and their kids – and suggested the person complain should try and fit in with the majority of residents or move.

‘We won’t stop our kids playing near their homes. In fact we might hold a street party to make some noise,’ they added.