More than half a million people have watched a popular Australian health and fitness blogger give birth to her second son on YouTube in raw and emotional footage that brought some viewers to tears.
Sarah Tilse, who blogs under the name Sarah’s Day, gave birth to her son Malakai Koa on March 14 with her husband Kurt and sister Emily encouraged to film the experience.
The 29-year-old from Sydney, who has 1.53million subscribers on YouTube, uploaded a version of the raw footage on April 8, showing everything from the family getting ready to leave the house and listening to Hillsong music on the drive to the hospital to pulling Malakai out of her body 15 hours later.
The video starts at 3am the day the newborn was born with Sarah explaining that her water had broken after a particularly violent cough escaped her in the middle of the night.
Sarah Tilse, who blogs under the name Sarah’s Day, gave birth to her son Malakai Koa on March 14 with her husband Kurt and sister Emily encouraged to film the experience
Sarah, Kurt and their firstborn Fox were all afflicted with rhinovirus when she went into labour, with the new mum-of-two barely sleeping a wink the night she welcomed Malakai into the world.
‘I’m going to try and do this as naturally as possible,’ she told Kurt on their way to the hospital, with contractions every five minutes.
Wearing her ‘push present’ – a Balenciaga hoodie – Sarah kept the lights dimmed as she laboured, trying to conserve her energy as much as possible.
She managed to labour on her own until she was 6cm dilated before she opted for an epidural, which progressed into pushing very quickly.
Malakai was eventually born just after 6am with Sarah bravely reaching forward and pulling the newborn out herself, before breaking down into tears.
Malakai was eventually born just after 6am with Sarah bravely reaching forward and pulling the newborn out herself, before breaking down into tears
She revealed after the birth that she had popped a blood vessel in her eye from the pushing (Her two sons pictured)
She revealed after the birth that she had popped a blood vessel in her eye from the pushing.
‘Now that I’m going through a scary pregnancy myself, seeing this has made me BAWL! What a beautiful end to a hard pregnancy journey,’ one of her followers wrote.
‘BAWLING. God bless your beautiful boy. Thank you for sharing this with us,’ said another.
Sarah and Kurt’s firstborn Fox was born on March 29, 2019, and his birth video has been watched an astounding eight million times.
Sarah and Kurt’s firstborn Fox was born on March 29, 2019, and his birth video has been watched an astounding eight million times
Sarah endured a 30 hour-long labour with Fox (pictured) before she eventually asked for an epidural to ‘calm her body’ and help her give birth
Sarah endured a 30 hour-long labour with Fox before she eventually asked for an epidural to ‘calm her body’ and help her give birth.
The video shows the entirety of Sarah’s birthing process, which began on Sunday March 24 when she experienced mild contractions.
At this point, walking up and down a flight of stairs and bouncing on a gym ball was her only relief.
Sarah relied on Kurt, a filmmaker, and sister Emily, who is a midwife, for support when she finally made her way to the hospital on Tuesday March 26.
When she was there, viewers of the video could see that Kurt was constantly trying to support her, while Sarah was in visible pain.
She relied on her husband Kurt (pictured), a filmmaker, and sister Emily, who is a midwife, for support as she finally made her way to the hospital on Tuesday March 26
In a particularly poignant scene of the 25-minute video Sarah’s mother can be seen praying in front of her daughter, who is trying to get some relief from the pain by standing in the shower.
‘This is what our bodies are built for… Father we pray for some energy,’ Sarah’s mother utters throughout the spiritual moment.
After 30 hours of labour Sarah was still only 5cm dilated and the pain was becoming too much for her ‘mind and body to handle’.
She then asked for an epidural to relax her body.
In a particularly poignant scene of the 25-minute video Sarah’s mother can be seen praying in front of her daughter, who is trying to get some relief from the pain by standing in the shower
‘This was probably the most raw emotional video I’ve ever watched on YouTube,’ one person said.
‘I’ve never actually cried during a video until this one. What an incredible journey.
‘It’s crazy how much love goes into birthing a child. Love from the mother and all of her support system.
‘You are such a strong human being and this video really shows the extent of it. Thank you for making this video!’
Another said: ‘If I ever get pregnant I’m showing this video to my man so he knows exactly how to act. Kurt was incredible.’
Towards the last few minutes of the video Sarah can be seen ‘pushing’, her face a contorted grimace as she focused on the job at hand.
‘I really felt that. It’s overwhelmingly raw and honest and I have definitely cried,’ one person commented.