Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies has had a lesbian living over her garage, has two grown-up mixed race children from her former marriage to British sprint champion Derek Redmond, gay friends, transgender friends and… well, let’s just say she’s raised her blended family (she also has a 12‑year-old son, Finley) to be a thoughtful, open-minded bunch.
‘I’m really proud I brought up my kids to think of other people and not judge anyone. That’s what hurts me most about being called these names. All my life . . .’
For a moment, tears threaten. Sharron, 56, pauses to collect herself. She’s not going to let those tears fall. Absolutely not.
A steely resolution flashes in her eyes: ‘I refuse to allow these activists to get to me,’ she says.
Pictured: Swimmer Sharron Davies, who is against male-born athletes competing in women’s sport
‘These activists’ are part of the transgender community who have hurled all sorts of truly vile names at her this week from ‘gay-trans hater’ to ‘bitch’. She even stands accused of advocating incest and rape.
The reason? Sharron posted a tweet five days ago which read: ‘If you put 2 biological females on an island humanity dies out (but they’d talk loads) if you put a biological male & a trans woman on an island humanity dies out.
‘But if you put a male & a female there we might stand a chance! Providing they can fish of course. Binary Sex matters.’
She followed with a second tweet: ‘And we haven’t killed all the fish with plastic first!!!’

Injustice: Sharron Davies at Central Lenin Stadium during the Moscow Olympics in 1980, with East German drug cheat Petra Schneider, who beat her to gold
Sharron is a passionate environmentalist who cares deeply about the sort of planet we leave our children.
She is also a campaigner for equality in sport, which is where she has found herself at odds with ‘these activists’.
She’s found, to her enormous cost, that even the most innocent rattle of this particular Twitter cage can invoke a terrifying response.
For her tweet was not a random attack upon the transgender community but part of an on-going debate among some of the sporting world’s most prolific athletes who question the ‘fairness’ of trans women competing on the track, field and in the pool with biological women.
Sharron’s outspokenness comes three years after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) changed guidelines which stated trans women had to have a medical diagnosis, had to have undergone sex reassignment surgery and had to have lived as a woman for several years if they wished to compete in women’s sport.
Now trans women are eligible for female competitions if they self-identify for a year and reduce their testosterone levels to ten nanomoles per litre of blood [nmol/l].
A healthy range in biological men is 9.2 to 31.8 nmol/l and in females ten times lower, between 0.3 and 2.5 nmol/l.
While she has every sympathy for the torment suffered by trans people, that, says Sharron, is simply unfair. ‘The potential for abuse is massive,’ she adds.
Testosterone is the hormone which controls bone and muscle mass, fat distribution, and strength. It’s what makes men stronger, bigger, faster, and is why there are separate male and female events.

Schneider pictured during competition in July at the 1980 Summer Olympics beside the Olimpiysky Swimming Pool in Moscow
Sharron knows all too well about unfairness in sport, the misery of competing when the playing field is not level.
For she should, by rights, have an Olympic gold medal in her collection today. She won silver in the 1980 Moscow Olympics — beaten by East German Petra Schneider, who later admitted her victory was drug-enhanced.
In fact, the entire East German women’s Olympic team was being pumped full of steroids, including testosterone, that increased their performance by a whopping 9 per cent.
This was revealed in East German secret police files when the Berlin Wall came down.
‘Petra beat me by eight seconds and set a world record for nearly 20 years,’ says Sharron.
‘Without that 9 per cent advantage the testosterone gave her, she’d have been 17 seconds behind me. I’d have won the gold in the Olympics and in the European championships.
‘There are other British athletes who came fourth behind three East Germans.’
It’s fairness that drives her, she says. Not for her, and the nearly 40 years of smarting injustice she’s had to live with, but for all women.
‘This is about ethics, fair play, honesty and equal opportunities,’ she says. ‘All I’m trying to do is fight for the rights of girls in sport. Biology cannot be ignored.
‘I wouldn’t try to cause offence to anybody. I’ve been trying to explain for several months now that whilst gender might well be a spectrum, sex is a binary fact. We are male or female.

pictured on August 25, 2014,
‘In most sport, biological males have a ten to 12 per cent difference in performance over women. In some sport, it’s as high as 31 per cent.
‘That’s the science. It comes with your natural biology which comes with your chromosomes, and your chromosomes will never change.
‘If you have the male ‘Y’ chromosome you have the biological benefits of greater bone density, greater muscle fibre, greater red blood cell count, higher haemoglobin, a bigger heart, bigger lungs, bigger hands, bigger feet.
‘These things will never change and women’s sport will be decimated. But the response has been so vicious — so vile.’
Her voice wobbles and again she’s fighting to contain her composure.
Sharron is a tough cookie. She’s a former Olympian, for goodness sake.
Standing in her beautiful, converted old manor house near Bath — her nails manicured, her flawless face so familiar from the years of TV presenting work — the determined little girl who eschewed friends’ birthday parties to go to swimming training is still there, under the surface.
Such has been the volume of online traffic since she posted her extraordinarily incendiary tweet that her Twitter following has doubled to 51,400.
Many of the replies are supportive but those from ‘these extremists’ are downright nasty.
Take the post from one trans woman who lives in Bristol responding to a throwaway comment from Sharron that she was ‘past that stage’ of having children on her island.
‘She posted a picture of me saying: ‘This woman is sterile.’ I’m a 56-year-old woman going through the menopause who’s had three kids, a couple of miscarriages and these people think it’s OK to post something like that.’
‘It started with ‘this nasty person’ (she means a particular Left-wing political activist but won’t mention his name) who did what they call a pile-on.
‘He took a screen shot of this tweet then manipulated the meaning to be something it wasn’t, suggesting I was transphobic, homophobic; I was this, I was that.
‘He then chucked it out to his activist followers who then piled on with the most unbelievable abuse. Many hadn’t even read the original tweet. They started talking about me wanting to repopulate the world with incest.
‘If you were to read my timeline you’d see I’m always tweeting information and statistics that hammer home the importance of equality for women in sport and that biology counts.
‘This abuse is militant. It’s organised. It’s misogynist and narcissistic. They want to cause people hurt and it’s not right.
‘When I said to this guy: ‘You can’t talk to people like this. I’m going to talk to a barrister because you’ve misrepresented my tweet,’ the first thing he wrote back was: ‘How dare you bully a gay man.’ ‘
She pulls a sort of can-you-believe-it face.
‘It had nothing to do with him being gay and that’s what’s wrong with what’s going on at the moment.
‘They use it as a weapon — say: ‘You can’t argue with me because I’m gay, because I’m a trans, because I’m this or that.’
‘These people are just shutting down honest debate with name-calling over and over again to a point where everyone is scared.
‘All I’m doing is fighting for the rights of girls in sport and saying biology can’t be ignored.’
Sharron has met up with the East German swimmer who ‘stole’ her gold medal. ‘What happened to her and the other East German girls breaks my heart, too.’
‘Indeed, the way the East German state organised drug doping is one of the most shocking episodes in the modern Games.
‘Many of those girls have sterility issues. They have heart problems. They have bone density problems.
‘The IOC knew these girls were being given blue pills for 20 years and did nothing about it. I’m cross for them and I’m cross that the IOC let genuine athletes who had worked so hard lose their medals.’
It is why she is so vocal today. ‘When you speak up, you’re called a hater. The thing that woke me up a little more after the IOC changed the rules about trans women competing against women was all the flack poor Martina got.’
She means tennis player Martina Navratilova, who was one of the first global sportswomen to come out as lesbian.
She is an honoured champion of gay rights but was roundly turned upon when she, like Sharron, said earlier this year that allowing trans women to compete in women’s sport was ‘unfair’.
Accusations of transphobia followed and she was chucked off the LGBTQ athlete advocacy group’s advisory board. She has since apologised for using the term ‘cheating’ and called for a debate based ‘not on feeling or emotion but science.’
‘To be a sportswoman, you work so hard for so many years,’ says Sharron. ‘I worked six hours a day for six days a week with no holidays from the age of eight.
‘I just wanted to win a race. To have to turn round and see someone in the lane next to me who’s gone, ‘Do you know what, I identify as a woman.
‘OK, so I have at least a 10 per cent advantage over you because of my biology, but you’re going to have to deal with it’ is something I’d have a massive problem with.’
She ticks off on her fingers examples of the ‘unfairnesses’.
Take the New Zealand power-lifter who was ‘nothing really special’ as a man, but retired, transitioned, returned to compete as a trans woman and outlifted the next female opponent by 19kg.
Or in the 17 American states where boys self-identify as girls and go from being ‘pretty average’ male athletes to the ‘very best’ female athletes, thus securing lucrative scholarships to some of the most sought-after American sport colleges.
‘They’ve not taken a hormone. They’ve not had surgery,’ says Sharron. ‘All they’ve done is self-identify, and they’re wiping the floor with all the girls.’
‘What we need is an open and honest debate about how we include trans women and men in competitive sport fairly.
‘Yes, science does matter. Facts do matter. Young girls having a fair opportunity to get scholarships, go to college and win races does matter.
‘However horrible these activists are, they will not shut me up — and I will not let them make me cry.’