Spicer sends farewell email to staff with glaring mistake

Sean Spicer’s news briefings were full of errors and gaffes.

Now, on his way out of the White House, he can’t help but write typos in his farewell emails.

Spicer, who announced on July 21 that he had resigned as White House spokesperson, left the Trump administration for good on Thursday.

The combative Spicer sent a farewell email to White House staff on his last official day as a White House employee.

Yet the email had one glaring typo.

Though Spicer resigned last month, he said he would stay on through the month of August.

Sean Spicer (second from left), who announced on July 21 that he had resigned as White House spokesperson, left the Trump administration for good on Thursday

The combative Spicer sent a farewell email to White House staff on his last official day as a White House employee - though it included a glaring typo

The combative Spicer sent a farewell email to White House staff on his last official day as a White House employee – though it included a glaring typo

Working for President Donald Trump had been an ‘honor of a lifetime,’ Spicer wrote.

‘I especially want to thank the President and the First Lady for their support during my tenure and for giving me this opportunity,’ Spicer wrote.

‘Walking into the White House every day is a privilege that few in our country experience and I am grateful for it.

‘I would not have been able to [do] my job without the amazing team the President has assembled, especially the dedicated members of the communications, digital and press teams,’ Spicer said.

The original email omitted the word ‘do’, so it read: ‘I would not have been able to my job without the amazing team the President has assembled…’

‘I also am eternally grateful to the countless additional staffers who support the White House daily – including the service members of White House Military Office, the Secret Service, the Residence Staff, and so many other talented individuals.’

Spicer also posted a photo of himself smiling alongside his White House colleagues in a tweet that read, ‘Keep MAKING AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN!’

He also tagged the wrong account for his successor Sarah Huckabee Sanders in the tweet.

Spicer resigned as press secretary after Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci as White House communications director.

Scaramucci lasted just 10 days in the job. He was removed after Trump installed former Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as White House chief of staff.

Kelly took the position after the previous chief of staff, Reince Priebus, was dismissed.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk