The Dyson Pure Cool Me is pricey for a fan, but it looks like R2-D2!
Dyson Pure Cool Me
From £299,
Can a purifying fan actually make your room less smelly? Well, it instantly scared off my cat, which is certainly a positive step towards that goal. Dyson’s Pure Cool Me is another example of the company’s Midas touch in taking ordinary items, tripling the price and yet making you still want them (largely because they look like something out of Star Wars).
True to form, the ‘purifying fan’ resembles an aloof, whooshing R2-D2 that sits on your bedside table. It genuinely feels like you’re being blasted with some kind of ice ray. This offers some consolation for the fact it costs £300.
Dyson’s Pure Cool Me is another example of the company’s Midas touch in taking ordinary items, tripling the price and yet making you still want them
The ‘Me’ part is that you can focus the gizmo’s stream of cool, purified air right in your face by twiddling it. You do, of course, have to be OK with sitting right next to something the size of a dustbin that sounds like a small hovercraft.
Like most Dyson gizmos, it’s not exactly the value option: you can get fans for a fraction of the price. It is, of course, loaded with technocool: there is a display on the front and you can control the intensity via a remote that clips magnetically to the side of the device.

True to form, the ‘purifying fan’ resembles an aloof, whooshing R2-D2 that sits on your bedside table
The gizmo’s filters go pleasingly black as you use it – and can be changed, ironically for Dyson, like a vacuum cleaner bag.
It’s a desirable machine, but it’s just too vast for either a bedside table or an office desk… and if it sits on the floor, all that purified, ice-cold air is aimed squarely at your knees. Brr!