The funniest words added into the Oxford dictionary in 2022 – so how many have YOU heard of? 

1. Bully Van

Meaning: A UK police van, distinct in size and colour.

Usage: ‘Here comes the bully van.’

2. Cringe Factor

Meaning: An element or aspect of a situation, or event that causes a person to cringe with acute embarrassment or awkwardness.

Usage: ‘His dancing has a very high cringe factor.’

3. Drooking

Meaning: A drenching or soaking.

Usage: ‘It’s raining so hard outside, I’m drooking.’

4. Fluthered

Meaning: Drunk, intoxicated.

Usage: ‘He’s drunk so much, he’s absolutely fluthered.’

5. Gaslighter

Meaning: A person who deceives and psychologically manipulates another into questioning his or her own perceptions or sanity.

Usage: ‘Lay off them. You’re a gaslighter aren’t you?’

6. Langered

Meaning: Very drunk; intoxicated.

Usage: ‘She was so langered at the wedding.’

7. Sass-box

Meaning: A sassy person; one who is impudent, impertinent, or cheeky. One who is self-assured, bold, or spirited.

Usage: ‘She is such a little sass-box.’

8. Sharenting

Meaning: The action or practice of sharing news, images, or videos of one’s children on social media websites.

Usage: ‘They are always sharenting.’

9. Sharesies

Meaning: In childish or playful language: the action of sharing something with another or others.

Usage: ‘Do you want some? Sharesies.’

10. Soysage

Meaning: A type of vegetarian (now typically vegan) sausage made with soy protein instead of meat.

Usage: ‘The café now serves soysage.’

11. Stress Bunny

Meaning: A person who is stressed or has a tendency to become stressed.

Usage: ‘My boss is such a stress bunny.’

12. Stress Eater

Meaning: A person who has a tendency to eat unhealthily in response to or as a means of coping with stress.

Usage: ‘I am such a stress eater.’

13. Unjabbed

Meaning: A person who has not undergone vaccination; unvaccinated.

Usage: ‘They haven’t had a vaccine, they’re unjabbed.’

14. Vaccine Hesitant

Meaning: Hesitant, reluctant, or refusing to be vaccinated (or to have one’s children vaccinated) against an infectious disease or diseases.

Usage: ‘He’s vaccine hesitant.’

15. Vaxxer

Meaning: A person who performs vaccinations.

Usage: ‘She’s got a new job as a vaxxer.’
