‘Turkey teeth’ trend leaves Brits with dead stumps and dental issues

‘Turkey teeth’ trend leaves thousands of Britons with dead stumps, abscesses and serious dental issues: NHS paying for repairs of many who fly out for cut-price crowns and veneers fueled by dream for perfect reality TV smile


A dental trend known as ‘Turkey teeth’ that involves traveling abroad to get drastic cut-price treatment is leaving thousands of Britons facing painful complications. The latest cosmetic fad, made popular by stars like Katie Price (bottom center) and Love Island’s Jack Fincham (left), involves filing down teeth to pegs then replacing them with crowns or veneers.

The procedure, which leaves patients with a Hollywood smile, is being fueled on social media under the hashtag #Turkeyteeth which has been viewed more than 100million times. But a new BBC documentary has looked at the fallout, asking whether the risks really outweigh the savings on having cheaper treatment, with UK dentists warning the complications can leave patients with huge medical bills to fix shoddy work.

The procedure, which leaves patients with a Hollywood smile, is being fueled on social media under the hashtag #Turkeyteeth which has been viewed more than 100million times. But a new BBC documentary has looked at the fallout, asking whether the risks really outweigh the savings on having cheaper treatment, with UK dentists warning the complications can leave patients with huge medical bills to fix shoddy work.

A number of dentists surveyed on behalf of the BBC said some of the remedial work was provided by the NHS. Meanwhile one private clinic has urged patients to be certain they know what they are getting after being contacted by clients who had been sold veneers (pictured) but given the much more aggressive option of crowns. The Harley Street Smile Clinic in London said they had been inundated by young people suffering from severe infections, intense long lasting pain, infected gums or rotting teeth due to the procedure.

A number of dentists surveyed on behalf of the BBC said some of the remedial work was provided by the NHS. Meanwhile one private clinic has urged patients to be certain they know what they are getting after being contacted by clients who had been sold veneers (pictured) but given the much more aggressive option of crowns. The Harley Street Smile Clinic in London said they had been inundated by young people suffering from severe infections, intense long lasting pain, infected gums or rotting teeth due to the procedure.

In one case, Tiktok user Lisa Martyn (pictured) revealed how her experience turned into a nightmare after she traveled to Turkey for the cosmetic treatment and paid $3,500 for what she thought was veneers but was actually a set of crowns. She told the BBC: 'I was duped into the dream of having a full set of perfect teeth that I was never going to have any issues with but I was grossly misled about what I was having done - they were sold to me as veneers not a full set of crowns. No one sat down and told me the risks or if there were any other options. I thought that once they put the new teeth into my mouth that would be it - there would never be any more problems. But not only have I been in crippling pain every day since, but it has also cost me thousands. It's the biggest mistake of my life.'

In one case, Tiktok user Lisa Martyn (pictured) revealed how her experience turned into a nightmare after she traveled to Turkey for the cosmetic treatment and paid $3,500 for what she thought was veneers but was actually a set of crowns. She told the BBC: ‘I was duped into the dream of having a full set of perfect teeth that I was never going to have any issues with but I was grossly misled about what I was having done – they were sold to me as veneers not a full set of crowns. No one sat down and told me the risks or if there were any other options. I thought that once they put the new teeth into my mouth that would be it – there would never be any more problems. But not only have I been in crippling pain every day since, but it has also cost me thousands. It’s the biggest mistake of my life.’

Lisa flew to Turkey last year under the belief she would be fitted with 26 veneers in a bid to get the 'Hollywood smile' for her son's wedding but was actually fitted with crowns - a far more invasive procedure. But months after her treatment, the 48-year-old was left in horrific pain after developing an abscess which nearly paralyzed half her face and is suffering from nerve sensitivity.

Lisa flew to Turkey last year under the belief she would be fitted with 26 veneers in a bid to get the ‘Hollywood smile’ for her son’s wedding but was actually fitted with crowns – a far more invasive procedure. But months after her treatment, the 48-year-old was left in horrific pain after developing an abscess which nearly paralyzed half her face and is suffering from nerve sensitivity.

Describing the work on her social media channel (pictured), she said: 'I never in my life experienced anything like it. They were drilling then, banging and hammering. I was jumping out of that chair for two hours. No one asked how I was or even offered me a drink of water. My mouth was so swollen it was like a horror movie. I was numb from my neck up to the top of my nose but I could still feel the sensation. I still didn't know that all my natural teeth were filed down and these were crowns, not veneers. It was only after I returned home, that I was told by a UK dentist. Now I'm still in pain and I've resigned myself to the fact that I will have to have dentures and live with pain every day. I wanted to look nice for my son's wedding but now I would give anything to just know that day I won't be in agony.'

Describing the work on her social media channel (pictured), she said: ‘I never in my life experienced anything like it. They were drilling then, banging and hammering. I was jumping out of that chair for two hours. No one asked how I was or even offered me a drink of water. My mouth was so swollen it was like a horror movie. I was numb from my neck up to the top of my nose but I could still feel the sensation. I still didn’t know that all my natural teeth were filed down and these were crowns, not veneers. It was only after I returned home, that I was told by a UK dentist. Now I’m still in pain and I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will have to have dentures and live with pain every day. I wanted to look nice for my son’s wedding but now I would give anything to just know that day I won’t be in agony.’

Assistant video editor Alicia Watts (pictured) also travelled to Turkey to get work done on her teeth five years ago and for a long time considered it the best decision she had made. But this year, the 27-year-old has started to suffer from constant pain and multiple infections with her regular dentist in the UK who said the dentist in Turkey had done an 'awful job' and said she needed $760 of work done to fix the damage.

Assistant video editor Alicia Watts (pictured) also travelled to Turkey to get work done on her teeth five years ago and for a long time considered it the best decision she had made. But this year, the 27-year-old has started to suffer from constant pain and multiple infections with her regular dentist in the UK who said the dentist in Turkey had done an ‘awful job’ and said she needed $760 of work done to fix the damage.

She told MailOnline: 'In 2017 I went to Antalya, Turkey and I was fitted with a full set of crowns, minus a few back teeth. I paid around $4,000 - it was a bit more because I got a stronger material called zirconia. I was actually very happy with them and I saw my UK dentist straight after who also said they looked fine. At the time I said to everyone that it was the best decision I had ever made because they looked so perfect.'

She told MailOnline: ‘In 2017 I went to Antalya, Turkey and I was fitted with a full set of crowns, minus a few back teeth. I paid around $4,000 – it was a bit more because I got a stronger material called zirconia. I was actually very happy with them and I saw my UK dentist straight after who also said they looked fine. At the time I said to everyone that it was the best decision I had ever made because they looked so perfect.’

Although she was happy with the treatment, Alicia said it was extremely painful and described it as 'the worst pain I'd ever been in'. She added: 'For 2 days I was crying in my hotel room because of the sensitivity of the teeth after they shaved them down and I couldn't stop bleeding but when I went back to the UK they were fine and for years they have been fine. However, 5 years later and I'm starting to be in constant pain due to tooth ache. I had an infection about 5 months ago which went away with antibiotics but now I'm in pain again. I went to a private dentist who said whoever fit the crowns did an awful job and I had another infection which has gone deeper into the tooth and gums, and that I needed an urgent root canal.'

Although she was happy with the treatment, Alicia said it was extremely painful and described it as ‘the worst pain I’d ever been in’. She added: ‘For 2 days I was crying in my hotel room because of the sensitivity of the teeth after they shaved them down and I couldn’t stop bleeding but when I went back to the UK they were fine and for years they have been fine. However, 5 years later and I’m starting to be in constant pain due to tooth ache. I had an infection about 5 months ago which went away with antibiotics but now I’m in pain again. I went to a private dentist who said whoever fit the crowns did an awful job and I had another infection which has gone deeper into the tooth and gums, and that I needed an urgent root canal.’

Alicia declined the remedial work, which was not available through the NHS, because she couldn't afford the $760 it was going to cost. She said: 'He said if I keep going this way my teeth will eventually fall out due to a build up of plague and infection underneath the teeth. My regular NHS dentist said they cannot do a root canal for me because of my crowns and the material of my teeth and told me I had to go to a private specialist. I'm on antibiotics again for the pain but I'm worried it will never go away and I won't be able to fix my teeth because I can't afford it.'

Alicia declined the remedial work, which was not available through the NHS, because she couldn’t afford the $760 it was going to cost. She said: ‘He said if I keep going this way my teeth will eventually fall out due to a build up of plague and infection underneath the teeth. My regular NHS dentist said they cannot do a root canal for me because of my crowns and the material of my teeth and told me I had to go to a private specialist. I’m on antibiotics again for the pain but I’m worried it will never go away and I won’t be able to fix my teeth because I can’t afford it.’

The treatment has proven popular with social media influencers and TV stars including model Katie price. In August 2020, she shared a video which showed that her natural teeth had been shaved down to points which she said made her look like a James Bond villain (pictured) before she had new veneers fitted while in Turkey. The treatment was carried out after her original veneers fell out. However, in October that year, she had to go back to Turkey again after some of her new veneers fell out.

The treatment has proven popular with social media influencers and TV stars including model Katie price. In August 2020, she shared a video which showed that her natural teeth had been shaved down to points which she said made her look like a James Bond villain (pictured) before she had new veneers fitted while in Turkey. The treatment was carried out after her original veneers fell out. However, in October that year, she had to go back to Turkey again after some of her new veneers fell out.

Love Island star Jack Fincham (pictured) also received treatment in Turkey before appearing on the ITV reality show. After he discussed his Turkey Teeth in 2018, Google searches for the term sky-rocketed. A survey carried out for the BBC found that hundreds of dentists in the UK had treated patients suffering from complications after getting work done abroad.

Love Island star Jack Fincham (pictured) also received treatment in Turkey before appearing on the ITV reality show. After he discussed his Turkey Teeth in 2018, Google searches for the term sky-rocketed. A survey carried out for the BBC found that hundreds of dentists in the UK had treated patients suffering from complications after getting work done abroad.

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