What are the key elements inherent to a high-converting landing page?

Even though there is no one-size-fits-all approach to designing conversion-heavy landing pages, it’s better to start with a few building blocks than to improvise the entire process. So, if you’re wondering what these building blocks are, reaching out to digital marketing companies in Delhi is a good bet. But, alternatively, put on your reading glasses, and bear with us till the very end.

A paucity of exit links to direct the consumer’s attention

We, as modern marketers, don’t like living within a mould. Consequently, effective marketing as practised by the digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR is largely characterised by one’s ability to think outside the box. But, there’s a widespread misconception about the role that frameworks serve in bringing creativity to the surface.

What we’re trying to say it that is okay to think inside a box as long as you’re not trapped in it. Want to know what being trapped in this said box feels like? Ask businesses that keep building landing pages with navigation bars. Well, don’t expect only a handful of interactions because HubSpot states that 84% of landing pages tamper their conversion rates because they fail to abandon navigation bars. The whole point behind landing pages is to hook consumers with focused and distraction-free advertising.

Clickable media and navigation bars are distractions. Period. Nothing more, and nothing less. But, if you have to integrate a navigational interface at all costs, use a hamburger button to contain it. Ideally, the only exit links you add in your landing pages should point to credibility markers like your terms of service and privacy policy. Those should also be placed inside a non-flashy header.

A headline that gets consumers off their butts

Well, the headline of your landing page needs to be engaging. After all, that’s where the magic begins. Marketing Sherpa states that 90% of consumers who read the headline also check out the call-to-action. Thus, nailing the headline places a huge marketing opportunity in your lap.

But, what makes a headline engaging?

Well, there isn’t an exclusive roadmap to churning out a compelling headline, but focusing on clarity is a non-negotiable requirement. A landing page created by Landingfolio perfectly encapsulates this assertion. The headline on the page reads, “Hate Writing Headlines? Use Proven Headline Formulas!’ In a total of 7 words, the headline tells consumers exactly what the offer is. The striking call-to-action placed in close quarters of the headline page drives the conversions even further.

Another takeaway here is that the above-the-fold CTA-button on the page doesn’t blend with the overall theme. It pops out as it should, and instantly draws the consumer’s attention. The content housed around the headline also leverages the power of formatting to portray relevant information in a scannable manner. All in all, the conversion process starts with a gripping headline and unfurls systematically.

Social Proof that assuages the consumer’s fears

In an ideal world, scam artists would not exist, and all prospective businessmen would be required to earn a certification in business ethics before stepping into the markets. But, we don’t live in an ideal world, and consumers have the right to be wary of the products that digital marketing companies in Delhi advertise. Quite obviously, this presents a challenge even for marketers vested in ethical business practices.

Assuming you’re one such marketer, here’s how you can win a consumer’s trust using nothing but your landing page. Leverage the power of trust markers. According to Blue Fountain Media, they were able to increase conversions by a whopping 42% just by adding a VeriSign seal to their ‘Request a Quote’ form. A similar effect can be produced by incorporating a privacy policy, client testimonials, and logos of companies you’ve worked into your landing page.

A call-to-action that embodies your conversion goal

As visible in the landing page of Landingfolio, a CTA-button that doesn’t blend with the overall theme is hard to miss. But, a strong call-to-action is more than a colourful button that pops out. It is the embodiment of how the customer will receive what you’re trying to sell. So, colour theory definitely plays a role in the design of this element, but it needs the support of other relevant adjustments to drive conversions as intended. For instance, the copy used in the call-to-action matters at least as much as the copy used in the headline, if not more. Stay away from buzz words that put consumers to sleep. As with most practices on the web, personalisation is the key here. Try to make your customers feel as if you’re addressing them directly. Consult digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR if need be.

Anyhow, check out this landing page to get a taste of what following the above-mentioned guidelines actually looks like.  The positioning of the CTO-button makes it impossible to ignore. The copy used in the button complements the copy used in the headline. The colour-scheme is just the right amount of catchy. But, most importantly, the call-to-action tells consumers exactly what they can expect. Yet again, clarity becomes the driving force here.

A hero image/video that helps consumers ease into the main pitch

The power of words is indisputable in today’s day-and-age. However, words can’t exert their influence if the consumer chooses not to read them. Sadly, consumers in the current era tend to ignore even the best-written pitches if they are not presented along with some engaging media. The fact that users are 80% more likely to read content that is somehow intertwined with images is substantial enough to quantify the above claim. Related videos also exert an analogous impact. They can aid in increasing conversions by as much as 86%.

The landing page of a marketing automation company named SharpSpring boasts the incorporation of an engaging video as well as most of the other elements we have discussed so far. Check it out to leverage your visual learning abilities before we wrap up our discussion.

The Take-Away

Crafting an effective landing page is an exercise in understanding human behaviour, and leveraging this understanding to drive an intended result. Being mindful of the building blocks listed above undoubtedly helps with the process.

However, at the end of the day, the expertise offered by digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR is a substantial difference-maker.

So, go ahead, and supercharge the conversion rate of your landing pages with the help of digital marketing companies in Delhi.