What constitutes sexual harassment?

Feeling safe and feeling happy in the workplace it is always important to remember that sometimes, certain behaviors are simply not appropriate. Sexual harassment is something that is far more common than you might imagine and taking the time to learn just what sexual harassment is and what constitutes it in the workplace can help you to figure out how to behave.

For those that are dealing with sexual harassment, Gilleon Law Firm is a great option.  

What is the Definition of Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is defined as the making of unwanted or unsolicited sexual remarks, sexual advances, physical contact, or even just saying things of a sexual nature that are not appropriate. Sexual harassment is something that is relatively specific to each person. What one person believes is sexual harassment might not bother another person or may not seem like sexual harassment for that person.

When it comes to a definition of sexual harassment, most workplaces are going to have a clearly defined set of rules and regulations that allow you to have a clear-cut list or guide as to what is acceptable and what is not. The human resources department of any workplace is going to have a guide or a code of conduct that is set out so that you can really see how you should be acting and what might get you a call from the human resources department. Sexual harassment is relative. You need to keep in mind that just because something does not bother you, it may bother other people.

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

When looking at sexual harassment in the workplace it is always best to first take a look at your code of conduct. This is going to be the definitive list or guide that tells you just what is absolutely not allowed and what can get you a reprimand. This is helpful for those that are looking to file a sexual harassment suit or that feel that they are a victim of sexual harassment. This is the first place that you should look if you feel that you have been subject to sexual harassment or if you are looking to file a suit.

A great way to determine if you have been part of sexual harassment is to think about the way that it made you feel. If you felt unsettled, if you felt that your rights or your autonomy has been compromised, or if you feel that you have been harassed, you are likely going to notice. A good example of what might be considered sexual harassment could be if there was a fellow employee that continually touches you or maintains physical contact when you do not want that conduct.

This might be considered to be sexual harassment. You should take this concern to the human resources department of your workplace to help make sure that a note is made, and that the other person is held responsible and so that they are told that there are acting inappropriately. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you do not report, it cannot be corrected, and you cannot get the help that you need.

When to Contact a Lawyer?

If you do feel that you are being harassed at work or if you are being accused of harassing someone at work, it is always best to take the time to call a lawyer. A lawyer is going to be able to defend you or argue your case and truly make a difference in your overall outcome. With the help of a lawyer, you are going to be able to really get the case off the ground and get it argued appropriately.

You should hire a lawyer or at the very least, speak to a lawyer if you feel that you are going to have to take your case to court or you are going to have to argue your case in front of other people. If you have been fired or have experienced some sort of reprimand at work as a result of a sexual harassment claim you should seek the help of a lawyer to argue your case.

No matter what is happening or no matter where you are in terms of your case, a lawyer can help make your case a bit easier and can help to explain what is happening at every step of the case. In many cases, if you were fired as a result of sexual harassment, you can get the help you need to either get your job back or get a settlement with the help of a lawyer.

Your lawyer has the ability to help you to organize, argue and present your case so that you do get a fair trial and so that you do get a chance to show your side of the story. If you are being accused of sexual harassment you can make sure that you are being heard and that you have the best chance possible at a fair trial.

Taking the time to find a lawyer that knows the harassment circuit and that has experience with sexual harassment cases can help you get a fair trial, and they can help you argue your case effectively and accurately so that you are going to be the best chance at a fair trial and a fair outcome.