Woman reveals TEETH AND HAIR have been growing inside her uterus for two years

A woman was left horrified after an ultrasound revealed that teeth and hair had been growing inside her uterus for two years – after fetal tissue separated from her son while she was pregnant.

The woman, who goes by the username @sandwitchbread online, explained that she went to the gynecologist after she started experiencing pain in her abdomen and ‘abnormal bleeding.’

At first, the woman – who gave birth to her son, Atlas, in July 2020 – was convinced that she was pregnant with another baby, but it turned out to be something ‘way worse.’

The TikTok’er actually had a dermoid cyst in her uterus that was the size of a chicken egg – and it had grown its own hair and teeth.

A woman was left horrified after she discovered that teeth and hair had been growing inside her uterus for two years – after fetal tissue separated from her son while she was pregnant

The woman, who goes by the username @sandwitchbread online, explained that she went to the gynecologist after she started experiencing pain in her abdomen and 'abnormal bleeding'

The woman, who goes by the username @sandwitchbread online, explained that she went to the gynecologist after she started experiencing pain in her abdomen and ‘abnormal bleeding’

At first, the woman - who gave birth to her son, Atlas, in July 2020 - was convinced that she was pregnant with another baby

But it turned out to be something 'way worse'

At first, the woman – who gave birth to her son, Atlas, in July 2020 – was convinced that she was pregnant with another baby, but it turned out to be something ‘way worse’

The TikTok'er actually had a cyst in her uterus that was the size of a chicken egg - and it had grown its own hair and teeth

The TikTok’er actually had a cyst in her uterus that was the size of a chicken egg – and it had grown its own hair and teeth

According to the woman, it formed when she was pregnant two years prior, after particles of fetal tissue got separated during the development of the fetus

According to the woman, it formed when she was pregnant two years prior, after particles of fetal tissue got separated during the development of the fetus

According to the woman, it formed when she was pregnant two years prior, after particles of fetal tissue got separated during the development of the fetus.

She opened up about the terrifying ordeal on TikTok and it quickly went viral – leaving many people on the internet mortified.

‘I went to the gynecologists for the first time since having my son,’ she began in the clip, which has been watched more than a million times.

‘I went because I was having some abnormal pain in my abdomen and some abnormal bleeding that isn’t consistent with my periods.’

The woman explained that she thought she might be pregnant again so she asked for an ultrasound.

‘The second it gets to my uterus I see something in there but [my doctor’s] like, “It’s not a baby,”‘ she continued.  

‘It’s not a baby, it’s actually something way worse than a baby. [My doctor] looks me in the eyes and tells me that I have a seven centimeter, chicken egg-sized cyst called a dermoid cyst.

‘I actually have two, the other is the size of a pea. For those who don’t know what a dermoid cyst is, because I didn’t until today, it’s a cyst that grows hair and teeth and is caused from particles of fetal tissue being separated during the development of a fetus.

She opened up about the terrifying ordeal on TikTok and it quickly went viral - leaving many people on the internet mortified

She opened up about the terrifying ordeal on TikTok and it quickly went viral – leaving many people on the internet mortified

The woman said she's had 'particles of her son growing in her uterus' for two years

The woman said she’s had ‘particles of her son growing in her uterus’ for two years

In a follow-up video, the woman revealed that doctors are planning to surgically remove the cyst - which won't go away on its own - since it's causing her so much pain.

In a follow-up video, the woman revealed that doctors are planning to surgically remove the cyst – which won’t go away on its own – since it’s causing her so much pain.

‘For about two years now, I’ve had particles of my son, that I gave birth to, growing in my uterus – with teeth and hair.

‘Not a baby, but it’s basically pieces of my son, I’ve just been carrying him with me.’  

What is a dermoid cyst? 

  • A dermoid cyst is a growth of normal tissue enclosed in a pocket of cells called a sac. This tissue grows in or under your skin in an unexpected location
  • They can contain bone, fluid, hair, nerves, skin, sweat glands, and teeth, and can form anywhere on your body – but they’re most common on the face, inside the skull, on the lower back, and in the ovaries
  • The ones close to your skin surface may look like small lumps
  • Anyone can get a dermoid cyst, but about seven in 10 dermoid cysts occur in children under age 5
  • Dermoid cysts can occur in newborn babies, when skin layers don’t grow together as they should. This happens during the early stages of development in the uterus
  • Source: Cleveland Clinic 

According to Cleveland Clinic, a dermoid cyst is a growth of normal tissue enclosed in a pocket of cells called a sac. This tissue grows in or under your skin in an unexpected location.

They can contain bone, fluid, hair, nerves, skin, sweat glands, and teeth, and can form anywhere on your body – but they’re most common on the face, inside the skull, on the lower back, and in the ovaries. 

In a follow-up video, the woman revealed that doctors are planning to surgically remove the cyst, since it’s causing her so much pain.

‘Usually they wouldn’t, like if it was small – if I just had the one that was pea-sized – they wouldn’t remove it,’ she said.

‘But dermoid cysts don’t go away on their own usually. So you have to remove them. This one is large and causing me pain, so they’re going to remove it.’

The woman said she’s in pain ‘all the time.’

‘It’s a dull pain all the time, and then occasionally, it’s a stabbing pain where the big one is – on the right lower side of my uterus. It goes all the way to my back,’ she revealed.

As for how it happened, she believes that the cyst developed after she went to Disney World and rode some rollercoasters while being two-weeks pregnant, however, there’s no medical proof that going on intense rides can cause it.

She said: I’m pretty sure what caused it was me going to Disney World when I was pregnant and riding rollercoasters when I was two weeks pregnant. I’m pretty sure a centrifuged him and pieces of him spread all over my uterus.’

She wanted her followers to know that her son wasn’t missing any hair or teeth from it. 

The woman (pictured after giving birth to her son) said she feels a 'dull' pain 'all the time' and will once in a while feel a 'stabbing pain on the right lower side of her uterus'

The woman (pictured after giving birth to her son) said she feels a ‘dull’ pain ‘all the time’ and will once in a while feel a ‘stabbing pain on the right lower side of her uterus’

She believes that the cyst developed after she went to Disney World while being two-weeks pregnant, however, there's no medical proof that going on rides can cause it

She believes that the cyst developed after she went to Disney World while being two-weeks pregnant, however, there’s no medical proof that going on rides can cause it

Although she admitted that the entire process was giving her a lot of 'anxiety,' she said she was excited to have the cysts removed

Although she admitted that the entire process was giving her a lot of ‘anxiety,’ she said she was excited to have the cysts removed

‘This probably happened to him when he was microscopic, so anything that was taken off of him would have regrown in a day,’ she explained.

‘It’s not like a tooth came off of him and into my uterus, it was just cells, stem cells.’ 

Although she admitted that the entire process was giving her a lot of ‘anxiety’ and that she was mentally and physically ‘not great,’ she said she was excited to have the cysts removed – and even joked that she was going to name them Seymore and Archibald. 

‘It hurts, but overall I’m going to live. I’ll be fine. They’re going to remove it and it’ll be done and over with and I’ll have a fun souvenir,’ she added.

She also told her followers to listen to their bodies, and seek medical help if they ever feel like something is wrong. 

The woman concluded: ‘You know your body, if you feel like you’re having pain then go to a doctor, a TikTok is not going to be able to diagnose you.

‘You need to seek medical attention if you’re having these symptoms. If mine got larger I could have lost my ovary or a portion of my uterus and this probably will affect my fertility.

‘Having this and needing surgery is causing me so much anxiety but the most anxiety I had was surrounded by thoughts of not getting the answers I was looking for.

‘I cried the night before my appointment to my boyfriend because I was scared they’d just tell me to drink more water and eat healthier and go.

‘I thought they’d say this is something women experience and to get on birth control. That was horrifying for me.

Many people took to the comment section of her videos to share their dismay over the shocking diagnosis, and voiced their fears over it happening to them

Many people took to the comment section of her videos to share their dismay over the shocking diagnosis, and voiced their fears over it happening to them 

‘When you’re bleeding every other week or for [days in a row] that’s not something more water is going to fix.

‘That’s your body communicating with you and telling you something is wrong. All too often in health, especially reproductive health, they just tell you that it’s regular and periods can be irregular, but it’s not normal. You deserve answers.

‘Look for second opinions and really advocate for yourself and be firm with the fact that this is not normal for you and you need help that you’re not getting.

‘It truly is your doctors responsibility to listen to your complaints and take them seriously and if they’re not doing that, you deserve someone who will.

‘Know that it’s better to try and advocate for yourself and go get the help you need, than to wait until the problem turns into something way bigger.

‘It’s really important that you go to the doctor if you’re having irregular symptoms.’

Many people took to the comment section of her videos to share their dismay over the shocking diagnosis, and voiced their fears over it happening to them.

One viewer wrote, ‘Everyday I learn another horror of the human body.’

‘When I tell you my jaw dropped,’ another comment read.

Someone else said: ‘I wish I had never stumbled upon this video.’

‘This sounds like the beginning of a horror movie,’ a different user added.

‘I have never wanted to have a child less than today,’ joked a fourth person.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk