8 Potential Signs That Your Roof May Need To Be Replaced  

Diligent homeowners are always on the lookout for any signs that may indicate potential property damage. If you are concerned that your roof may require repair or replacement, it is advisable to act sooner rather than later.

If you contact MassAndMass immediately after noticing the damage, you will likely spend less money because the damage will not have extended to a large roof section.

It can be challenging to know when to contact a professional roofing company to repair or replace your roof because roof damage is not always apparent. This blog will list eight signs that indicate your roof requires expert attention.

Read on to discover how to get ahead of any roof damage.

Your Roof Has Damaged, Missing, Or Curled Shingles

Shingles are the first line of defense for your roof. They can suffer damage because of poor weather or old age.

When you notice that your shingles are deteriorating, you can inspect the situation closely to determine the extent of the damage before calling in a roofing company.

Where the shingles are not extensively damaged, it may be possible to use DIY techniques to repair them without professional help. It is best to rely on professionals because they are trained to make efficient, affordable, and durable repairs.

Your Roof is Very Old

If your house is older than twenty years and has not had a roof replacement, the chances are high that you need one. Modern roofs are better designed to withstand the elements and insulate your home efficiently.

Old roofs, even those that do not display any signs of damage, could benefit from an inspection by a professional roofing contractor. This will ensure it is not causing you subtle inconveniences like poor insulation that drive up your energy consumption bills.

Your Ceiling Or Walls Have Dark Streaks

Roof damage that results in leaks usually manifests through dark streaks in the ceiling or walls. These streaks are caused by the moisture that penetrates your home through the vulnerable roof.

If you spot a dark streak in your house, be sure to contact a professional roofer, even if the cause of the leak is not readily visible. Leaks are notoriously tricky to identify and repair without professional assistance.

Water damage progresses quickly and is quite costly to repair for homeowners who delay getting professional help.

Your Shingles Are Missing Granules

One of the most prominent signs of roof decay is the loss of granules, resulting in bald spots due to missing shingles. Granules are installed to protect your roof and shingles from being vulnerable to decay and damage.

When you spot missing granules, it is advisable to act quickly by bringing in roofing experts to repair the damage before it spreads further.

You Have Light Shining Through The Roof Boards

Any light penetrating your roof is a clear sign that repair or replacement may be necessary. The light usually indicates that your roof has vulnerable spots that may be leaking. You can climb into your attic and inspect if any light is coming in through the roof.

If you prefer not to get hands-on, there are several efficient and affordable roofing companies that you can engage to perform an evaluation and offer recommendations.

Your Roof Has Moss Growing On It

Moss grows on damp surfaces that are not exposed to much light. Homeowners who notice moss growing on their roofs should be concerned. Roofs that have suffered damage and are not draining water efficiently.

It is advisable to call in professional roofers to repair the damage-causing moss growth before your entire roof is covered in unsightly green. Since moss is known to absorb moisture, ignoring its growth on your roof will likely cause extensive property damage, which could have been quickly and affordably avoided by timely repair.

Your Chimney Flashing Is Damaged

Cement or tar around your chimney flashing is likely to cause leaks in your roof if not repaired on time. Homeowners do not need to worry because chimney flashing repair is one of the services on the lower end of the price list for roofing companies.

Your Roof Has A Lot of Gutter Buildup

Have you noticed gutter buildup on your roof? If so, your roof may be due for an inspection, mainly if the buildup contains lost granules or broken shingles. Effective gutter maintenance is a great way to maintain your roof in good condition.