9 Unique Ways to Deal With Boredom at Work

According to one study, about 43% of people say that they experience boredom at work.

If you find yourself having a lot of idle time during the workday, you might be wondering how to keep yourself busy or entertained.

Thankfully, we have some tips that can help you! Keep reading to find out how to get rid of boredom at work.

  1. Redo Your Workspace

One thing you can try is redoing your workspace. You can always make changes to your work area, including the decorations or organization. In some cases, you may even be able to ask your boss if you can go to a new desk or cubicle to keep things interesting.

Once you have a new workspace, you will feel more productive with a fresh perspective. You might want to try putting things on your desk that motivate you, like pictures of your friends and family, plants, or other things that make you feel happy.

  1. Plan Ahead

Planning may sound boring to you, but when you know what to expect for each day, you might experience some more productivity.

Coming up with a schedule and knowing where you have to be and what you need to do will help keep you on track. You can make sure that you don’t have a lot of time for boredom if you like something that keeps you productive and motivated.

For example, instead of being bored around 9 in the morning, you may decide to go grab coffee with a coworker in the breakroom instead!

  1. Learn New Skills

One way to keep yourself busy is to try and learn new skills. Think about what your interests are and ask your boss if there are any learning opportunities for you.

Your boss will most likely love someone who is eager and curious to learn, so they should be able to point you in the right direction.

  1. Connect With Your Teammates

You might be bored when you’re isolated. So if you haven’t talked with your coworkers in a while, you might want to go talk to them and reconnect with them.

Having a support group to help you get through the day can really help to break up the monotony. And if you’re bored because of a difficult task that you’re stuck on, they may be able to help get you through it!

If you are bored because of that, ask your boss to put you on more team-related work.

  1. Listen to Music

Listening to music is a great way to fill the silence that might be distracting you. But it can also drown out your coworkers’ gossip, which may also be distracted and lead to boredom.

Everyone has their specific taste in music, but listening to certain music while you work may help you focus better. For example, classical music is known to help you concentrate more.

If you need something to give you a little bit of a boost, you might want to listen to some epic soundtracks that get you started. Video game music also works well.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep, it’s going to be very hard to concentrate on your work. And when you can’t concentrate, your mind will start wandering, and you may even feel bored.

Not having enough sleep can also affect your ability to make decisions, like the decision to work instead of sitting there bored.

Try and get at least seven hours of sleep each night, but you should strive for eight.

  1. Have a TV Show in the Background

If you don’t want to listen to music, try having just a TV show on in the background. Try and pick something that you’ve seen before or that doesn’t require too much of your attention.

For example, watching a show with subtitles probably isn’t the best option since you will have to focus your attention on reading the subtitles.

But if you choose something that can fade into the background, you’ll realize that you got sucked into your work just because you had something else in the background to listen to. You should also try and choose a fun, positive show.

This will help lift your mood and possibly even help you focus more easily on your work.

  1. Make Your Work a Game

If you’re still bored and can’t find motivation, you can also try making your work as a game. This might sound silly at first, but many people say that it worked for them.

The concept is to make your life like a game. By doing this, you feel more challenged and ready to take on the task. For example, if you complete so many tasks in a day, you can reward yourself with something else after.

  1. Take a Break

When all else fails, just take a break.

Whether you play Solitaire games or check your social media, you need a break from work. You might find that you’re rejuvenated and ready to tackle a task when you get back!

Discover More Ways to Deal With Boredom at Work

These are only a few ways to deal with boredom at work, but there are many more things you can try as well!

We know that going to work every day can be exhausting, especially when you’re bored. But thankfully, we have some things to help you out!

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