Coffee roasting machines – how to choose the best one?

There are no strict rules that would clearly define which coffee roaster is the best. Everyone has different expectations and needs, so you should first think about your own. Do you prefer dark or maybe medium roast?

How many coffee beans do you want to roast per week? What kind of business do you run and how many clients usually visit your place? These were only several questions that can come out when choosing a new coffee roaster machine.

However, choosing a coffee roasting machine can be easier than you think.

If you want to find out what kind of coffee roaster suits you best, read the article below.

Do I need a large or a small coffee roasting machine?

This is the trickiest issue that you can struggle with. Choosing the right size of a coffee roaster is crucial for your coffee business – if you buy too small a roaster, you won’t be able to sell as much as you wish. Too big a coffee roaster usually means wasted money and potential.

You need to find the golden mean to avoid throwing good money after bad.

The first thing that you need to think through is the location of your coffee shop. If you own a coffee place in a big city, you will find clients anyway, as long as you take care of the marketing side. If you live in a town, you need to observe the inhabitants.

Even if it sounds ridiculous, it can help you to adjust your business to their needs.

If they drink a lot of coffee, you can blend in by roasting and brewing the best coffee in town. You shouldn’t force yourself to open a huge coffee roastery if it isn’t your goal, or it doesn’t match the business plan that you’ve always dreamt of.

Please notice that you are not going to spend all day long roasting coffee beans – there are other tasks to do in any coffee shop.

In the beginning, you should count about 3 to 4 hours of roasting coffee beans a day – it takes some time to roast and cool down the coffee beans. Calculate the number of hours that you spend on roasting coffee per week to find out what size of the coffee roasting machine is the best.

Keep in mind that the final weight of roasted coffee beans will vary from the weight of green coffee beans – they lose about 15% of weight during the roasting process. The number of kilograms per batch will be slightly different at the end of the process – this information can also help you out by choosing a coffee roasting machine.

What kind of coffee roasting machines are popular?

The most popular type of coffee roasting machine is a classic drum coffee roaster powered by some sort of fuel. If you want to save some money on the maintenance of your coffee roaster, this is the most reasonable choice.

You can find these machines in both small and large sizes – from 1 kg of roasted coffee per hour to even 125 kg of roasted coffee per hour. The best size compromise would be e.g.

Coffee Roaster CMS-6 with the hourly output of roasted coffee of 25 kg. Coffee shop owners who don’t want to run the biggest coffee place can also check out the electric coffee roasters. You will find them on CMsale.

An advantage of electric coffee roasters is that you will achieve the same result each time you roast your coffee beans. A lot of coffee roasting machines are supported by advanced technology that allows your roast profiles to be saved and replayed next time.

If you want to buy an electric roaster, you should know that the maximum capacity of these machines is smaller than in the case of large commercial coffee roasters powered by fuel. However, you can still roast quite a lot of coffee per hour.

For example, the coffee roasting machine Stronghold S7 Pro can roast up to 3.4 kg of coffee per hour. Electric coffee roasters react faster to temperature changes than classic drum roasters. It allows you to roast each batch faster, but the amount of coffee will be smaller.

Regardless of what kind of coffee roasting machine you will choose, you should always read the specification and estimate the desired amount of coffee you want to produce per week.

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