Debunking The Common Misconceptions About Fissure Sealants And Occlusal Splints

If you’re like most people, you’re probably familiar with the terms fissure sealants and occlusal splints, but you probably don’t know much about them. This article will attempt to dispel some common myths and misunderstandings regarding two different dental procedures.

Searching for fissure sealant in Sydney? With the help of a skilled and knowledgeable practitioner, you can take proactive steps toward maintaining your oral health and preventing future dental problems.

Fissure sealant and occlusal splints are two dental treatments that can significantly improve oral health. Unfortunately, many people need clarification about these treatments, which prevents them from taking advantage of their benefits.

This article will explore these treatments, how they work, and their benefits, and address common misconceptions.

What are Fissure Sealants?

Fissure sealants are a type of preventative dental treatment that can be used to protect teeth from developing cavities.

They are a plastic coating that is applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars and premolars) to prevent food and bacteria from settling in the fissures and grooves of the teeth. They are also known as dental sealants.

How do Fissure Sealants Work?

Fissure sealants have a plastic coating that creates a barrier that prevents bacteria and food particles from settling in the grooves and fissures of the teeth, reducing the risk of tooth decay. Dental professionals will typically apply fissure sealants to those teeth as soon as a child’s permanent molars and premolars erupt into their mouths.

The Benefits of Fissure Sealants

The following is a list of some of the benefits that can be gained from using fissure sealants:

  • Preventing Tooth Decay: Fissure sealants function as an additional barrier between the tooth enamel and the bacteria responsible for tooth decay.
  • Long-Lasting: Crack sealants have the potential to last for many years if they are given the appropriate amount of care and maintenance.
  • Cost-Effective: The use of fissure sealants is an efficient and inexpensive method of preventing decay, which can lead to financial savings in the long run.
  • Pain-Free: Using fissure sealants does not result in discomfort during the application process and can be completed in a single appointment with the dentist.

Who Needs Fissure Sealants?

It is highly recommended that children and teenagers use fissure sealants as soon as their permanent molars and premolars erupt into their mouths. On the other hand, adults who have deep grooves and fissures in their teeth may also benefit from using fissure sealants.

What are Occlusal Splints?

Occlusal splints are custom-made dental appliances that fit over the teeth, typically worn during sleep. They are designed to relieve pressure on the teeth and jaw muscles and protect them from grinding and clenching (bruxism).

How do Occlusal Splints Work?

Occlusal splints create a cushioning effect that reduces the pressure placed on the teeth and jaw muscles. They also help to reposition the jaw into a more relaxed position, which can alleviate pain and discomfort caused by bruxism.

Get to know more about occlusal splints in Sydney.

The Benefits of Occlusal Splints

Occlusal splints offer a number of advantages, including the following:

  • Protecting Teeth: Grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw can cause damage to your teeth that can be prevented with occlusal splints.
  • Reducing Pain And Discomfort: By repositioning the jaw and reducing pressure on the teeth and jaw muscles, occlusal splints can alleviate pain and discomfort caused by bruxism.
  • Improving Sleep Quality: Bruxism can disrupt sleep, and occlusal splints can improve sleep quality by reducing the effects of bruxism.
  • Reducing Headaches: Bruxism can cause headaches, and occlusal splints can help reduce their frequency and severity.

Who Needs Occlusal Splints?

Occlusal splints are typically recommended for individuals who suffer from bruxism; however, they may also be helpful for individuals who experience jaw pain, headaches, or tooth sensitivity.

Misconception About Fissure Sealant And Occlusal Splints

The following are two widespread misunderstandings regarding fissure sealants and occlusal splints, each of which will be addressed in turn below:

Fissure Sealants Are Only For Children

Fissure sealants are a thin plastic coating applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth, usually, molars and premolars, to prevent tooth decay. Although they are commonly applied to children’s teeth, they can also benefit adults with deep grooves in their teeth that are difficult to clean.

The American Dental Association recommends that adults with deep grooves on their teeth consider getting fissure sealants.

Occlusal Splints Are Only For People With TMJ Disorders

Occlusal splints, known as night guards, are worn over the teeth to protect them from grinding or clenching.

While they are commonly prescribed for people with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, they can also be helpful for people who grind their teeth at night or have a history of jaw pain or headaches.

In addition, some athletes wear occlusal splints to protect their teeth from injury during sports.

Final Thoughts

Two dental treatments are frequently misunderstood: fissure sealants and occlusal splints. Fissure sealants are beneficial not only for children but also for adults who have deep grooves in their teeth and can help prevent tooth decay.

These fissure sealants are not just for children. On the other hand, Occlusal splints are not only for people who suffer from TMJ disorders; they can also improve sleep quality and protect teeth from being ground down or clenched.

More people can take advantage of these beneficial dental treatments if some common misconceptions are dispelled.

Fissure sealants and occlusal splints are excellent options for enhancing oral health and lowering the risk of dental complications because they are painless, economical, and long-lasting.