How to Safely Detox From Drugs

Ten percent of all adults in the U.S. have had a drug use disorder in their lives.

Drug addiction is a medical condition that changes the structure and function of the brain. It causes intense cravings for drugs and interferes with behavioral control, making it difficult to stop using drugs even when people want to.

Going through detox from drugs is the first step toward recovery.

For most people, detoxing from drugs is a painful process that can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. It’s important to know what to expect during this time, so you can prepare yourself and make sure you have the support you need.

If you are wondering how to complete a drug detox, this short and simple guide is for you.

Create a Support System at Home

You’re going to need a lot of support over the next few weeks.

The best way to get this support is by creating a network of people who will be there for you when you need them. This includes people who can help take care of your children, cook meals and keep your house clean while you are detoxing from drugs.

Ask your family and friends for help. Some of them might not give you much support, but others will be happy to pitch in.

Be Prepared for Withdrawal Symptoms

When you stop using drugs, your body will go through withdrawal symptoms. These can be very painful, and they can make it difficult for you when you’re getting sober. The most common symptoms of withdrawal are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

You may also get cold sweats, chills, and body aches. You can also have trouble sleeping and feel very anxious.

It is important to be prepared for these symptoms so that you can deal with them effectively.

Create a Plan

Even if you know you want to get sober, it’s difficult to do so. You may feel like there is no way out of your addiction, and that makes it hard to take the first step toward sobriety.

One of the best ways to get yourself on track is by creating a recovery plan. The plan should include the steps you need to take to get sober, as well as what you will do once you’ve achieved sobriety.

Talk to Your Doctor

Your doctor can help you understand what your drug detox options are.

He or she will also be able to provide you with any medications that will help you achieve sobriety. It’s important to find a doctor who has experience with addiction and the type of substance abuse you are dealing with.

If your doctor is unfamiliar with drug addiction, he or she can refer you to another physician who has this knowledge.

Use the Buddy System

It’s important to have a friend or loved one around while you detox. This person should be someone who can support you but also monitor your safety. Getting through drug detox can be a hard process, and you may feel tempted to relapse.

Your support person can help you stay strong during this time and avoid making any poor decisions that could put your life at risk.

Go to Group Therapy

Group therapy is a great way to connect with others who are going through the same thing. It’s reassuring to know that you are not alone in your struggles. And it can help you learn new coping skills as well.

You can find support groups in your area by looking online or by calling local hospitals and treatment centers.

Stay Hydrated

During the first few days of your detox, you may feel nauseated and have a difficult time keeping food down.

You could get dehydrated if you don’t drink enough fluids to replace what you’re losing through vomiting or diarrhea. Make sure you drink plenty of water or other fluids every day while going through a drug detox.

You can also try natural juices or sports drinks that contain electrolytes.

Get Enough Sleep

To recover from a drug detox, you need plenty of rest.

The sleep you get while going through withdrawal can help make you feel better and speed up your recovery. If you have trouble sleeping, try using relaxation techniques to help calm your mind before bed.

You can also try taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to music before bed.

Avoid Stress As Much as Possible

Drugs can lead to stress and anxiety, which can make it harder for you to get through withdrawal.

You may not avoid every stressful situation in your life but try to keep your stress levels as low as possible while going through a drug detox. Talk to friends or family members who can help you deal with the stressful situations that come up.

If you’re having trouble dealing with stress, consider seeing a therapist or counselor.

Step Away From Temptation

It can be tempting to use drugs while you’re going through withdrawal, especially if you’re feeling bad. Try not to give in to this temptation. Stay away from people who are using drugs, and try not to go places where there is drug activity.

If you’re at home and feel tempted to use it, occupy yourself with something else.

Consider Inpatient Drug Detox

If you’re having trouble with withdrawal, consider going to an inpatient drug detox.

This type of program is helpful for many people who want to get clean but can’t do it on their own. An inpatient detox center is a safe place where you can be monitored by medical professionals while you go through the withdrawal process.

If you’re looking to go, checkout this local detox center.

Detox From Drugs: Have a Strategy in Place

Completing a detox from drugs is a process that takes time and patience. It’s also an important part of your journey toward recovery. If you are ready to get clean, the above are some steps you can take to ensure that the detox goes as smoothly as possible.

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