Lorna Jane shares her day on a plate

Lorna Jane Clarkson is one woman who seems to know the secret to eternal youth. The busy fitness entrepreneur, 53, always manages to look radiant.

It’s no surprise that this is partly thanks to the rigorous diet and exercise routine she follows, which the brains behind one of Australia’s largest activewear brands has shared with FEMAIL.

‘At the moment I’m following the Lorna Jane Active Living Program so my day on a plate is a little different to usual – and I’m happy to say a little bit more varied which is a good thing,’ she said.

Lorna Jane Clarkson, 53, (pictured) has shared with FEMAIL her diet and exercise regime

During the week her meals consist of overnight oats, a Caesar-inspired salad and fish tacos but on the weekend Lorna Jane likes to mix it up a little bit. 

‘I start with a delicious smoothie, either my wake-up smoothie or a green smoothie,’ she said.

‘I usually skip lunch and have a super delicious brunch with eggs and veggies and of course vegemite and avocado on sour dough bread instead.’

She explained that on Saturday and Sunday she normally has dinner out with friends or is at home watching a movie with her partner. 

At the moment her favourite things to eat are fresh coconuts, drinking the water and eating the flesh 

At the moment her favourite things to eat are fresh coconuts, drinking the water and eating the flesh 



Overnight oats:

½ cup oats

½ cup blueberries

1 scoop protein vanilla powder

1 cup filtered water


Caesar inspired salad

Palm sized serve protein

1 small or ½ cup sweet potato

2 cups mixed lettuce, extra spinach, fennel & capsicum

1 boiled egg


Healthy Fish Taco 

‘And I usually prepare something that takes a little longer to prepare, like my chicken lasagne, with sweet potato layers instead of pasta, or a slow cooked curry over steamed greens,’ Lorna Jane said.

‘As always dessert is on the menu and if I’ve had the oven on I’ll always make a fruit crumble – last week it was pear and strawberry with an oaty, nut cacao topping.’

At the moment her favourite things to eat are fresh coconuts – she drinks the water and eats the flesh which she finds ‘hydrating and delicious’.

Although many other people’s guilty pleasures would be something like a piece of chocolate cake, Lorna Jane’s is a new coffee blend that she said she is addicted to. 

‘It’s a chilled long black poured over crushed ice and a whole bunch of fresh mint leaves and then topped with coconut cream and a dash of Stevia,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘What a way to get your caffeine fix in the morning!’

During the week her meals consist of things like healthy fish tacos for dinner

During the week she eats overnight oats for breakfast

During the week her meals consist of things like overnight oats, a Caesar-inspired salad and fish tacos

Lorna Jane aims to keep her morning routine the same every day as she believes it puts her in the right state of mind for the day ahead. 

‘I wake up every day around 5am – I try to go to bed early so that I never have to set an alarm instead allowing my body to wake up naturally,’ she said.

‘I’ll then spend 10 minutes in meditation before pulling on my activewear that I’ve laid out the night before.’

Laying out her activewear is the biggest motivator to do exercise the next morning.

Lorna Jane aims to keep her morning routine the same every day as she believes it puts her in the right state of mind for the day ahead

Lorna Jane aims to keep her morning routine the same every day as she believes it puts her in the right state of mind for the day ahead

This is then followed by a quick smoothie, a workout and a walk around the block with her dog and her partner.

Lorna Jane then jumps in the shower and heads straight to work (she manages to do all of this before 8am).

The activewear mogul also keeps her beauty routine surprisingly minimal.

‘Every morning I’ll cleanse, moisturise and apply a little tinted moisturiser to my face before adding my favourite mascara,’ she said.

‘I always keep my rosewater spray on hand throughout the day to hydrate my skin before removing all the days make up once I get home with a wipe of coconut oil, cleanse my face and finally moisturising with a few drops of rose hip oil.’

Lorna Jane completes all of her morning tasks before she starts work at 8am

Lorna Jane completes all of her morning tasks before she starts work at 8am

Lorna Jane wants to make sure that good quality health and fitness is accessible for everyone so this week she launched her first free Active Living program.

‘Active Living is my personal life philosophy. It’s a way of life that has been adopted by thousands of women all over the world because it shows them how to incorporate health and fitness into their everyday lives with ease,’ she said.

‘It includes daily workouts and guides, nourishing meal plans, recipes and practices to get you on track with self love and self belief.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk