How well do YOU remember maths from school? Tricky quiz will put your knowledge of logic, calculation, algebra and geometry to the test
- British online maths programme, Smartick created quiz to test your knowledge
- Do you remember maths class well enough to get a 10 out 10 grade on this quiz?
- Calculators are barred and you’ll need to find the answers on your own!
Remember that time in maths class you thought ‘I won’t ever use this in the real world?’ Well think again.
British online maths programme, Smartick created a quiz to see how well you remember your school days ahead of Maths Week.
To get a perfect score, you’ll need to answer the ten following maths problems correctly, and your skills at logic, calculation, algebra and geometry to the test.
The questions vary in difficulty, but all are challenges that a child at school today would have to tackle.
Javier Arroyo, Co-founder of Smartick, said: ‘For many people, answering the questions may be difficult, no matter what age you are.
‘Rest assured, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Like anything, maths requires practice and for those of us who don’t regularly use it in our daily lives or jobs, it’s easy to lose the skill.’
Scroll down to take the test and find out how much you remember from your school days.
British online maths programme, Smartick created a quiz to see how well you remember your school days ahead of Math Week (stock image)