Mother who ‘wrapped son in cotton wool’ killed herself

Mother Susan Underwood, 38, had a violent row with those who gave her son cannabis

A doting mother who ‘wrapped her son in cotton wool’ killed herself after she flew into a bout of extreme rage at learning he had been smoking cannabis.

Businesswoman Susan Underwood, 38, was so enraged at finding the drug in her garden shed, she grounded eldest child Brandon, 21, before having a violent confrontation with those who gave him the substance.

Last April when Mr Underwood asked if he could go out again only to stay out 45 minutes later than usual, his mother dragged a knife down her own arm before resting it on his shoulder when he came home, asking ‘are you ready?’

Less than ten hours later Mr Underwood found her dead on the living room floor with notes of intent scattered around after taking a fatal overdose of prescription medication mixed with Jack Daniel’s and cola.

An inquest heard divorcee Mrs Underwood, who ran a tattoo parlour in Padgate, Warrington, Cheshire, was said to dote on her two children but she split up with her partner over rows about her mollycoddling Mr Underwood.

Mrs Underwood was found dead on her living room floor with notes of intent scattered around after taking a fatal overdose of prescription medication mixed with Jack Daniel's and cola

Mrs Underwood was found dead on her living room floor with notes of intent scattered around after taking a fatal overdose of prescription medication mixed with Jack Daniel’s and cola

Mrs Underwood was so enraged at finding cannabis in her garden shed in the Padgate area of Warrington in Cheshire that she grounded her eldest child Brandon (pictured), 21

Her son Mr Underwood is pictured

Mrs Underwood was so enraged at finding cannabis in her garden shed in the Padgate area of Warrington in Cheshire that she grounded her eldest child Brandon (pictured), 21

She had also been experiencing severe panic attacks after the setting up of her own business and had been prescribed a beta blocker and an anti-depressant drug.

Mr Underwood told the hearing in Warrington: ‘About two weeks before she died she found out I was involved with the wrong kind of people and smoking. She confronted me about it and I told her the truth.

‘She was not happy because it wasn’t cigarettes – it was weed. She was so annoyed she went over to have it out with those who gave that to me and I believe she had a scuffle with one or two of them but nothing serious.

‘She gave them back whatever she found, came home and rung the police. In her anger she was saying things like I was a disappointment to her. After that incident she got concerned when I went out and wanted me to stay in all the time. She was paranoid about my movements.

Susan Underwood was found dead on the living room floor of her home on this road in the Padgate area of Warrington in Cheshire after taking a fatal overdose

Susan Underwood was found dead on the living room floor of her home on this road in the Padgate area of Warrington in Cheshire after taking a fatal overdose

Mrs Underwood had been experiencing severe panic attacks after the setting up of her own business

Mrs Underwood  and had been prescribed a beta blocker and an anti-depressant drug

Mrs Underwood had been experiencing severe panic attacks after the setting up of her own business and had been prescribed a beta blocker and an anti-depressant drug

‘On April 6 I asked if I could go out with a few friends. She agreed and we had been out walking around. But I came in at quarter to 11 and should have been home at 10pm and I noticed she had been drinking.

‘She asked if I smoked any cannabis and I said I hadn’t and went upstairs, had a shower and got into bed. I remembered there was a push bike I wanted for college and it was the last day of term so I needed to sort it.

‘I shouted and she was in the kitchen listening to music and I think I made her jump – she got aggressive. I stood in the kitchen and she was by the fridge yelling. I didn’t respond or retaliate. She got back on to what happened previously.

‘She picked up a kitchen knife and started dragging the tip of it down her arm and her arm bled. I said ‘what’s that going to achieve?’ She came and rested it on my shoulder blade. She never hit me, this was the first time she ever did anything like this, I had never seen her use a weapon before. She was hammered. 

Divorcee Mrs Underwood ran a tattoo parlour in the Padgate area of Warrington, Cheshire

Divorcee Mrs Underwood ran a tattoo parlour in the Padgate area of Warrington, Cheshire

‘She pressed it to me and said ‘are you ready?’ I said no because I thought she was going to cut me. She told me to go to bed that was 2.30am and I did.

‘I had been asleep, it was just getting light outside. I could hear knocking and banging I imagined it was her kicking the coffee table. It sounded like she was crying. I thought she was upset under the influence.

‘I ignored her thinking she was still drunk and I rolled over and was able to go back to sleep. I woke up at about 12 noon and decided not to go to college. I thought I would just go out with friends.

‘At 12.05pm I got ready and went downstairs that’s when I found her lying in between the coffee table and fireplace. I checked for a pulse on her wrist and neck and couldn’t find any. My little sister was luckily out at a friends house.

Mrs Underwood 'threatened her son which she had never done before'

The inquest heard that 'it appears her anxiety had surfaced again shortly before her death'

Mrs Underwood ‘threatened her son which she had never done before – and it appears her anxiety had surfaced again shortly before her death’

Mr Underwood added: ‘She was rarely violent to me, she had a history of mental health problems which started when her father died. She had been taking medication for depression and tested positive for bipolar.

‘She was a casual drinker but had been drinking a lot more. Sometimes the mixture of drinking and medication made her jumpy and edgy, she would act aggressive.

‘She had never reacted the way she did the night before she died and had never threatened me with a weapon before.’

Mrs Underwood’s ex-partner Franz Spitzenberger said: ‘Sue loved both of her children very much – she was a very clean and tidy person and loved motorbikes, drawing and DIY. I got on well with Brandon we had a common interest in cars but we would often argue because I felt she wrapped Brandon in cotton wool.

A 'mixture of drinking and medication made her jumpy and edgy, she would act aggressive', according to her son

A ‘mixture of drinking and medication made her jumpy and edgy, she would act aggressive’, according to her son

‘In November 2016 I drove to Sue’s and spent the evening together but we had a silly argument and I left in a taxi to go home. I found out the next day she had dented every panel and scratched the car with a sharp instrument. We broke up in early January 2017, we stopped seeing each other and the relationship fizzled out.

Mrs Underwood 'loved both of her children very much - she was a very clean and tidy person', her former partner told the inquest

Mrs Underwood ‘loved both of her children very much – she was a very clean and tidy person’, her former partner told the inquest

‘On April 6 I went into the tattoo shop but she was not there then I messaged her saying “do you ever work?” as a joke. We exchanged a brief text conversation and she seemed her usual self – she was laughing and joking.

‘I asked if she wanted to do something at the weekend and she agreed that we should catch up. I fell asleep and hadn’t replied to texts and the last text was ‘you’re so irritating’ because there was no reply to the last text.

‘She has never mentioned trying to hurt herself. She always came across as someone strong and I don’t believe she would end her life as she loved her children too much to leave them.’

Registered mental health nurse Katie Toohey said: ‘Ms Underwood had experienced increased symptoms of panic attacks after the setting up of her own business two weeks previously as the likely trigger. She expressed feeling she would be better off dead but denied any plans of ending her life.’

Recording a conclusion of suicide, coroner Jean Harkin said: ‘It’s very clear that Sue Underwood had anger management issues. She threatened her son which she had never done before – and it appears her anxiety had surfaced again shortly before her death.’

She told Mr Underwood: ‘It’s very clear that your mother thought a lot about you and you need to remember those times and remember what a good person she was.’ 

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