Obama advisor David Axelrod says Biden turns into ‘Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino’ during outbursts

Obama advisor David Axelrod says Biden turns into ‘Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino’ when he tries his ‘public outbursts’ and is ‘frustrating’ people with his behavior

  • The former Obama White House advisor said ‘fear and panic’ was driving Democratic grumbling 
  • He said Biden was elected as a ‘calm, conciliatory figure’
  • Some Democrats complain they want to see more anger from the president 
  • Communications guru said when Biden does show anger it ‘comes across like Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino chasing kids off the lawn’
  • Biden blasted ‘out of control Supreme Court’ on Friday 

 Former Obama advisor David Axelrod said fear and ‘panic’ about the midterms is causing new grumbling from Democrats about the White House.

He acknowledged complaints that the Biden administration has come off as flat-footed contending with an explosive Supreme Court ruling on abortion and other matters – but said President Biden is limited in his ability to flash the fire some Americans are looking for.

‘When Democrats chose Joe Biden, when Joe Biden was elected, he was elected for the very things he’s being criticize criticized for,’ he told CNN’s ‘New Day’ Friday.

‘He was elected because he was seen as a calm, conciliatory figure after the tumultuous years of Donald Trump. He believes in working across the aisle. He’s not a guy who is given to, you know, public outbursts,’ he said, a day after Biden awarded a posthumous Medal of Freedom to 2008 GOP nominee John McCain, who Obama defeated with Biden on the ticket.  

‘When Democrats chose Joe Biden, when Joe Biden was elected, he was elected for the very things he’s being criticize criticized for,’ former White House advisor David Axelrod said Friday

Then he revealed that showing more flashes of anger might be a bad idea. 

‘Frankly when people say why isn’t he more angry out there – when he tries to do that, you know, he comes across like Clint Eastwood in Grand Torino chasing kids off the lawn,’ the spin-meister continued. ‘That’s not who he is.’

He was referencing the profane 2008 clip where Eastwood’s shotgun-wielding character tells a group of ruffians to ‘get off my lawn now!’ 

‘Biden is a measured guy. He’s an institutionalist. He’s behaving in the way one would expect, and now it is frustrating people,’ Axelrod added.

He compared Biden's flashes of anger to Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino

He compared Biden’s flashes of anger to Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino

Biden signed an executive order on abortion access two weeks after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade

Biden signed an executive order on abortion access two weeks after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade

Referring to Democratic angst, he said: ‘Well, fear and panic is what’s driving it. People are worried about the midterm elections, much of the clamor is coming from Capitol Hill, where many members are up for re-election in November. so that’s part of it.’

He also expressed sympathy for the White House staff, who must contend with the incoming. Adding to the difficulty is the inability of Democrats to overcome Senate filibuster rules or a Supreme Court with a 6-3 conservative majority, despite controlling the White House and Congress.

Biden on Friday called for people to express their frustration at the ballot box, and called for electing two more pro-choice senators. 

He blasted the court in his remarks. ‘What we’re witnessing wasn’t a constitutional judgment, it was an exercise in raw political power,’ Biden said. ‘We cannot allow an out of control Supreme Court, working in conjunction with extremist elements of the Republican party, to take away freedoms and our personal autonomy.” 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk