- A Victorian police officer has been called out for extreme derogatory behaviour
- The man, who has mental health issues, was booted after a disciplinary hearing
- He told a female officer she had a ‘cracking a***’ and asked to slap another’s
- The officer was ultimately dismissed from his post in the transit safety division
A Victorian police officer has been dismissed from his post in the transit safety division after a decade of derogatory and racist remarks were revealed during a disciplinary hearing.
The man, whose identity isn’t revealed, allegedly told a constable she had a ‘cracking a***’, offered to slap another’s ‘just once’ and made comments about public service officers not being Australian or greeted them as ‘homos’.
Between the years 2006 and 2007 he also allegedly asked a female colleague: ‘You’ve probably been warned about me haven’t you?’.
The man, whose identity is not known, allegedly told a constable she had a ‘cracking a***’, offered to slap another’s ‘just once’ and made comments about PSOs not being Australian or greeted them as ‘homos’
When she replied that she had, he continued with: ‘Don’t worry if I want you, you will know about it,’ the Herald Sun reported.
In later years the sergeant told PSOs they were not to have sex in the workplace before making an inappropriate comment about keeping relations private.
‘You’re not to have sex in the pods or anywhere else in the police station,’ he apparently began, before saying: ‘If you are going to do it then do it discretely.’
He allegedly showed PSOs a picture of a weather map in the shape of a female vagina with the words ‘today’s forecast, moist’ scrawled across it.
He allegedly showed PSOs a picture of a weather map in the shape of a female vagina with the words ‘today’s forecast, moist’ scrawled across it
While the officer contested his dismissal upon reviewing the comments Police Registration and Services Board Victoria upheld the decision.
While the police officer was later diagnosed with mental health issues, he made a point of saying his actions were only an effort to promote camaraderie.
He called the images and words he presented to PSOs ‘harmless’ despite the fact they left lasting impressions on the officers he spoke with.
The board said his unprofessional and repeatedly disrespectful conduct was made worse by the fact he didn’t appear willing or able to alter his behaviour.