Trump weighs in on Democratic debate melee from JAPAN while seated with German chancellor, then tells her: ‘I look forward to spending time with you rather than watching the debate’
- President Donald Trump commented on the Democratic presidential debate
- Candidates were going after each other while Trump met a series of leaders
- He blasted Democrats on immigrant health care while seated with the German chancellor
- He also tweeted about their call to provide health coverage even to illegal immigrants
- ‘That’s the end of that race!’
President Trump took time out of his skein of meetings with world leaders in Japan to weigh in on the Democratic debate melee – blasting the candidates’ latest comments on immigration even while saying he would rather not watch the spectacle.
‘I just passed the television set on the way here,’ The president said Friday local time while seated alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, while pool cameras covered the exchange 13 time zones away from the action on the Miami debate stage.
‘I saw that health care and maximum health care was given to 100 percent of the illegal immigrants coming into our country by the Democrats. Unfortunately, they didn’t discuss what they’re giving to American citizens. That’s not a good thing,’ Trump said.
President Donald Trump weighed in on the Democratic debate during a press event with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, then said he would rather meet with her than watch it
He was referencing comments by candidates, including former Vice President Joe Biden, that they would extend coverage even to illegal immigrants. Biden had said it was the right thing to do and that immigrants help pay for Social Security and help the country.
Then Trump expanded on his comments while seated next to the German chancellor: ‘You know they had a debate going on. They had the first debate last night. It wasn’t very exciting. I can tell you that,’ he said, having also tweeted about it.

President Donald Trump meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, Friday, June 28, 2019

Trump blasted Democrats for raising their hands in favor of providing government health coverage to illegal immigrants

The president also tweeted about the issue, in between meetings with the heads of Japan, India, and Germany
Trump had weighed in from Air Force One, calling it ‘BORING.’
‘We have plenty of candidates that’s about it,’ Trump said. Then he addressed a comment to Merkel, indicating he was not so interested in the debate he had just sneaked a peek at.
‘I look forward to spending time with you rather than watching the debate,’ he told her.
Trump tweeted before his sit-down: ‘All Democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare. How about taking care of American Citizens first!? That’s the end of that race!’
Biden had said during the debate: ‘You cannot let people who are sick, no matter where they come from, no matter what their status, go uncovered. You can’t do that.’
South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg agreed that ‘our country is healthier when everyone is healthier,’ and ‘we do ourselves no favors by having 11 million undocumented people in our country be unable to access health care.’
‘But of course the real problem is we shouldn’t have 11 million undocumented people with no pathway to citizenship,’ he added.